Whats Veeky Forums opinion on tank tops? Do you wear them in the gym/outside or do you think it makes you look too insecure?
Whats Veeky Forums opinion on tank tops...
That nigger is wearing a small dress
wait, tanktops make you look insecure? I've been wearing tanks for like 5 years in the gym. I just don't wanna get my t shirts sweaty and they're a lot cooler
Tanks are fine and normal, just wear deoderant plx
they make you look like a douche or a dyel
better to wear a well fitted short sleeve
they are for tools
they look gay as fuck, gayer than sucking a trap dick.
You mean feminine penis.
Which isn't gay so what's your point.
Haha good one man, almost though you were saying traps are gay for a minute there
If I looked like that I'd wear them in public. I'd wear one that fit better than that though. That one is too long and too tight around the waist.
insecure gayboy the shirt
>look at my arms, i go to the gym
Sleeveless tees are better. Tanks are for fags.
I have red hair and pale skin. Tank tops look unnatural on me (along with everything else)
The only day I don't wear a tank to the gym is on leg day. I have a nice shoulder vein that I like to look at in the mirror.
Men should not wear tank tops outside of the gym or the beach.
We're too hairy and sweaty, and 90% of men have unattractive bodies.
tanktops are usually worn by insecure people
I'm too insecure about my stretch marks to wear them desu my traps and lats look like a Maine coon struggle fucked them.
They look comfy though, I'm as big and lean as I want to be.
*I'll start wearing them when I'm as big and lean as I want to be
tank tops are comfortable in hot weather and while doing things that make you sweat.
Making a big deal about clothes is more insecure than the most insecure high school kid.
Speak for yourself, faggot.
>these are the people giving you advice on /fit
Daily reminder that if you cant bench at least 2 pl8 for reps and your wearing a tank people will laugh at you behind your back
I wear them because I live in arizona and fuck wearing anything with sleeves when its 115 degrees outside.
daily reminder that if you care at all about what other people think about your clothes, you're a fool.
I wear looseish black tanks any day I'm doing upper body just cus I like the freedom of movement. T's get sweaty and stick and pull. Plus they raise up when you move your arms overhead and I don't have a 6pack yet so I'm self-conscious.
this i cant believe this is even a thread... but then again i forget there are kids on this board
daily reminder if you use daily reminder in your vocab, you are a cuck
Wear what you want
>in the gym
not personally but do you
>out of the gym
sure, it's comfy and I can just slip into one if I need to go to the store or have a doctor's appointment or something
Same, wear tanks / stringer except for leg day ever since I got a bruise from a barbell when doing squats once.
with big ass delts normal ts look fucking stupid
When I wear a tank top women catcall at me on the street. Feels good desu
My army friends say I look like a faggot (blue collar sport dude-bros)
>post fag/douche face picture
>"see! It makes you look like a fag"
If I looked like that I'd hang myself.
>t. Cuckoon-mode dyel
>translation: I will never wear tank tops
Body dysphoria is one hell of a drug
I can't bech that and have better arms that you
>Tfw used daily reminder IRL one time
I've been here too long.
If you have sick traps and relatively good shoulders, you will look good in them. But definitely not for skellies and fatties.
I don't wear it in the gym though, not very comfortable to squat in.
Tanks are good, stringers are for faggots.
No I dont want to see your goddam nipples and chest acne