Can we get a feels general thread?

Can we get a feels general thread?

>lifts are stalling
>ex hooked up with a chad on fb
>pretty sure I have a cold
bad day today

>going to friends funeral right after
This is me now.

The weights are heavy today.

>going to friends funeral
damn dude. sorry to hear that. guess my day isnt that bad after all

>got run over by a truck 2 years ago, lost use of my legs
i keep lifting though
we're all going to make it

There have been better days

But death won't stop the gains

I have a chance to get a gf but life is trying to tell me to fuck off
TL;DR brown boi trying to hook up with this tomboy chick

So I'm from a Muslim house where dating is very frowned upon and I already said I don't believe in god yet I'm still forced to follow Islam. Working out has been a good out for my rage of this but I digress.
My gymbro introduced me to this girl who was really cute and actually liked my animated and expressive personality and turbo virgin mode activates and on the way home the only thing I could think about was her.
I have no social skills but that can be fixed. The big problem is being sneaky about having a gf
Sorry your day has been bad OP. You should drink today, preferably a spirit not a beer

The good
>lifts are going up
>work is good
Now the bad
>balding is accelerating
>living in a new city far from anyone I've ever known for work
>car has been broken into twice (fuck me for driving an old lexus, it's not even nice but it attracts attention)
>too poor to finish furnishing apartment
>girl I've been dating for a few weeks just got diagnosed with ovarian cancer yesterday and I don't know what to do
I'm 23 and this is all coming at me fast

No way dude

your friend would be proud that you're still getting swole in the face of tragedy

Shiiit dude
I'll rep one out for him

not lying, i keep going though, and life keeps getting better. i got my first girlfriend after being run over.

godspeed user, keep up the good mood

Thats inspiring user. Does your dick work?

Fuck man
At least pull-ups are easier now

dick works as good as ever, maybe a bit hard to get it up sometimes but i last longer now then i did before.

Her, dude. She was a good friend that I had liked for years. Sort of had a thing after HS. Lot of physical illness on her end and that's what finally got her


Life is the heaviest thing we carry user

We're all gonna make it brah

>lifting now
>going okay
>talking to chair force recruiter later
>nervous about it

>waking up in the early hours of the morning
>no matter what I do, I always get less than 6 hours of sleep
>crushed by studies
>a lot weaker after summer holiday, wrist and elbows are acting up even more
>Not even sure I want to live at this point but don't want to kill myself because my parents are still alive
>can barely keep my shit together walking through the corridors, constantly blinking back tears
>career in my desired field is quickly seeming unobtainable
>everyone else seems to be doing fine
I don't know how much longer I can keep going at thisv

Push through and you'll be all the more strong. Being Veeky Forums is not just physical capabilities but character and endurance as well

I'm trying so hard, but it gets a lot worse when I see her.
It's been 6 months now, and when I look back, I feel no sadness. But when I see her, I feel crushed, ashamed, embarrassed like I don't even want to be seen anymore.

>Lost 88 lbs from january through may
>Starting to look like a decent motherfucker
>Mom died
>Got very depressed
>Stopped actively training/dieting
>Gained back 23lbs by july
>Started working out again in august
>Back on diet

Now it's september and shit takes a turn for the worst, ruptured the achilles tendon in my right calf, can't do shit basically and I can feel it draining the last bits of my motivation with every pulse of hot agony going through my leg.

What do Veeky Forums?

- my master thesis is killing me inside, still trying to soldier on
- have lost appetite, no more time for gym, started drinking again, can't sleep properly
- dad gets mad at me for taking so long
- mom is sad because she realizes something is bothering me
Why am I so weak

I am honestly very sorry for your loss.

If she died that young I bet that she is the heaviest thing you can carry

- using "-" instead of >
I should drink more and go to bed.

Sounds pretty cucked you gotta get yourself over it

>Doing well in medical school
>Still stuck with sickening feeling that I'm going to fuck up
>Textbook impostor syndrome

Fuck does anyone know what to do about this? I need to get over this, I feel like I"m self sabotaging by going on Veeky Forums. No more after this post, other than reading general remedies for IS.

dont give up. you only have one chance.

>got really into bodyweight lifting
>made good progress
>my pullups went from 3,2,2,1,1 to 8,7,6,5,5
>go to work out a week ago
>feel so weak i barely do 10 pullups total in 3 sets
>just left didnt even bother with other lifts
>im now anxious about going back to work out, just sitting home depressed

Whats happening brahs why am i suddenly weak as shit again, is this just temporary?!

Made a feels thread this weekend.
>went on date with girl
>Her sister tells me that she has a boy friend and a side dude
>was angry sad and confused
>I fell for her hard because we talked previously for years
>she tells me that they're not real and I'm the only one
>find out more shit from sister
>as a result I end up talking to other girls
>she finds out
>confesses and tells me that her and her sister set me up to test my trust
>mfw I went behind her back because of some stupid game she played
>mfw I realize she's fucking batshit crazy with trust issues
>cousin has been falsely accused of being a sex offender
>woman made viral facebook post
>he wants to kill himself
>I've always wanted to kill myself and seeing him not be able to hang is fucking heartwrenching
Also also
>ex moved out and lives with her father
>least I got a new job I guess

Fuck this crippling loneliness.

You're going to have awful workouts. It's a mental hit. Keep at it.

At what age is it too late to turn yourself around? I'm 24 and I just feel like I am wasting my time and money in college. I've been in school for years and I'm still just a junior. I don't really like my major and since I've already changed my major 3 times, I just feel like I will never find something I like. I've always wanted to work in a nice office setting, but I just don't know which area in the office I want to go in.

I don't really want to work in trade because I just don't want to be doing hard labor when I'm in my 40's. I'm not really fit, so the military won't work of me either.

how did you progress your pull ups? I've been struggling for months to go past 4x5? And hell yeah its temporary, happens to everybody. You just need some rest, maybe just do some light workout tomorrow and you'll be just fine

>lots of fucked up dental/jaw/teeth problems I can never afford to fix
>constant stress/anxiety from that
>meeting with a professor about mentoring my thesis tomorrow
>got an article and a half to read by tonight and make up questions for
>playing vidya
>liftan tomorrow after the meeting
>making gains most everywhere
>cripplingly lonely and dead inside
I await the release of death.

It's my birthday today and I'm still wondering where I'm going, what in doing with my life and if I'm a fucking loser.

I remember you user lol you dodged a bullet on that asian girl if she's already testing you like that she's fucking crazy and your cousin can sue that hoe for defamation if it isn't tru

>found some videos of myself that I have recorded drunk from a year ago
>I look like absolute shit
>stopped drinking everyday 6 months ago
>disgusted by my former self

I don't know why I had recorded those videos but I'm thankful for it today, shows how far I have come

I'm having sleep problems too. Even on days off I struggle to get 6 hours

I know. I just can't over it though. She was probably an 8/10. Never had a chick like that. And she made me feel fucking great. But I guess that's what I get for letting my guard down. Fucking crazy bitches.

Also that's the thing. Her account is fake. Can't find shit from her.

Happy birthday, brah

You'll do ok bro

Happy birthday dude :3
Celebrate it and treat yourself well today.

>Everyone else seems to be doing fine
Pretty much everyone will encounter problems at some point in their life. Have you tried different things related to your sleeping problem? There are thousands of tips on the internet. Your studies may feel crushing now, but keep your head over water and you'll reach the end.

Don't end life now, from your post it looks like you're still young, there is plenty of hope.

>My mother comes home and pulls my dad aside to the next room, I hear her talk about her health problems
>My brother just bought his first house and is moving out with his gf, he has been distant recently regardless
>Moving to university soon, it's not the place I wanted to go because it would've been too expensive
>Already starting to not like the course I've chosen

Only a few months ago I still felt like a blissful child. It all ended so quickly.

Shit man why does that happen, it literally killed my desire to workout.

Well i dont know i dont work out by any program but i always try to keep my form really good before adding reps. So if i can do like 5x5 properly ill add 1-2 reps to 1st set, work on that, add reps to 2nd set later, work on it, etc..
Also if you are strugling add negatives, they seem faggotish with all that jumping to the top but they will help you progress i did them, no regrets.

Besides the usual no gf feels I've got a fitness related one

>average XC runner in high school
>stopped once I got to college
>start lifting, put on muscle
>decide to run again today
>massive failure, couldn't even get a full mile continuously
>tfw ottermode but have the cardio health of a fatass

Lol you made a feels thread about this a week ago or so.. Move on from her already you faggot bitch boy.

Non the same user. But shit just happens. Yesterday I wanted to cry in frustration cause I could barely get up to 70% of my working sets. Normally I do 80 or 90. But only being able to do one or two exercises and have to call it a day was depressing. But it happens. Just get back to it. Eat a little more. Might need to refeed. But you'll be fine.

>Auschwitz mode
>lifting since April
>115 lb to 135 lb @ 5'9"
>feel stronger but arms still look small
>worried I'm going to start getting a gut from bulking
>nearly the same lifts as friend who is 150 lb and same height
>he looks bigger than me

I'm trying to eat more but it's weird having fat around my stomach. It looks shitty when I'm sitting down. I'm sure it's normal but it doesn't feel normal to me.

>projecting this much

The rest of the story didn't happen until yesterday.

great, thanks. you see - you had an awful workout but you just helped someone, so starrt feeling well

My recommendation would just be to do something, and stick to it. If you imagine the worst possible situation - it would probably be continuing to major swap as you are doing.

Good job man. That's a real improvement, stick to it.

Well, stuff gets fucked up when you don't try. Coming to Veeky Forums is probably not the most positive/relaxing thing to do, if you're going to relax that is.

Tomorrow us all will feel the crushing realities of life, with all it's pointless suffering etc., some more than others. There's always some small thing that you can still do today, that will make tomorrow just a tiny little bit better.

That might not be anywhere close to making up for all the suffering and bullshit of life, but it's a step in the right direction. You haven't really got any other chance. The other direction is just more pain.

Only feel i feel at the moment is sadness
Sad that i never got the chance to tell her that i loved her

>tfw back on Veeky Forums
>tfw thought she'd finally be my way out of not only this hell hole of a website but life in general


>a friend who is the same height as me and weighs 15lbs more than me looks bigger than me
>why, fit?

I feel you on the dental stuff. I've had two jaw surgeries my friend. My bite still isn't perfect after the surgeries and 2nd set of braces.
>tmj destroyed
>causing problems with my ear and hearing
>worried I'll have ear problems the rest of my life because of it
It's either the tmj fucking with my inner ear or a tumor around the ear drum

I'll share some good feels for once

>talked a bit with a qt3.14 from uni
>tell her I'm having difficulties doing my math
>gives me her number and tells me to call her if I need some help

Debating whether or not I should message her rn but I know that I'll spaghetti if I do and I wanna keep that confidence boost.
Still, thanks for getting me into lifting /fit, that was the happiest I had felt in years.

I feel you user
I'm pretty confused about my feelings about some girl, but even if I conclude I have something for her, I won't act on it
We gotta go through sadness

Nah man, she broke up with me
You have a chance, take it

Oh I get it, stay strong and try to stick around your friends until you're over the break up.
You'll find somebody else sooner than you think

Damn, you could be a potential rich me. I need corrective jaw surgery myself but can never afford it, much less braces. All I can do is watch (and feel) my teeth deteriorate. I actually have a consult in a few weeks about getting my wisdom teeth pulled so I hope that isn't exorbitantly expensive.
What do you mean by TMJ?

>Be in different country than her
>Still think of her even though I know she already stopped thinking about me

Only thing i can tell myself eh?

Temporal mandibular joint
It's the area that connects your bottom jaw to your skull around your ear canal. It's pretty common for people with jaw problems to have tmj issues. My jaw used to get locked shut for several minutes in the past frequently before I had the surgery. I was lucky and the military paid for nearly all of my surgeries, still had several hundred to pay though. Good luck man.

just wait till you can live on your own and leave all that religious bs behind

I lost 50+ lbs since january, am now at 174 lbs @6'3
I want to build some muscle now, but the fear of getting fat again when eating at a surplus makes it impossible for me to reach my caloric goals every day
I guess I'm stuck in the skinny-fat limbo forever

So far bretty good
>senior year
>finally started going out
>fix myself up
>start hitting the gym

But my class is still a bunch of pricks, friend is killing himself over a girl and he stared fucking most of his friends off, just me and a few guys left.

But yea so far so good

>can barely keep my shit together walking through the corridors, constantly blinking back tears

i was going through a tough time once feeling just like you did and there was like a week i'd break down crying at least once during my workout

we're all gonna make it broham

>be me, 23
>second wisdom tooth taken out today, braces on the upper row next week
>stuck in this apartment with 2 shitty roommates one which I thought was my friend cause I paid a 6 month advance
>bitcoin started dropping
>cutie that was just my style is a degenerate that fucks different dudes every 2 days off of tinder (just like I was til not long ago but I got bored with it so this is just the universe fucking with me now)
>still thinking about HER
>have almost 100k but do nothing with it cause I want a million before doing anything but also too much of a pussy to actually spend it on something that might make me happy cause it won't cause i'm all alone

>>second wisdom tooth taken out today,
does it hurt? need to get all 4 out

>So I'm from a Muslim house where dating is very frowned upon and I already said I don't believe in god
Good for you man, I'm glad you didn't capitalise His name

I too hope you get to hook up with the qt tomboy

I let /her/ get away

H-hold me fit

Do it brah, ask her to help you with some problem but make sure its in person not over the phone, after you probably learn nothing call it a day and go have some meal or go for a drink with her.

At school (U. Houston) all day, doing pretty well but it's been a long day. Lifted at the rec at 8ish this morning, everyone there was DYEL as fuck. Grabbing a beer with buddy after class.

Got a gf, a job, life's pretty good. Almost done with college as well, which is good because I'm old (29)

mfw 3 years younger, now without a girl and feel hopeless
at least i have a job amiright

This one is a doosy anons
>hook up with girl after a few years dryspell
>i'm into it, we really get along
>she begins to fade, i eventually just end it because "if you aren't going to bother then why should i"
>she barely talks to me anymore
>sleep with her friend
>girl is a qt and is quite happy to be in a relationship
>i feel nothing for her really, and i can't even fit inside her when were trying to fugg
>last time after she made me cum i was annoyed she was still here
I feel so shallow anons

Just got obliterated by a university entrance exam.

I've never felt like this before.

this very board reminds me of her


>was cutting hard, normal dieting for 3 weeks or so
>wasnt making any gains
>try IF because it boosts HGH and i've heard helps with gains
>do IF for a week
>all lifts going up
>losing weight at a good pace
>looking better by the day

i feel good today lads

>remember about her
>remember the small time we spent together
>remember how we seemed literally perfect for each other
>remember her laugh
>remember how she dropped me for no apparent reason
>remember how despite how well i thought it was going, it probably wasnt going well at all
>remember that i'll never be with her


I've had a scar on my nose since I was four. I used to lie to myself and say that people didn't really notice it, but when I was talking to my baby cousin last week, she was so fixated on it that I realized how apparent it is.

I know everyone has their own cross to bear, how everyone is insecure, but this thing just eats at me. Whenever I hear the word "scar" it just unearths some deep insecurity within myself that I can't seem to ever truly bury.

>>remember how she dropped me for no apparent reason
>>remember how despite how well i thought it was going, it probably wasnt going well at all
>>remember that i'll never be with her
feel you a lot user

happy birthday

Get them done at once. If you prolong it its fucking horrible. Especially the bloody gauze and bloody spit. Also can't brush teeth for two weeks.

well fuck man, not a real encouragement

>think she dropped me so i stop talking to her
>never certain if she was just shy and thought I actually dropped her

this thought kills me every night

Sorry but its the truth. The pain isn't bad. But the tenderness and the fact that you can't really eat is worse. Also no straws either so if you eat soup be prepared for a mess.

I got mine pulled at once because fuck that. I had root canals done prior to this though. So my mouth was a mess. Lol

Dude, dont even pretend you have something else to ask about. Just fucking text her and say hey I think you're pretty and we should hang out. She'll be impressed by the confidence. Be an alpha and go for it man. I know you can do it.

I'm bald, so there's that. But at least I'm in solid shape, I get hit on fairly frequently and stared at by girls on campus. Been with my gf over 4 years though.

root canals jesus christ ive been told to never ever let that do to me

why cant i just let those teeth grow and let nature decide

>Been with my gf over 4 years though.
the dream i've been dreaming i'd have with the last 2 g irls by now

>best friend since childhood now prefers his other friends

Eh, he was the only real friend I could hang out during free time but now it just feels like he does it out of pity.

I've had 12 teeth removed dude (four wisdom teeth, four baby teeth, and four bicuspids), because apparently I had too small of a jaw to have my full number of teeth sit straight. It sucks, but it's more just the fact that you're debilitated for a week, sorta like having the flu and not being able to do anything or eat real food.

My only advice to you is to stay away from shit like Vicodin. You'll do fine with a bunch of gauze and some naproxen, stay away from opiates if you can help it.

Unless you have god-tier genetics you're bound to get SOMETHING.

Knew some chick in high school who bragged about never having a cavity. EVER.

I on the other hand had 14. 5 of which turned into an access/infection. So. Root canal.
Don't let it get there. Floss like there's no tomorrow.

Well what's holding you back?

Thank you anons.

>four baby teeth

how the fuck do you floss the back teeth I can't even get the floss in there????