What're you going as for halloween this year, Veeky Forums?

What're you going as for halloween this year, Veeky Forums?

A loser.

At least you don't have to buy a costume user.

Same as every other year.

Considering catwoman this year.



Im a guy btw

No homo tho i aint no fag

killer bunny, already picked up:
bunny ears
bunny nose paws
fake blood to pour all over me
realistic chainsaw

why not a real chainsaw

Illegal carry

Halloween seems like one of the more retarded traditions to me, glad my country doesn't celebrate it.

but if anyone snitches you can just chainsaw your problems away

Was that bane really OP? I feel like it has to be some random Skelly bane because there's no way someone that dyel could be in such denial of his dyelself

my name is rick
and so i'm going as a pickle
all the chicks will love it :p

too heavy for me, also probably clumsy enough to harm myself

im not a normie and i never leave my basement

male velma. i've already got the glasses and sweater might as well be comfy on halloween.


Finally big and lean enough to go as fucking Superman. Feels good mates.

>go to college in medium sized town
>Halloween is awesome, bar district is lit up with qts in costume

>Move to san jose
>Halloween is a horrifying spectacle of thottery

Bang a Wonder Woman for me, pal.

>complaining about half naked women
Cmon now brah

You better be fucking shredding mate or you'll just look fucking retarded.

Some people shouldn't be half naked, user

Be like me. Train yourself to not see the ugly or fat bitches. I literally do not notice them at all anymore.

sounds like a personal problem

Pic related.
But might pospone for a year and up the test/tren to make sure i dont make a fool out of myself

pic related

This is so good if you can pull it off.

No homo but would tongue punch your one eyed snake.

I doubt many people will get what you are but still you'll get mired hard as fuck.

Most people will think your Wilma from the flinstones

How desperate are you?

You think I wear this shit for references
Yes but it's also to get noticed and make people laugh
It was this or ruby from rwby

>tfw tall, black hair, bright blue eyes
>tfw brown cardio bunny gf who would be a perfect lana
>tfw broke college student with no money for a nice suit to go as archer

I'm trying to convince my buddy to go as Eric and Dylan.

>Wearing suit as "costume"

What are some prime costumes for dudes with big legs, glutes, pecs, and shoulders?

No comic book characters or anime plz

Tommy wiseau

conan or he-man

It's definitely for he-man.

better than being that guy who got way to into how i met ur mother and wears suits to inappropriate events

My bf wants to do Mickey and Minnie mouse. There's still some debate over who gets to be Minnie.

Tryna be my man Martin Luther but I'm having trouble finding hat related.

An apple.

>killer bunny
>not dimension traveling bunny

Gaindalf the Whey. Going to use a bar as my staff and wear the broiest clothes I can for a costume.


Going as? You mean like dress up and go to a party? LOL yeah right.


Yes, Hestia-user is back!
Keep it up my man.

Ayy, someone else in San Jo.
For being such a huge city it's pretty shitty.
Good thing SF is a short drive away.

If I was not a dyel faggot I'd go as Khal Drogo because I have a long ass hair

delete this

If I had the gf dress as Lana and accompany me the whole night I feel like it'd be good. She would do it but also joke the whole night about how fitting it was for me to dress up as a narcissistic asshole.
I've had multiple people mention a resemblance to Archer when I was just wearing normal clothes.

Holy fuck..I'd fuck you, no jk

Your back and ass are sexier than 99% of women out there.


What's a good costume for a hairy balding manlet? Asking for a friend who is also me.


any goblin will do
or an infant bear cub

One punch man

Post your routine please

The swole mole.


Too soon

Is the rocky horror picture show a thing in your country

Danny devito

I just got cast as Riff Raff for a RHPS shadow cast, and since we have to supply our own costumes, I'll just use that

You must be good looking guy

Think Frodo in the early stages of recovery from a heroin addiction

Kek. Congrats though. I went to see rhps with the gf last year and I thoroughly enjoyed it...and I'm not even a faggot

A ripped guy came in dressed in the golden hotpants, not an actor, just a guy who came to watch with his gf and the girls in the audience went fucking wild. You could smell them all flooding the cheap seats

What a silly picture, there's no bald cap in the pic so that's obviously not the OP.

Actually I've always wondered how actors go for roles that clearly ask for something sub-human esque. I mean they must be proper comfortable in their skin, know what they have to offer and just not give a fuck when somebody says

"were looking for a balding, fat, rapey, hideous excuse of a human and we think you'll do a great job"

The Goon

Thanks, breh. I would aim for being Rocky next year after the noob gains progress more, but being a manlet kind of impedes that

I mean, I'm not horrendous to look at. I've gotten the Elijah Wood comparison since I was in high school, and every now and then I get a random one (someone told me a couple weeks ago that with my longer hair, I look a lot like Jared Leto). There's obviously going to be make up and some hair stuff to work add on since I'm not balding, but yeah I have no problem with coming off as disgusting or creepy for being entertaining. It also helps to think that the guy who created RHPS wrote the role of Riff Raff for himself


I wasn't calling you those things. It was just coincidence I described riff raff really. I meant actors in general. I understand some make up is used at times to make a person look worse too.

Crossdressing will make you look like the faggot you are.

>I've never been to a party

Dressing like a woman for fancy dress is literally the best way to get pussy

Yeah, acting in such ugly ways does take a level of personal security and acceptance to be successful. But that's also acting in general since you have to be able to be vulnerable in front of a lot of people on a regular basis to properly inhabit roles while also not breaking yourself down every night in the process.

fucking lmao

Nah nigga cowboys are easiest for getting pussy, but you'll use any excuse for getting to dress up as a woman in public right fag?

just grow your hair out and go as Conan, fag

How old are you fucks?

as an alcoholic who won't go out and black out in his room

That;s gotta be like 4th halloween I have not made any gains to show.


prob some steam-punk raver shit

Me and my gf are going as Mickey and Minnie. Basic, yes, but when we complete our fitness goals we're going the full Phoebus/Esmeralda

>those hips
Sweet Jesus


A nudist.

i did starting aesthetic bulking edition
I haven't even reached my goal physique

Is that how he meets their mother, he dresses better than everyone else in the room?

Sylvester Stallone is only 5'10", dude. Another manlet can easily pull him off.


i hope you didnt type that with your wiping hand pajeet


Gainsdalf the iron. My staff is a barbell

Roadhog if I don't get my shit together