Is your dad a chad, Veeky Forums ?

Is your dad a chad, Veeky Forums ?

My dad fucked over 700 sloots. Now he's 40 something and bald, but he still buttfucks 24 year olds. I found a photo of him in my laptop and I can see why: chad genetics.

Tell me about your dad.

my dad is a egoistical, angry asshole that cheated on my mom and beat her.
I guess he is technically chad, whatever

My dads kinda a dick but he's just a dad really
he has a black belt and knows how to use nun-chucks but thats it in terms of fitness. he passed on his short temper though
>tfw he's 5'8 and i'm 6'1

no, he's a gigantic liberal pussy cuck that makes Zuckerberg look like a Nazi. No wonder he only got an Asian.

My dad was a Army drill instructor and now is a firefighter. He is a gentle and funny guy but if you flip his switch, he's a complete ass. He never really was a guy that liked working out but he's in his 60s and he recently just started and now he loves it. I hope I can be like him when I'm older. He use to party a shit ton with the popular bands at the time like Boston and Electric Light Orchestra. He is a fun guy

Mine too, except he's fattish and always had shit jobs so not really a chad in that regard.

post the photo

My dad's a lawyer in his 60s who has fudd guns. It's ok.

>was unexpected pregnancy when parents were 19yo
>they decide to go through with it
>father started another family and ran off to live with them when I was 4
>no contact ever since
>raised by single mother in her 20s
>only male role models growing up were her intermittent boyfriends
>would be a "cool guy" with me for a few months or years because they were banging my mom
>eventually they break up and I obv never hear from the dude again
>get used to it after a while

That being said, none of them that I can remember were ever chads, which makes sense because idk if a chad would have the patience to put up with my mom and all her baggage desu

>my dad is 6'4 dadchad and all his family members are huge and have good hair
>I'm 5'11 and bald
>mother's side filled with short baldies

My mother's shitty family genetics have fucked me - FUCKED me.

My dads a bit of a pussy and a huge liberal. I love him, but I don't respect him.

My dad presents himself as a stoic, but he falls desperately in love with the women he's been with.
cool guy. not a chad i don't think

respect your dad
he gave up his life for you

My Dad died of liver failure about 3 months ago.

He may not have been a chad but he was a good man and he was proud of what I became

>I found a photo of him in my laptop

Like your dad purposely left a photo of himself on your laptop? Or did you use his laptop?

You should upload the photo.

sorry for your loss bro

Sorry for your loss user, I hope he lived to be somewhat old

>chad in his 20ies, bulk, sexy as shit
>literally fat as fuck, over 300lbs, bald, angry and frustrated all the time in his 40-50ies

wtf happened man

My dad's a high functioning alcoholic, is still working as a salesman at 73, was in the Vietnam war, and for all that, kind of a beta

My dad is a Chad. Tall, thick curly hair, still no bald or gray at 64. Former pro athlete, intelligent, a leader personality. A handsome guy and I do look like him - however I'm a femanon so I'm not much of a looker. I got a big and wide built and I'm not as good looking as he is. I look very basic potato.

My dad was a violent bully in his youth who routinely beat up his siblings and punched anyone who wakes him up on reflex. He went on to get a phd and joined the army reserves as an NCO.

I hate him and i don't even know him

Dad's a Chad, lifelong national level swimmer who brought me up into a sporty lifestyle. A cool guy overall, but also a born again Christian and somewhat unable to deal with constructive criticism of his worldview. Used to be an edgy leftie activist in the 70's and I generally feels like he's a bit broken inside because he had to watch half of his nine siblings end up lifelong victims of serious mental issues.

As long as your dad ain't a deadbeat loser you should respect him.

My dad's an awkward skinnyfat nerd who writes for a """"living""""

How does that even happen, usually just one of those factors make you stop giving a shit - pick up at least some chad tendencies. Still, "betas" are often guys trying extremely fucking hard to be good, even if they are wrong about what "good" means. Betas are not automatically bad people at all

My dads was a big fat alcoholic lawyer rugby captain chad, but my mum divorcing him has pretty much destroyed him entirely

My old man can go fuck himself. I don't know or care if he is alive or dead. He wasn't a chad anyway...

I hardly know anything about my dad, he never really talked about growing up. He did wrestling in school, and judo in college, also joined the navy (non-combat role), so that's pretty badass. But I'm pretty sure he was also a turbo nerd who played dnd and shit. No idea if he even dated anyone before my mom in college. Used to be pretty built, now he's still huge but also fat.

My dads a 53 year old cars sales man who fucks 18-21 year old girls who think they will get a better deal on their car.

He told me one didn't like the interest rate of her loan she would be getting so she took off her top and started blowing him. When she finished she said "now how much will my interest rate be?" to which my dad replied "Same thing it was 15 minutes ago"

Larping this hard on a northern australian beetle ink trading collective.

That is if he was an active father

my dad is a Hilary supporter...

My dad is a stable family man who turned a bad lot in life into a good one. I hope I can be like him one day.

>Yep I'm larping my dads run in with western sluts to random anons with no beneficial gain to myself.

Sounds legit. It's true sorry you are a virgin and cant fathom the fact that young sluts are out their fucking guys right now while you get none.

Yeh righto son.

10/10 Dad right here. Oldschool, masculine, smart and educated, still armed nonetheless.

No they would not, something I'm looking forward to my ugly ex experiencing

DUDE ARE YOU ME? Except I'm worse than you, I'm 5'10 :(

In regards to me, my father WAS a Chad in his younger years. He was an undercover cop, quit because of my mom, and he became a massive bitch and my mom wears the pants and nags all day.

Dad was a boxer, shredded as fuck and really funny and I always looked up to him when I was younger. it's a shame he beat my mum and that he's a 5'7 manlet though

He has every chad quality other than height

My dad is absolutely useless and is willfully dominated by my mom. The man has no personal interests, no aspirations, nothing. Honestly, if he didn't trick my mom into marriage I'm certain he would be homeless.

I really doubt he fucked many woman, but here I am 26 only having sex like twice in my life, like father like son I guess.

And he has no interest in being fit.

I need advice. I've been fucking this girl for a few months and started dating her about the last 3. I find out she has a fucking fiancee and I actually like her. I know I need to drop her but how do I approach this?

Do I break it off with her and mention that it's because of her fiancee or should I just break it off? Also, do I tell her fiancee that she's been cheating on him? What's the chad/alpha thing to do?

Just drop her and if she asks say it's because she has a fiancee. It's not like you're the one who should have to explain yourself in this situation.

I'd tell him. Help a bro out before he's ensnared by the marriage.

What a fake fucking story. Your dad seems like an annoying braggart. Definitely a car salesman. A girl who's that worried about the goddamn interest rate on her car loan is NOT the same girl who would give out impromptu blow jobs to old guys

Judging by almost all the cases in this thread, it seems that your dads stopped being Chads when they either had you or had to start working fulltime to support their family.

How should I go about telling him? I can't just call him because I'm going to medical school with this girl for two more years.

I was thinking *67-ing the number and calling him and leaving a message with one of those online voice generators. I'll probably make a false e-mail and send him something that way. What do you think?

Quit being a pussy. Dump her and tell him. What's she going to do? Kick you out of med school?

Fuck, how have people become so fucking weak?

No man, but my superiors and residing faculty will treat me differently because of it. It's a stupid as fuck game, but you have to suck dick until you get your degree yourself.

Hi Elliot Rodgers

My Dad was a chad. Born in small town, raised on a farm, was huge for the time, naturally athletic, good jobs, married my mom at 30 and had the first kid a year or two later and theyve been together ever since. I love my dad. He's my best friend.

Also that album is worse than his others

Why will they treat you differently if you dump her? Are THEY fucking her? What's the deal? Are you in a class of 4 people in a school with a dozen students in some backwater craphole?

My dad is a great guy, liberal by the old definition (Adam Smith and shit, not those lefty cucks). He never told me, that I had to do something, he would always let me choose and support that choice, even if he was against it, so I learned how to take responsibility for my own failures and never care for something I wasn't responsible for. Taught me some good life lessons, like to never invest yourself in something that a loss of would devastate me. He taught me to never let anyone meddle with my business. He was a self-made man and I hope to be one as well. Funny thing is that he was always fitter and stronger, I was the more crafty and intelligent one (probably my mother's genes as there are some PhDs on her side of family), so now I want to prove him, that I can be strong as well. About the Chad part - he never cheated on my mother, was extremely loyal and from him I have learned true value of being honourable man, which led me to not taking advantage of someone's weakness (be it extremely drunk slut at a party wanting to fuck me or some tiny douche, who thinks he would beat me, even though I would smear him on the wall with my sneeze).

your dad hasnt fucked that many sloots mate, and youre a retard if you believe that

even my dad says hes fucked around 50, i find that hard to believe

beaner here, my dad was a gangbanger, he settled a bit when I was born but then went back to the street and got shot in the leg and retired for good. he's most happy that I'm not a homosexual and that I've MADE IT by being semi educated.

Was obese and feminine, but was also 6'2, intelligent, charismatic and confident as fuck. Strange combination of traits but was an overall great person (and a Chad).

Your dad sounds like an actual alpha.

Wish I was that alpha.

>born to 40 yo mother from artificial insemination cause my mom never found a partner
>she never dated after me and my little brother were born
>grow up without any father figure whatsoever
>my mom has okay morals and is hard working but overly protective and not well educated.
>still somehow turn out okay, but I wonder what i'd have been like if I had some manly dad who taught me about life

Dad is a big christian and used to be swole as fuck. I remember him having a bunch of equipment and me lifting 10 pound weights with him when I was little. Now he's older and fat, but he still has a lot of muscles. Definitely wouldn't want to mess with him. He used to be hot shit according to him when he was a teen, but I don't really know.

Is he /ourguy/

>tfw everyone on both my mom and my dad's side are 6 feet and up except for my mom and dad who are short
>get double fucked by their genetics and get stuck at 5'10

Good thing is there's never been a history of cancer or any other diseases in either side of my family besides lung cancer from my great grandpa smoking.

You happened, user.

Yes, dad is 45 years old and still receive more mires and is more fit than most of the people with half his age.

>Dad is short brown 5'8

>Mom short white 5'7

Me and my brother both 6'1 and good build.Prob from my mothers side.

My mother is basically white as a sheet and dad is tanned as fuck because he likes to go outdoors. I actually posted a pic of him in one of these threads yesterday or so.

My dad is similar but kind of more turkish.

While my moms brother is fucking huge even in his late 30

your dad is a degenerate and isnt even a proper man.

Dad's dead. Been now for over 8 years.

He gave me turbo chad genetics though, which I am thankful of every day.

my dads an unathletic dude that passed them genes to me. i dont really care, hes given me so much i'd do anything for the guy.

I fucked ~90 and I'm 23, and he's always been much more confident than me. So fuck off, I know my dad. He used to take me from my mom and we'd go somewhere and he'd almost always pick up some woman. One invited him to fucking Spain to a wedding one hour into their conversation.

My dad used to be a chadbully back in his younger years. I think he cucked someone and got married to my mom. Now he's pretty chill and he's a mechanic and always tries to bring me to his workshop and teach me about cars. Comfy I guess.

Mfw I'm 6,3

>Like your dad purposely left a photo of himself on your laptop? Or did you use his laptop?
No, he sent me a photo on facebook and I saved it ( he's a sailor ).

Don't dwell on it too much, user. My dad is a complete faggot cuck urgent to please my mum in every way. Mum did all of the metaphorical and actual heavy lifting; this is the state of modern men and your dad by chance was like this too.

My Dad used to be pretty cool, but he's turned into a liberal pansy after moving to a blue east coast city and he rejects basically everything he's grown up with. It's kind of pathetic, really. He's even grown out a midlift crisis ponytail.

My dad is dead and he sucked my dick when I was 7

You dad looks good user, 9/10 nohomo

>Army drill instructor

Army has drill sergeants. Marines have drill instructors. Not trying to be a dick, but there is a distinction

My dad is like 63 and still does carpentry work for fun at local apartments. Hard worker and skilled tradesman all his life, really nice guy. Thinks he's a liberal because he's with Hilary, doesn't realize she represents the true enemy and Donny is just a wild card mutation fluke.

My dad was fit when he was alive, I've seen pictures. Otherwise he was ded before I was breathing air.

Gave me a complex where I want to marry every cute single mom I meet and raise their kids to be awesome.
Thanks pops.

Yer dad looks masculine as shit

Did you not know what he looked like otherwise?

We don't see each other a lot. Maybe once a year lately.

What do you mean by feminine


Looks like an cool guy

Thanks, anons. I got some of his features, like the eyes, a lil bit of jaw, but I got nothing on him. Skin especially, he tans in 10 minutes. I'm cheese white no matter what I do. Thanks, mom.

He's a fat bald pothead who used to be masculine but has softened up since my Mom became the breadwinner after selling his restaurant. She was always into new age feminist bullshit but it hadn't infected his brain until he got complacent and didn't have nearly as much responsibility on his hands. He now runs a small business that hasn't turned a profit since he opened it and almost brags about how his wife is more accomplished and dominant than he is. His brain is pretty much fried at this point and his humor consists almost entirely of TV quotes. I love both my parents dearly but my Mom clearly doesn't give a shit about him anymore, talks shit on him constantly when he isn't around, and is obviously fucking around yet acts like it's a big secret to everyone. This is why I lift. /blog

Nice read gave me a warm happy feelin reading through it dont know why

But it sounds like you have a great relationship. Mine with my dad sucked ass for the last 15-20 years (from when I was 10-12 up until just about recently) but is now getting better gradually. Feels good

The amount of judgment autistuc retards pass into other people is astounding.

Yeah I guess so, in my country we can demand contact information of my biological dad from the sperm bank, but I don't want to exactly for the reason that the men I would respect are few and I would rather not know at all than be disappointed. Also it would he awkward as fuck to meet him

Threw away an engineering degree to join military and the. never be home while forcing us to move from one base to another year in year out. Borderline abusive, never being at home and my mother mellowing him somewhat over the years were the saving grace on that front.
I know nothing about his past or who he really is, never talks to me unless he needs something of me, usually financial shit.

At times I find it very hard not to resent and blame my lack of friends/social life on him. Heck the reason I even got into vidya/Veeky Forums and then by extension anime and lifting was because being on my own so much meant I had very little else to rely on. Then I remember that I actually like the self reliant lifestyle and my hobbies, at least I think I do.

My father was a tiny manlet (thank god I turned out 6'1") but with a character of steel. He never compromised on anything or gave a single fuck about people's opinions, even if that would make his life infinitely easier. He never avoided responsibility or hard-ass work even when he easily could have, and never ever complained about anything. When he was dying of cancer in soul-fucking-crushing pain, he still refused to be a faggot about it and was cracking jokes left and right. I was only able to recognize and appreciate these qualities after his death.

My dad is a 6'5 turbo Chad with green eyes. Used to be a college football star. I'm a useless piece of shit.

>educated, smart
>successful (upper middle class)
>kind and loving
>preaches peace/being passive/betaish behaviour

wouldn't trade him for anyone, still my hero :3

>everyone who is talking about their father's height
You guys are honestly fucking pathetic and way too far gone


My dads a 5'11 dark and handsome George Clooney lookalike. Others say he has a lot of prescence, at least he does compared to me. Smokes a half a pack a day and has a lot of longevity on his side. Others say he's a nice guy. Because he kisses ass well he made pretty damn good money in sales.

>judging the man who raised you by how tall he is
one step too far pham, you need to spend some time off /fit9k/

How are your social skills?
I have pretty much the exact same background story and i developed social anxiety in my childhood, which is weird, because i dont know anything else in my family, who is even shy.

>dad was a turbochad in college and fucked dozens of sorority roasties
>never taught me how to be manly and get chicks and let mom raise me instead
>tfw 5'6" when dad is almost 6 foot

I had so many opportunities to be a god and just missed it