Daily reminder that heavy lifting is not sustainable
Daily reminder that heavy lifting is not sustainable
>Be weak, goyim.
Literally just don't lift with bad form, don't abuse steroids and don't do retardgram AKA roidaroo programming.
>i'm just guessing and started lifting two weeks ago
Yeah you should do inefficient shit in your twenties in preparation for being an old fuck 40+ years from now
I'm planning on getting my lifts to
DL: 140kg
SQ: 120kg
BP: 80kg
OHP: 60kg
And not exceeding that weight, just increasing reps indefinitely
>lifting +800 lbs is equivalent to a dyel 1 rep maxing 225
>stopping before 2pl8 bench
The rest of it sounds good though
Good thing I do high volume medium weights
>not training for hypertrophy
Dude come on
Deadlifted 2xBW today, feeling great. :^)
You're a woman, right? Those are bretty good numbers for a girl.
Good on you man!
Funny, post a timestamped pic big man
get bench to 2pl8 and you're set for a good looking natty and athletic physique without looking like an overcompensating roidlet.
Dennis Wolf is a bodybuilder and his spine is way more fucked up than Lilliebridges, who is back in the gym now and lifting more than anyone on Veeky Forums
I thought 1pl8 was two 20kg plates, 1 each side?
I acknowledge that these lifts aren't that impressive when compared to the average power lifter, I'm not trying to impress anyone, I just want some decent strength and endurance ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
Bar = 20 kg
1pl8 = 20 kg on each side = 40 kg
2pl8 = 20 + 2 * 40 = 100 kg
OHP is too high in comparison to the others
Bench is too low
I meant 1pl8 = 20 + 20 kg on each side = 60 kg my bad
>counting the bar
>I'm just going to do 20x20 on deadlift! That'll work!
You sound like a fucking idiot.
You should be doing that within a year, there is no way you won't get bored and give up like the rest of the DYELS. Have fun going to the gym lifting the same weight over and over again.
Yeah if you're a roiding elite tier PL lifting literally tens of thousands of pounds per session every single day you have a higher chance of getting injured. Luckily for you cucks you're all weak as fuck and don't need to worry about it.
one of the few daily reminders that are actually daily
Thank you I am very committed
so wtf should a weak noob do?
is building a strength base sustainable?
Stop making retarded assumptions friend :)
Hey man whatever gets you to the gym, everyone is different, dont assume our motivations align ;)
>"Yeah sure I'm almost certainly going to be a cripple later in life, but I can pick up heavier things than you right now"
yeah, but you said that once you reach it, which means that you are probably pretty new to the gym, which gives you no credit to your ability to be motivated.
Same as the "honeymoon phase" in relationships going to the gym is almost always fun in the beginning. But if you're not making progress after years of training i doubt anyone would continue. Screenshot this post and if you still workout consistently without lifting more than those beginner numbers in 5 years ill eat my hat.
Not the guy you replied to.
How long does the honeymoon phase generally last?
>ill eat my hat.
isn't this a reddit thing?
well most people get bored after 3 months, just look at the new years rush and before summer rush. Most (like 95%) people who i have met during working out for 4 years have quit within 1-2 years.
But once i got bored of "aesthetics" i kinda wanted to quit, but instead i started lifting heavy and focusing on strength gains, which gave me a huge ego and motivation boost. Been doing it for about 30 months now.
>eat my hat, i don't know. Im pretty sure it's a pretty well known saying that goes back to like Charles Dickens or some shit 200 years ago. I guess Veeky Forumss version would be "Ill eat your cum, no homo".
I never said being a PL was a good idea, but 99% of lifters are never going to be even close to that strong, so saying you're going to get crippled even though you aren't going through the same stress is over extrapolation.
So you're not going to raise volume indefinitely? That's what you said you're going to do.
is it true that light weight (by Veeky Forums standards) can be enough to cause serious injury to a weak person who may have only slight form imperfections?
Gym has never been fun, I've had no noob gains, I've been lifting for 6 months at a 500kcal deficit and am almost at 12% bodyfat. I've been consistent out of discipline not motivation. But I understand your reaction.
(I screencapped, look for my thread in a year or two)
yes, I went to pick up a couple of 45 lb dumbbells the other day for lateral raises and didn't use proper form, and my lower back has been in slight pain ever since. This was 2 days ago, hopefully it goes away soon.
>literally don't lift with your ego
Lifting is a double edge sword.
>heavy lifting is not sustainable
Life is not sustainable.
user, one of my dads friends is a miracle of modern medicine. Dude has so many torn muscles and ligaments that's it's a wonder of god that he's able to do anything. Dude spent his whole life doing manual labor. Simple fact of the matter is that age+exercise will wear your body out. Plus the fact shit can happen outside the gym that will fuck you up too. It only takes a night of sleeping on you lt shoulder funny, one car accident, one bad attempt at picking up yard waste or a box, one flawed rep and then bam. Muscle\joint tear. Life is frought with risk, so get over it you cuck.
But what if I just want a few years of being big before I get my medical degree and have no time anymore?
I literally come back and this is the exact same thread I saw on Veeky Forums a year ago
welcome back lid
>45 lb. raises
You're either extremely strong or you're swinging them like a retard. Also raises benefit from high volume
You just described my dad, maybe my dad is your dad's friend
>whoa dude wieghted ankle weights ruin joints
>whoa dude but lifting heeavy shit is all OK how do you even suggest that it might be bad for bones
I've been lifting over 2 years, have over a 5pl8 squat, a 6pl8 deadlift and a 3.5pl8 bench. I've had zero injuries that have actually prevented me from lifting for more than a week at a time.
Fuck off small guy.
>don't abuse steroids
lol, your body will be able to handle more with steroids than without though.
Right because when your tendons and connective tissue don't catch up in strength to your muscles you definitely aren't likely to get an injury.
>relying on motivation
You're never gonna make it kid
you achieved that in 2 years? sounds like e-stats to me or juice maybe
Even on juice in 2 years doubt he's squatting 5 plates, at least to depth, maybe quarter squatting but highly doubtful, not impossible though so if your really getting it keep going brah you have a future in power lifting
>lifting at all
Calisthenic/bodyweight are for ottermode chads
Those guys use so much gear their muscles completely outpace what the rest of their body is capable of.
There is a difference between lifting light while being strong enough to lift heavy (those bodybuilders) and lifting light because you're dyel (you)
First time ive said this but not everything is the jews