Name 1 (one), just ONE, legitimate benefit of being able to move/carry/lift more weight than the average person can.
I'll wait here.
Name 1 (one), just ONE, legitimate benefit of being able to move/carry/lift more weight than the average person can.
I'll wait here.
MOving furniture and large house appliances
You don't have to have another man carry your wife when a hurricane hits
>object falls on friend
>need to be strong to lift it off of them
>dont have to pay somebody money to carry shit for you
>can get paid by weaklings to pick stuff up and move it for them
>come in handy when you need to put lots of torque on something you are screwing/unscrewing
>can pick up and carry somebody that is unable to walk
>carry groceries in one trip
>can intimidate people weaker than you
just pay someone to do this. or have your friends help
that asian guy was fat. i said "average" person
when's the last time an object fell on anyone around you . stop making shit up
literally all beta, insecure "hurr let me intimidate you" bullshit. someone with a gun will blow your head off, roidfag
What a shitty troll thread.
>Jewish society collapses
>rioting and civil wars destroy modern infrastructure
>humans have to learn how to survive in the wild
>literally survival of the fittest
>muscular Chad rips beta soy boy's head clean off
You're gonna need to get Veeky Forums, user.
>just pay someone to do this. or have your friends help
Well just being able to do it by yourself is a benefit imo.
>Jewish society collapses
stopped reading there
yea but what is the opportunity cost? you could've spent all that time in the gym bettering yourself/your career in meaningful ways
>just pay someone to do this. or have your friends help
or do it yourself in 5 seconds without spending money or having to wait for your dumbass friends to come over because you aren't a weak pussy?
>stopped reading there
>you could've spent all that time in the gym bettering yourself
that's literally what you're doing, retard
you seem upset no one wants to read your anti-semitic drivel. you're better off posting on my racist friend
gtfo pussy
l2read fucking retard
It wasn't even anti-semitic. It was just factual. If I said "kike society" then that would be anti-semitic, you gigantic faggot.
kill yourself immediately
>its not racist/anti-semitic unless i SAY nigger, kike/yid etc
wow, this is too retarded to be bait. you truly believe this. lmao, some people are just too far gone
roidrage? it's ok pal. literally nobody in this thread has brought forth a solid argument. it's pathetic
Carrying these feels
Assuming the "average person" is active, healthy and fit, there are no real meaningful benefits. That's okay though - for most people this is just a hobby.
Assuming the "average person" is actually the average person, there are numerous health benefits. Do you realize how many older people there are whose quality of life has gone right down the shitter because they've lead such horrendously inactive lifestyles?
Having said all this, there's a big difference between training for your good health and training for maximum performance. But once again, most people are doing this for fun.
no u
they presented solid arguments, you're just too stupid to consider anything besides your retarded preconceived lazy fat slob notions being right. Your removal from the gene pool would benefit humanity. No anger here.
>don't carry me or my wife and her son ever again.
Because I'm not average and don't want to be just average
Stronger bone density, less risk for osteoporosis, sarcopenia, fibrosis, lower Resting HR/BP
>Assuming the "average person" is active, healthy and fit, there are no real meaningful benefits. That's okay though - for most people this is just a hobby.
Veeky Forums CANNOT accept this redpill
Women love it when you can toss them around without effort.
I'm going to put as much effort in my response as you did into your bait.
>sage in all fields
gives me the self illusion of being an alpha male.
idk why anybody mentioned the fact some people can mess with you, if you are strong you can beat them up, as well as some faggots who do eye contact at you looking for a fight
really, being strong helps a lot, in case you fight someone you are most likely to win
can actually be detrimental, big arms make your punches slower if you don't have the frame and fast twitch fibers to handle it, not to mention you wouldn't even know what you're doing in a fight or how to utilize your size advantage.
there were so many cases of this in the wrestling business due to all the steroid guys thinking they were tough, guys like Goldberg getting BTFO by Jericho because he thought he muscles would win him a fight, or
Hawk losing to Too Cold Scorpio or Ultimate Warrior getting slapped around by Ravishing Rick Rude. Muscles do not teach you how to fight or make you tough, just saying be careful if you come across "likes to fight guy". As Bruce Lee stated more or less: be kind to everyone or never underestimate anyone.
i said being strong, not being a bodybuilder you idiot
>being at my gf's house
>she is taking a shower while I'm watching TV in the living room
>gf's mom arrives (6/10 pretty decent for her age)
>"Hey there, user. Good to see you"
>after a while I' fell asleep on the couch cause women take a fucking eternity to get ready
>gf's mom came again and says loudly "IF ONLY WE HAD A MAN IN THIS HOUSE"
>woke up
>"can you help me moving some boxes user?"
>"sure, ma'am"
>lift all her shit
>"wow user, you're so strong, look at those muscles"
>she touches my arms and giggles
>I panic and start asking her about the climate
Thanks for reading my blog btw
>driving down freeway
>notice an SUV going very slowly up an exit off the freeway that is on an incline
>look closer
>big black dude is pushing his SUV up the exit that was maybe 200 feet long and uphill.
I don't know if he made it all the way but I >sheeeited internally as I was passing.
There was a gas station at the very top so I know he wasn't stranded or anything.
That guy was strong as fuck.
same difference, being strong doesn t win fights. you have any clue how strong Goldberg is? there is no one on this site even close to his physical strength.
Carrying your gf up a flight of stairs will get everyone mirin
Nice one user.
bro this is a bait thread
much better at my sport
Go gas yourself shlomo
Carrying my gf to the bedroom. That shit makes her wet everytime.
I think of it as insurance for the body. You never know when you may need to exert more than you're used to and being able to do it with ease at the cost of maybe 40 minutes a day where otherwise I'd just be scratching my balls browsing the internet really isn't that big of an expenditure
aesthetics give you insane charisma. charisma = success in life.
To impress children since they all love guys as big and strong as super heroes. Useful during charity events among other things
To effortlessly princess carry women which makes every American girl wet as fuck thanks to Disney.
To fuck every wet American girl like she's a rag doll or my own personal flesh light because I have the strength to move her any way I want.
To always get selected to speak at conferences or just be the face of the team in general despite your lack of experience and knowledge. The body alone makes people listen to you and makes you the most desirable rep.
And of course, to bring in a few weeks worth of groceries back from the car in one trip.
Well it makes you look bigger, so people wont try to mess with you
Then again, most people just do this as hobby
In my particular case i just have nothing better to do with my life and i don't have to work so when i stopped enjoying playing vidya i ended up here
Also it feels fucking awesome
>in clothing store
>trying on an XXL jacket
>mom takes a look at how it fits
>jacket's too small
>taking it off
>"damn your arms are huge"
t-thanks, mom