Skelly here. What does a 3000 calorie day look like? I realize that I'm not eating enough, but I can't fathom how much I'd have to eat to hit 3000.
I'm about 5'10 or 5'11 (haven't had a proper height check since 9th grade and I'm 19 now.), and I'm pretty sure i'm like 115 lbs maybe 120. I eat 3 times a day usually, just breakfast, lunch, and dinner. And doing the match for those meals and eating about 1.5k most days, sometimes a little more, sometimes a little less.
Breakfast is usually something simple. A bowl of cereal, or the two poptarts that come in the pack, or two pancakes or waffles. Probably not getting more than like 400 calories off breakfast.
Lunch is also really mediocre, two packs of like top ramen noodles, or maybe leftovers from the previous nights dinner. Once again, probably hitting like 700 calories max here.
Dinner is usually some combo of rice/meat/vegetable. Chicken, rice, and potatoes is my go to. Once again, probably like 700ish calories here.
And the thing is, thats a good day for me if I eat like that. Some days I miss breakfast, or skip lunch. And also, if I do eat like listed above, I'm pretty much full the whole day, not much room for anything else. So i'm wondering, what would a diet look like thats basically DOUBLE my caloric intake.
My family is pretty poor which is why I eat like that, and I'm 19 and living here without a job while i go through medical school still so i try to make it easy on my mom by being understanding about the food and stuff. But god damn do I get tired of being skinny. Its not cool at all. Help me guys.
Man I ain't no damn indian, I'm black. Idc if you're racist or not, just don't compare me to a D E S I G N A T E D S T R E E T S H I T T E R
Connor Taylor
Noah Williams
Damn I want to try that. Eating heaviest in the morning then progressively lighter throughout the day.
Brody Baker
yeah its sick this is closer 2 what i actually eat everyday tho 2/ some extra snack or proton shake
Dylan Thomas
You look like me when I started, all I can say is get started. Try whole milk, peanut butter, McDoubles, full fat greek yogurt, olive oil in shakes
Juan Morgan
fuck off back to the monkey cage chimp
Parker Morris
Kek nigger thinks he is better than pajeet. Now I don't care for curries but If the Ake them over you groids any day. Honestly how do you not kill yourself when you wake up, look at the mirror and see an ape looking back. No amount of lifting will fix that.
Gavin Thompson
found poo outside the loo
Connor Walker
ignore /pol/ shills Download My Fitness Pal and track your current diet for a few days. That should paint a good picture of what you're missing, plus how generally healthy your diet is. It's not exact (its all based off of user-uploaded data), but it's good for a general picture.
Peanut butter, nuts, and milk are all cost-effective, calorie dense, and generally healthy.
Carter Bell
All humans are apes...
Adam Torres
cope nigger and go steal something to feed your chimp family
Luke Ortiz
Robert Reyes
Mason Adams
your containment board is that way, brainlet
Brandon Turner
Personally I'd recommend heading to Chic Fil A if you live in the south and ordering a full platter. You'll hit your calorie macros very fast. Lots of protein too. If not, KFC will do
Luke Phillips
I've seen people make some pretty solid gains on a restricted caloric intake of 1200-1400 calories a day. If you dont want to be a skelly, you just need to do more strength training.
James Kelly
>Implying all of Veeky Forums is not /pol/ play area
Christian Richardson
Honestly I've been getting close to 3800 a day and it hasn't been very difficult. Usually I do 3 eggs, an english muffin with peanut butter and a glass of milk for breakfast. I make a big shake for lunch, usually just milk, two teaspoons of olive oil, mass gainer and then like blueberries. For dinner I have some type of meat and veggies Then throughout the day I'm snacking on stuff like cottage cheese, hard boiled eggs, nuts. And lots of milk, I normally have at least 1000 calories of milk in a day I think the key is eating earlier. It helps stretch the stomach so you'll be hungry more throughout the day and the earlier you eat the more time you leave yourself to eat more
Kayden Barnes
Not OP but jesus I never realized how much 3000 calories was until now.
Alexander Campbell
Tfw lactose intolerant. Also, OP, how the fuck do you NOT know how much you weight? Thsts the first fucking step!!
Gabriel Jackson
Elijah Campbell
>tfw apparently im oat intolerant because whenever i make my small smoothie with oats in it, i always have terrible shits
Noah Wright
Camden Brooks
Add eggs, milk, peanut butter you dumb nigger
Parker Perez
Is drinking $175/mo. of soylent worth it?
Alexander Richardson
Fuck off /pol/
Be my submissive bf
Andrew Fisher
>mfw half of the time i consume english breakfast, frozen pizza and a liter of milk with protein powder a day for 3000kcal so that i don't have to think
Jace Clark
Op here, how can this be true? I was told the only way to get big is to eat big. No way a measly 1.5k calories will net me any kind of noticeable gains.
Or am I wrong?
Ethan Robinson
You have great genetics mate. You could look amazing if you start hitting the gym seriously and add more protein in your diet. Wide shoulders and narrow as fuck hips, I really want to see how thick tight, solid you can get.
Kevin Myers
Jesus fucking christ that must be like $20 for one day of food. At least invest in some mass gainer and protein so you don't have to spend like 3 bucks for a shitty soylent bottle.
Elijah Roberts
>tfw 55Kg and 6'0
Elijah Garcia
You calling someone racist, while saying Indians are street shitters. That is some typical ignorant nigger logic.
Camden Martin
>Bantz are the same as overt racism I think you're the nigger