Friend hires personal trainer at planet fitness

>friend hires personal trainer at planet fitness
>trainer has him doing curls and tricep pulldowns for like an hour a day

Are PTs a meme? I don't think he has a clue what he's doing

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Yes they are memes. You're only going to be a great lifter and make progress if you're smart enough to do research and have discipline

>Planet fitness

If you were a PT there how long would it take to just start giving meme routines after genuinely trying to help people get fit and finding out they don't actually care?


If you need someone to show you how to lift and when to lift you're too dumb to make gains

PT here
You have to throw meme routines out at beginners because they're scared of doing any sort of compound movement/ using free weights. Sessions are also usually an hour, and that time flies by, so you can't really fit everything you'd want to do like in your own routine in.

Yes unless the gym is reputable or they're independent

When you understand that PTs are salesmen and not coaches, their behaviour becomes a lot easier to understand.

My friends been lifting for years and has hardly made any gains, I benched and ohp significantly more than him after my first month in the gym

>not being able to Google a routine and follow it properly
>not being able to motivate yourself to go to the gym

Never gonna make it if you need a personal trainer, making gains is easy as fuck if you aren't retarded

I started lifting with a PT who took a scrawny 75kg me and in about a year/year and a half got to a 84kg guy who squats 100kg, deadlifts 120kg and benches 70kg.

>my bench is pathetic, I know.

But the point is he got me improving massively in my compounds lifts.

A year to bench 70kg? U wot did you not move at all or do any labor jobs your whole life?

No offense but those numbers arent optimal for a year of lifting. Even starting strength can get somebody to a three plate squat in six months.

I don't know all the details. You might have aids or ALS, but if you don't, not great

>my bench is pathetic
>Not everything else also

Don't mean to put you down user, but in a year and a half, you should of hit 1/2/3/4 easily (yes, starting from 75kg), unless you have mitigating circumstances.

Why couldn't you just google a routine and lift and not need the help of a trainer? It mind boggles me how dumb some people are

Pretty much, yeah. My 1rep max is 85, but I only count the weight I can rep.

Can and could is a viable argument, but he did. And while it could* be better, its as good as it ever was. While without said help i would have still been at zero.

Yeah, no problem, I'm aware of how the shit goes down, I'm open to being blasted, but I'm non the less proud of not being intimidated by people on here (claiming) to bench 200 in 3 months while weighing 65kg in highschool.

70kg bench lol that's first week at the gym type shit, my 1rm on bench the first time I ever tried benching was 115lb

Some people are like children and need to be guided through everything

I did, I would arch my back while doing military presses and didn't realize what I was doing wrong cuz I knew jack shit despite watching youtube videos (go figure).

Congratulations, my first was 66lbs.

Retarded people can figure out how to lift you don't need a trainer to pick things up and put them down

Yeah, its pretty much a luxury one affords.

This makes you angry because?

No man cares about another man's money as much as he cares about his own. This is why you probably don't want to trust all of your assets to an advisor/salesman for a big financial company.

For the fit equivalent, replace money/assets with gains and advisor/salesman with PT, particularly from a low quality gym.

If your PT lacks the knowledge or incentive to be a fiduciary for your gains, it's better to DIY.

So you're basically claiming every person off the street in the gym would easily be able to deadlift/squat with no fear of injury because everyone would instinctively have picture perfect form?

Sounds like your PT has been milking you, my dude. You haven't made much progress (honestly, forget about people e-stating here), and now you know the lifts and have a program, what is he good for?

30 minutes on Google and you can figure out how to get swole if you aren't retarded

Again, this is where people need to do research. Smart phones are everywhere YouTube videos are readily accessible. You can cross-reference what you're doing with the correct way, instantaneously

>start lifting 6 months ago
>everything I know is from the internet
>some guy starts going at the same time
>he only follows what the PT says
>I'm starting to notice my gains pretty clearly
>meanwhile he still jogs for 30 minutes and does abs forever
I hate bad PTs with a passion. That dude has gone nowhere.

you could do that with a shitty diet and lifting once a week, difference is this way cost you £££

Very very embarrassing

I workout alone now. He did his part and I'm grateful for his help.

Even if it was slow.

Exactly, I agree. With basic lifting knowledge now YT videos are a treasure trove of information to use. And that process was that much more easier because I paid someone to walk me through it safely (like a child, as someone pointed out).

PT's job is to fucking make workout for normies fun
If you would tell everyone to clean tuna and chicken everyday and put everyone on SS for actual noob gains, you would get fucking fired after people would start leaving the gym a week into the membership.
They come in, you pretend to be their friend for an hour, listen to complains about second half, do some easy exercises and let them go feeling happy about themselves

>>trainer has him doing curls and tricep pulldowns for like an hour a day
that can easily cause rhabdomyolysis
what an idiot

> 70kg bench lol that's first week at the gym type shit
nothing like anonymous clay forums to get feed into delusions lol

Just kills me when I see personal trainers act like they're actually friends with their clients. And the clients buy it.

They literally only talk to you because you're paying them

I coach my friends and they already outlift you, they started in june this year.

Congratulations to them! We're all entirely the same and they outperform me exclusively down to your coaching and my failure is entirely down to my PT.

What I really need is not a PT, but a dietologist, personal cook and free whores for test gains. Lifting is the easy part after all.


It depends on what you are looking for. I don't have a PT for fitness advice, I hired him because it's less awkward to purchase a lifting partner than asking a rando for a spot or motivation. Blame autism or introversion, whichever you like.

PTs are a meme but if you don't have a clear and defined objective they're even memeier.
They will sense your confusion, prescribe stupid bullshit and you will make 0 gains and leave after a month

>year of lifting to get To my 9th grade totals
Kek. I really hope this is bait or you are a gril

I sometimes wonder if I could be the greatest PT of all time. All I need to do is get every cunt on Sl5x5 for a couple of months then PPL

See, the problem is thats a good way to never see your clients again.

when I started, I wanted to get a PT, mostly to verify the shit you fucks say. It's hard for a noob to know whats a meme and whats actual advice.

Not to mention a PT (or a friend) for the first few times is good to work on proper form.

L.O.L.Nigger ! I AM 75kg and I bench 70kg, started out 2 months ago.

He probably told the trainer some of the usual dyel bullshit, like he "just wants big arms" and the trainer didn't give a fuck and just told him how to do exactly that.

>year and a half of training with a coach
>cant bench bw

Nonsense. The guys who make gains are the guys who end up at the gym for the rest of their lives. The main problem with PTs is that most of their clients are women, and as much as I like and value women, they are generally retarded in the gym.

PT is a protected term used to designate highly educated and licensed Physical Therapists

This title along with the terms "Physical Therapy" and "Physiotherapy" are protected terminology. Please refer to Certified Personal Trainers by their appropriate designation "CPT" Thank you

they're all idiots though

Here is a link with a state-by-state breakdown of title protections

would you like to elaborate


Lifting and making gains is so easy that if you can't make gains you're dumb as a brick or just have shit genes

I want you to mind anyone givimg you criticism looks like absolute trash or is on roids. All this 1/2/3/4 in a year nonsense is fucking idiotic.

Most PT's

Especialy at chain gyms are horrendous and insanely cocky and dont know shit.

Theirs this 1 dude @ gym, typical Moroccan attitude, 1handed bench spotting, his form on flyes is wank, hell how he sits back with light weak dumbells is even fucked up.

Commented to him once about a womans squat form, not realising he was a PT, that maybe try having her do goblit squats since her form was that jank.

Now everytime he just stares at me like im his arch enemy, maybe the fact im much stronger then him makes him angrier.

Just fuels my funnybone so whatever,
Theirs a shitload of other stories about this cunt talking to a guy thats just training with his gf, and he walks up to him claiming he should pay if he's training her (300euro) and how he allways sees him around with other girls...
While the girl he is training is his fucking GF.

So yeah, most pt's are cunts.

Please refer to Thank you

As long as you're stronger than you were a week ago and you consistently leave the gym with nothing left in the tank than you're doing good user, keep going.

Yeah they are a full meme, don't trust PT's, they are beyond braindead.

I hit 1 on the first day for reps, 2 in maybe 6-8 months for reps. 3 when not even squatting within a year and most I got when deadlifting was 371-6 I think within 11 months. Don't deadlift due to room and do even less squats due to constant injuries.

Point is I looked like shit when I hit it, and I look like shit at under 180 pounds when I thought I'd be fucking shredded.

If you're lifting for aesthetics, then it doesn't matter what you lift. If you're lifting for strength, get on an actual strength program. And if you're just lifting to better yourself, then just getting in there and pushing yourself 3 or more times a week is enough.

For example I just did a 100 pound added pullup and just about doh racked pulled below the knees 405 (did it once before with heavy sumo cheating). Not the greatest goals to have, but considering I couldn't do a fucking pullup and had the weakest grip ever from 1-20-ish, it's great for me.

Just keep doing things. Keep finding random shit to push towards. Things you want to do, not things you feel pressured to do. You don't have to bench 2 plates, you just have to bench more than you could before. You won't ever be the strongest guy, but you can make your past self look like a huge pussy.

>70 kg (154 lbs) is first week lifting
>first week I benched I started out 39 pounds lower


Honestly this. My lifting bro is a pt at one. He's huge as fuck and knows what he's doing but the clientele there have no self control

Is planet fitness an ok starting point for a broke ass who's never exercised in his life?

>most PT's
>I know that one guy

People have told me to become a PT "becuase you know so much about food and exercise user"
I still look like shit though, and iirc unless you can network like a mad cunt, it's really shit pay

Any PTs to whey in?

assuming these aren't including the bar lads

Your lifts suck for your bodyweigh desu. You need to cut and then set yourself up for a solid permabulk to make consistent progress. Don't listen to retards who say you should squat 3pl8 in a year, you should set yourself up to squat 5pl8 in 3 years rather than bulk on SS and reach early intermediate with numbers that will drop as soon as you have to cut those 10-15kg of bodyfat you gained during your novice bulk.