whats ur best clarence
Clarence thread
This makes me want to do roids so bad.
Swimming in pussy within 10 weeks
where's that from? asking for a friend
How does this cunt lift so damn much and still not look as good as Zyzz in his prime?
eh, more like 10 years of training topped off by roids in the last 3-4. plus perfect genetics
>caught u mirin
Recent jujimufu collab
doesn't train for aesthetics. actually had to stop training biceps because they were affecting his athletics. off cycle in that picture.
a friendly reminder that Clarence is an olympic gold medal level weightlifter who trains himself. also could be GOAT level PL'er if he wanted.
>gold medal level
As much as I have a totally non homo boner for Clarence, this isn't true. Maybe in a few years he could come close but he's not that good yet.
>GOAT level PL'er
Can't wait for his early thirties when he starts competing in PL
why is this dude to fucking humble and nice? he outlifts all chads and most powerlifters.
>big legs aren't aesth-
Come on guys we have so much new Clarence content thanks to Juji
Follow this guy you won't be disappointed
Clarence has a big rod I think
typical millenial who thinks drugs are the answer, not one mention of training
you will never lift like clarence does with that attitude anyways, it takes alot longer than a cycle to get that jacked
well then don't hide the username faggot
why does it affect athletics? too sore, too big? i dont understand how having stronger anything is detrimental to anything as long as you retain mobility to do the lifts
Big biceps get in the way of cleans
He's literally a 10/10 of the "fitness" industry
>Lifts for prestige and numbers
>Is actually knowledgeable
>Is more aesthetic than gymbros
>Stronger,more agile and flexible than 99.99999% of the population
>Is funny as fuck when loosens up and feels comfortable
>Fanbase contains almost no cancer
>Keeps a low profile,doesn't seem to like the spotlight
Clarence, get on Fin and/or Mox. I like the shaggy hair look. Love, user.
>and still not look as good as Zyzz
U wot m8
He's screwed especially running gear.
Manyfacesofclarence is amazing
here's one you "forgot"
Is that bad?
>you'll never hang out with Clarence in your weight garage and get to listen to his weird, perfect-form pneumatic squatting
Why live?
>>Fanbase contains almost no cancer
That's a good one. Look at all the extremely cringy ""ironic"" homoerotic comments on his vids and streams
is there a definite answer as to what kind of hapa he is? I've heard both half japanese and half filipino, definitely looks like half white/half japanese to me.
those are from his jujimufu collab. he spent like a week or something training with that fag Juji (can't stand the cunt but love me some Clarry)
yeah I really admire him. also he's probably shy due to being part asian. and he was probably a virgin in his youth. I mean you don't take up tricking if you're the popular kid in high school. definitely watched his fair share of naruto. but all is well and good now.
>and he was probably a virgin in his youth
tfw 11yo khv
have you not seen the latest memes?
"virgins" goes way beyond whether you've had sex or not. I've had sex with a few girls but I'd consider myself a virgin. virgin is simply the yin to chad's "wow!"
shoulders and core is everything.
how does he bave suck a big chest? shoulderst aren't even that big comparatively.
Genetics. His bench is hella strong too. 440# last I checked.
i want a girl to look at me the way clarence looks at juji
Fuck look how wide his hips are. Just that lateral space between his legs. He's fucking built perfect for this.
HGH gut is comin in nice
He drinks Hi-C during his workouts. WTF.
Literally a flat stomach?
too many summerfags that just learned new terms lol
tfw don't even qualify as a virgin appearantly anymore.
Debating whether to post my Clarence tattoo
Clarence is half Irish, half Filipino apparently.
what is Veeky Forumss obsession with this guy? i know he's strong and everything, but other than that, what's his appeal? he's boring as fuck and has no personality.
Irish fag here.
I knew someone who was also Irish/Filipino and who's surname is Kennedy.
I wonder if they're related.
He's chill and simple. It's like a breath of fresh air comparing to the average fitness youtuber.
He's one of us, if we actually had world class work ethic and too tier genetics.
He looks like fucking Kevin Spacey here
I feel like Clarence's appeal is that Veeky Forums is grasping for a new hero since Zyzz died
I like Clarence for the same reason why I like Pete Rubish. He doesn't bullshit about on his channel and do the usual youtube song and dance, and his videos are generally either brief or informative.
I think he looks better with it short. Shaggy and jacked don't work together too well
He drops spageutti a lot.
Im not gay or anything, but I would totally be his gf, no homo.
Constantly. In all social situations
its kinda... cute
you mean steroids.
A real human bean...
Zyzz ain't no hero.
>implying steroids change muscle insertions
>typical millennial
clarence is autism incarnate
he seems so awkward with eye contact + he wears autism shoes
I still love him and mire so much though, no homo ofc
>he's boring as fuck and has no personality.
which is what we are, and getting Veeky Forums is what we hope might make people give us attention. Clarence has achieved all that, so we look up to him.
he's the autistic kid from school got jacked but still looks like the guy who does naruto run in gym class
Clarry can make anything good, even a cringey music vid like youtube.com
Holy shit I despise Jujimufu so much.
Unfortunately he's going to collab with Eric very soon so I'm going to have to watch that as well.
Juji is /ourguy/ tho
Is he really though? Or just exploiting our power level?
Why isn't Clarence competing anymore?
He is very far off olympic gold level, he wouldnt even stand a chance in the 85kg Weight class
If he was in their programs, had their drug protocol, nutrition, and didn't have to work a job, he would more than bridge the gap
holy fuq is quads have quads
do it faggot
new Clarence content
Yes u think that cuz u can relate lol
Yea they really hindered Klokov didn't they
You wot m8? Clarence has trained like 10 years out of which 3 years on gear.
>Fanbase contains almost no cancer
Has literally the worst fanbase out of the entire fitness community. 99% of his fans are non stop joking about how they are gay for him, its cringe as fuck.
He doesn't even train most of his show muscles though, if he did he would look way bigger.
All he does is fucking squats and oly lifts, he only benches like once or twice a month.
Steroids literally make you grow all over without even doing anything.
idk man. there's some awful fanbases!