>tfw lifting/ cardio is the only thing stopping you from slipping into a deep depression and most likely killing yourself
Tfw lifting/ cardio is the only thing stopping you from slipping into a deep depression and most likely killing yourself
And it's barely even stopping me
>tfw I would just end it if it weren't for leg day
Join the club
it hasn't stopped my depression, and it probably won't stop my suicide
>Work shit job
>Go to school without purpose as i don't know what I want to do with my life, just taking filler classes
>Little to no social life
>Getting anxiety attacks more frequently the last year than ever
Lifting is the only thing I "enjoy" now, and I use that loosely cause it's the only activity to make me feel emotion really.
Video games aren't fun to me anymore, nor is TV and movies, they just filled voids of time.
I'm stuck in a loop.
are u me except i have zero social life
I've been suffering from major depression for a while and ballooned up in weight. I recently started going to the gym to get in shape and it really is night and day how I feel the day after I work out.
>dad tried killing himself durring my birthday party, had to pull belt off his neck
>screamed at me for ruining his (second) marriage
>kicked me out then and there
>he somehow convinced whole family I was dealing drugs
>living in a beater car since 18, 23 as of today
>moving city to city every half year because every job I've worked at has toxic know-nothing managers that love screaming at me and drinking/huffing on the job
>both brothers enlisted, both an hero
>mom calls me after disappearing for 12 years to tell me she's living across the country and wants my help (read: money)
>gained 200 pounds from eating fast food daily
>lost 230 as of now
>probably back on the up swing because picked up binge drinking again
>lost all interest in music, have $5000 worth of gear
>lost all interest in drawing, have $800 worth of pencils and pads off paper
>lost all interest in exercising
>lost all motivation to move forward
>i don't want to kill myself, but the thought of dying doesn't bother me at all
i just want everything to end, i don't want to feel this way anyone, i just want it all to stop, i just want all the pain to go away
Draw cute girls user is helping me
>only leave the house to go to the gym
>Veeky Forums, youtube and playing mobile gacha games isn't giving him a reason to live (outside of being aesthetic)
better just end yourself pal.
Shit bro, after reading this I will never complain about anything again.
Just stay strong brother, you're still young and shit can be fixed.
If I haven't found a job by Jan 11th 2018 then that's it for me
>tfw live simple life
>spend work week with vidya, hiking, reading, lifting, and days off drinking with bros
>no gf
>mediocre job
>5/10 on a good day
>happiest I've been all my life
I mean if you have depression you're kind of fugged and need treatment, but if you dont just know you dont need a great life to be happy
I feel the same way except i'm not going to school I just work a shit job, lift, and sit around
well looks like you guys have a hobby, that's a good start
>only lifting makes me happy
>no life without lifting
yeah well you have this going for you, be proud of it
you set goals, you work for it, that makes you awesome
keep it up guys, if you think you've found something you like with the gym then commit to it, it'll do wonders
>we're all gonna make it brahs
i know that feel man, but just be happy it does
running is so good for mental health
also try meditating if you don't already
Lifting is literally the only highlight of my day on most days. I'm considering switching to PPL from a 3 day/week routine just to avoid feeling like shit on my rest days.
because it's killing you everytime you do legs and therefor it replaces your hunger for killing yourself?
pls respond
try books? like novels, not school work
and then you break ribs in a bar fight!! (where you deserved to get hit for being aggro douche and you know it)
that happened to me over summer, really couldn't lift for a few weeks. did walking for cardio and it helped, but very shitty time
>eat carbs, feel great
>fast, feel like dying
>eat sugar, feel ok
>eat no sugar, feel like dying
Not really, I get super emotional after a workout for some reason, I will either laugh like a retard at the most stupid jokes or feel like shit if I hear something that sounds just a bit sad.
>ex is out partying again and im alone on a friday night