>outside of fit
>among the top 2% americans, my noob gains are bigger than even construction workers
>come to fit
>lmao dyel faggot, manlet balding loser
why don't we treat each other better, isn't this board about self improvement?
>outside of fit
>among the top 2% americans, my noob gains are bigger than even construction workers
>come to fit
>lmao dyel faggot, manlet balding loser
why don't we treat each other better, isn't this board about self improvement?
We don't like to see people kid themselves, we tell you how it actually is. There's so many delusional idiots on the Internet, I'd be surprised if you're not delustional.
This isn't Reddit you closeted faggot. Here self improvement literally means improving ones own self hatred. Embrace the nihilsm.
People here are insecure in real life so they project onto others here to feel better about themselves.
40% of the population is overweight retard.
even being 15% body fat already put you in slim body
Being better than 98% of people isn't good enough. You gotta at least be in the top .05%, buddy.
crabs in a bucket mentality
Most of the population are either elderly, children, or overweight. Of those who aren't either, few lift, and even fewer lift seriously. You aren't impressive for participating dipshit.
90% of people here dont lift see
Oh so we have to lower our standards because other people look like trash? Stupidest thing I heard all day
fuck off my board you emoji using newfag
>my standarts isn't being fit and healthy but using roids and body dysmorphia
Youre a fucking loser and will never make it, if you want approval and compliments go to tumblr instead
>this board is about mental illness and drug abuse
really made me think.
I think big roided faggots look disgusting btw.
>newfaggots whining about not being circlejerked to death
Youre a fucking insecure loser. You started this thread because u couldnt handle somebody criticizing you. Then when people dont agree with you, you start to talk about how this board is obsessed with steroids and body dysmorphia, to justify to yourself why you didnt get appraisal and compliments.
Seriously, youre a loser
pic related looks better than roided fags.
Nihilism isn't necessarily a dark or bad thing tho
You seem to use that word a lot. Projection?
>boogie has been browsing Veeky Forums for years
Can't make this shit up.
Keep coping.
>this is an actual photograph of what Veeky Forums looks like down to the frogtech skin
>he seriously think roids look better than natty
ayy lmao.
you got body dysmorphia.
That's not what nihilism is you fucking brainlet.
dragging others down is easier than fixing yourself. the vast majority of this board is r9k/incel/lookism shit or roided fatties.
Veeky Forums helped me beef up and stop being a dyel but also made me realize I'll never "make it" because of my retardrd genetics (manlet, balding at 18, scoliosis and kypholordosis, weak chin, crooked teeth)
>dragging others down is easier than fixing yourself.
>the vast majority of this board is r9k/incel/lookism shit or roided fatties.
Are you being hypocritical as a joke or something
none of the people mentioned want to fix themselves
I am an incel and I do
Everyone wants to fix themselves.
Or you can accept what you are and make best of it
Fucking this
What you said is anti nihilism. Nihilism would be "why even bother lifting, what's the point, look, zyzz died, rich died two weeks ago. There is no point to anything"
Fuck that Gay shit
I wish I knew. Veeky Forums used to have more camaraderie. It was about a guy like m00t making it, working on himself. We found each other in this journey of the self.
Now it's /r9k/ and /pol/ obsessing over genetics and girls and how everybody looks "like total shit." It sucks. We'll never get old Veeky Forums back.
>cbt pic of user with better physique than average
>"we tell you how it is"
Get over yourself. There is no "we." It's just you, making your own decisions, choosing to be an asshole.
if you tell me your stats and how long you'vebeen lifting I'll tell you if you're doing well or not
I prefer nu-fit tbqh, and I've been here since day one.
That's what I am doing but it isn't easy to just 'accept' the things that hold me back. Getting Veeky Forums gives you the "you can reach everything through hard work and dedication" mentality which won't help you fight your genetics.
no. lookism faggots cant accept the fact that 99.9% of the straight male population dont give a shit about male fashion models and instead of fixing their problem they try to brainwash people into their tumblr mental illness by creating 20 threads a day and dragging people down.
/r9k/ is mainly about mental illness and only newfags crosspost here.
incels are just the redditor version of lookism faggots.
Yep, constant shitposting about blacks, cucks, incels, hair lines, and whores is so great! Give me a break.
There are no two words in the English language more harmful than "good job".
Sorry if it isn't to your tastes I guess, personally I and apparently a good chunk of the board find it hilarious though. There are plenty of other places online if you want a serious lifting community.
You're talking to a lookism faggot, retard. You're wrong on everything except the creating 20 threads a day and having a mental illness part.
Facelet is mad af lmfaoo just go to reddit pls
t. Guy who's father didn't love him.
>this food is shit
>not it isn't
>no, really, it's just feces on my plate. The food here used to be really good. What happened?
>Sorry if it isn't to your tastes I guess, personally I and apparently a good chunk of my customers find feces delicious
I'm not the problem here.
Let's accept the idea that nu/fit/ loves eating shit and you don't. By coming here you only hurt yourself.
It's not Veeky Forums, it's the whole imageboard culture since the beginning of times. Just fuck off back to normieweb nigger
This boards purpose is to keep people down, to make people insecure. This applys to every single thread. CBT, height, fat, diet, power lifting, fraud, etc. Once you understand that, this place can be fun because you don't take the advice of these sub humans to the heart, it took me almost ten years to understand this site.
Don't believe ANYTHING here. These people are bitter and only want to set you down to their level. Everyone deserves happynes and a fulfilling life
This. Look at every single thread as a bitter guy trying to bring everyone else down and suddenly the entire board makes sense.
>be brainlet
>embrace le nihilism
>underage b&
pick all
someone pointed out my failings and insecurities
Wait no, instead of improving, it's everyone else that is wrong!
This is Veeky Forums not Instagram faggot.
You can't improve in an echo chamber of nihilism and cinicism. There is absolutely no reason to visit this board if you want to improve. 90% of the threads are not Veeky Forums related and give you zero knowledge or help.
That is absolutely not what I meant, yet you are proving my point. Thank you
Post a pic of your body
I can't argue with that.
But I have nowhere else to go. This was my home.
Learn to love the shit user.
well maybe you should lift, grow and buy a wig you homo
that's right, and top 0.05% still isnt like super good, being better than 0.01% is kinda good already
absolutely btfo
Just because the bar is low doesn't mean anyone should be impressed
>This isn't Reddit you closeted faggot.
>Here self improvement literally means improving ones own self hatred. Embrace the nihilsm.
you lost me there
>lifting for external validation
what a cuck.
>put a shirt on him
>no one can tell that he lifts
>lifting for any other reason than self improvement and health
lmao nigger.
True but tbf OP is the one seeking validation and comparing himself to the rest of the population.
>lifting for health
>wanting to live past 70
lmao nigger
>tfw fresh out of the womb and already fucked up by life