What does Veeky Forums look for in a girl? Great body? Sense of humor? Decent personality? A feminine penis?
What does Veeky Forums look for in a girl? Great body? Sense of humor? Decent personality? A feminine penis?
i just want to have a woman look at me without feeling disgusted
ill take that, that's all i want
Nobody gives a fuck about you and your "personality" dumb roastie whore
A kind and loving soul.
Conservative and feminine.
Someone I can trust, so I don't really look for girls
>What does Veeky Forums look for in a girl?
Too old of a joke?
The whole package
likes me
>blond or red hair (wavy/curly)
>soft and feminine voice
>anywhere from thinn to thicc as long as shes got feminine proportions
>anywhere from 5'0'' to 5'10'' (my height)
>cute smile
>not a "feminist"
>wants kids
>appreciates me for who I am
Basically pic related is pretty much my 10/10. I like to imagine that someone like that is out there, it gives me something to work for.
To be honest, a girl you fall in love with the moment you see her... Hope it happens again
>not fat
>not stupid
>not a shitskin
>not a whore
I know, it's impossible.
code for a bitch, have fun with your divorce
Will my ex do? God how I miss her.
>Libido to match mine
>Lifts with me
>Likes to cuddle
are my hopes unrealistic?
No not at all what I meant. I don't mean women who talk back or challenge you in a serious way, I mean girls who will taunt or poke you when they want to you to get physical with them, but are still submissive.
I forgot
Well, that goes without saying. (or maybe it doesn't, lol)
>not fat, this is the only *requirement*
>chubby can be okay if its very slight and she has good figure
>either a personality or a look which makes me attracted to her
That's it. Sadly enough, I still have trouble not only finding girls I like, but also getting them to like me.
>not fat
Lol, enjoy your current/future pig.
I'm not exactly Chris Hemsworth to have high standards.
it doesnt matter what you mean, "playful/sassy" when youre dating turns into "bitch/cunt" when youre married
not wanting to date pigs, is NOT considered having high standards.
Jesus christ, what the hell is happening to our society.
An ambitious, hard working and physically active girl capable of independent thought from a good patrician family.
When you're a 3/10 male and 2/3rds of the females in your country are overweight, 'not fat' is already high standards.
It's not that fucking hard I don't know why anyone asks this question ever unless ur a insecure kissless virgin grill:
>good looking
That's it.
in what way?
I just want a very charismatic NEET girl to spend all day talking to on the internet. Nothing more. I would pay thousands of monies for this.
A cheerful girl whose smile and giggles fix my shitty day instantly.
I miss her.
Basically anyone I can fuck around and blast music with. Like a best friend you can put a bone in. But if they have to look like something let it be pic related
>objectively measure fun
That's like trying to explain what feels so good about sex to somebody who has never had it. Stop intellectualizing.
relatively tall for a girl (I have noticed that around 5'9-5'10 is the height I find most aesthetically pleasing in women. I'm like 5'11 btw so I know that it's kinda weird, most exes were 5'8-5'10 tho)
blonde or chestnut
pretty slim
not shallow
stop it
someone who isn't so narcissistic that they need to take 10 selfies a day
where do you find girls like that
Pretty much her
Heyoo just watched that movie last night (the first) second seems like it will be cool too
Has to be at least 80% as autistic as I am.
Loyalty is the most important factor. If a bitch isn;t loyal than whats the point she will leave you no matter how alpha you think you are. Grill has to be physically attractive to me, have a good head on her shoulders, and have light carefree disposition. She should also be very loving and caring.
Im barely getting over her, i dont need this post.
>well-proportioned, thicc/thinn doesn't matter as long as she's physically attractive and proportionate
>no black hair
>18-22 years old, I'm 19 right now
>in good physical shape, not necessarily lifting but some form of physical activity and a decent diet
>wants kids eventually, not for the next few years
>morally decent, ideally utilitarian in philosophy. I'm not opposed to showing skin/being profane, as I do those things. I mean moral decency as in being a good person
>smart/hardworking, at least enough to be financially stable without me
>ideally STEM field, as I'm in engineering
>conservative, not necessarily alt-right but I would not be okay with white guilt/"fuck the patriarchy" bullshit
>accepts that I am imperfect, and will help me improve myself but not try to change who I am
Bonus points for:
>tall (6'3" or less, I'm 6'6")
>red hair
>firearms enthusiast
>blue eyed
>not a feminist
>nice ass and tits
>wants kids
>wants me
Loved Kingsman so much. Really looking forward to the new one. The old money look they give Roxy just gets me.
A pulse
is me
I forgot to add submissive, good idea
>not 'still warm'
no wonder you don't have a GF, stop being so picky
>cowtits (very important)
>embarrassed in her childhood for having yuge tits so still wears lots of layers to hide the goods
>Only allows me to embrace her
>really quiet and shy in public
>in private places turns into a ball of energy and an affectionate mess
I know Nene isn't the best example but just roll with it.
If any benevolent beings out there are monitoring this thread then you can go ahead and grant my wish now.
Ya i think you watch too many movies user
Friends have all the humor and personality i need
A wife is a whole other thing though
Playful, loyal, beautiful, high libido. Will do yoga with me. I really doubt she exists desu.
>loves me for who i am
>not fat
>p smart
>i can bMyself around her
>more interests than just netflix
Some kind of maternal vibe. I have to be able to imagine her as the mother of my kids and being capable of doing a bunch of housewifey shit like bake cakes and fold clothes in ways I can't understand.
It's weird because I pull my weight around the house and don't expect any woman I'm with to do the housework, but she has to be capable of keeping a place clean.
[spoiler]This vibe has to extend to sex[/spoiler]
I can already see her as one of those overly promiscuous women in their late 40s that likes younger men ejaculating inside of her followed by a lot of bare-body contact.
I hope she finds love before that gets the chance to happen.
Took this long for "feminine penis" to be mentioned. I'm disappointed Veeky Forums
At this point I don't even care. If someone showed interest in me I'd give it a try.
I've been rejected by every woman I've asked out. I'm going to be 32 next month.
This shit isn't fit related, take it to r9k or adv
Its in the OP.
>not a feminist
Absolute deal breakers
- Feminist
- Cuck/poly/open relationship stuff
- BDSM/kink
- Any sort of super opinionated political activist, alt-right or "antifa" or whatever
good bred op
In many ways similar to this, but not 6.3 goddamit Im 5 10
white (me is also white), submissive, beautiful, faithful, sense for humor, romantic/idealistic/dreamer type or whatever is opposite of cynical sarcastic bitch, has ideals and goals for herself, absolutely has to lift or do some fitness, self sufficient financially, college education, low number of ex partners, less than 4, ideally less than 1, age 18-24 (Ill be 28 soon ;) as tall as me or smaller, from good family, doesnt drink or smoke, has good friends, has not male friends, has a pure heart as in wishes everybody the best and is positive thinking, has a lot of self respect and dignity (woops there it goes 99% women excluded), loves a man to be a man, loves and enjoys being a woman, is traditional and knows and loves to cook, wants kids but not in next few years, has wonderful soft feminine voice. Dresses nice but not over revealing, she is so beautiful that it cannot be hidden with clothes, has natural style, no tattoos, no piercings except for maybe the cute point on nostril and ears. Has beautiful wide smile. Accepts nothing but the best for herself. Knows how to enjoy life and expensive gifts, but is not dependent on it.
Bonus: has alpha father or/and brothers I can lift with and shoot the shit.
I think I mostly got it here. Maybe I remember some more.
i meant more like cheeky, you guys really aren't catching my drift I think , I don't put up with bitches insulting me or anything like that.
I hope you're a 10/10, bro because when others list their absolute ideal, I can usually see it, but that sounds like a fucking unicorn.
>says wants white
>posts chink
what did he meme by this??
Short hair, tomboyish, tanned. Small-medium breasts and a nice bum.
Friendly, active, talkative. Someone who will push me to be better.
yeah bro I posted a pretty long ideal list earlier, but christ I can't imagine being that particular
oh look, another girl thread on the fitness board
>some awkwardly tall Veeky Forums STEM autist has all these demands for a girl
die a virgin, sperg
I get that a lot so I dont even share except on this anonymous kitten behavior forum.
I am satisfied with my facial aesthetics but to be honest, looks arent as important to women. My body is above average, dick too, face too, I am medical doctor and I am well read etc, I only search what I provide but in a woman.
I gave myself alot of freedom because I look at myself as my great work of Art, from birth I looked at myself as a project, even before "be the best u can be" meme etc that now is rampant (and good).
My whole Life is designed for my Ideal girl so I can allow myself whatever I feel like.
The fact that many people live sub lives is not my concern.
Post body. I know your a filthy cross boarder from /r9k/. Not even Veeky Forums I guarantee it.
>doesnt drink
you will never find this
>tfw oneitis fits everything here, except for the drinking and having few male friends
>she thinks of me as an autistic creep
how do i get her to be my gf Veeky Forums?
I don't talk much so it's sort of hard for me to find a girl. I just want someone that I can be comfortable with in our silence. When i'm with most girls who talk too much I get so anxious that I need to continue talking about some random shit I dont want to.
> Cute face
> Nice ass
> Religious
> Kinky as fuck
> Makes me laugh
But the last time I met a girl who really made me laugh was like 10 or 11 years ago and was a whore.
man every time
my last crush was sort of whore and really funny.
Pure and wholesome
Forget her, fix yourself, and hope you do better next time
>expecting humor from a girl
shiggy diggy
I'm Canadian...
Post a picture of you
Funny girls are really rare, I noticed that a few years ago. I truelly believe that women can't into humor. I also noticed that funny girls are often the ones that grew surrounded by more men than women.
And don't even talk me about the ones that think they're the funniest person alive. Goddamn, there's nothing more irritating in this world than them. Especially when they're pretty because every fags around them leugh with them and it confort them with the feeling that their humor is good.
>he thinks women can't be funny
He's right too
>. I also noticed that funny girls are often the ones that grew surrounded by more men than women.
really makes u think why they are whores mostly too
sorry user
Why did she leave you?
hot smart funny responsible loyal unconditional love
A thing like that doesn't exist so I'll keep lifting
Yeah that's sad for someone who is aroused by the sense of humor. Not really aroused but it's the cutest thing ever to me.
I'm content when they just laugh at my jokes. Nice quads btw
mother of quads
I love sense of humor in women too. But I can deal with the girl just genuinely liking mine.
I can see how you'd think that. Most people my height are lanky af, I'm very fortunate with my genetics. I have a decent face, strong jawline, and though several years of lifting I'm not mr. skeletal despite my height.
Mind you that's my perfect woman, too. I hook up with girls who don't meet all those standards every weekend. The girl who has all that is wife material, not fuckmeat.
>Really submissive
>Not promiscuous so when I eventually get her to call me daddy it's hard for her to say and that makes it hotter
>Not broken in (not an alpha widow)
>Cute feet
>Not fat but has a slight tummy
>Fat ass
>Black hair brown skin
>Doesnt know how to suck a cock until I teach her
Found her
>Really submissive
>Not promiscuous so when I eventually get her to call me daddy it's hard for her to say and that makes it hotter
>Not broken in
>Cute small feet
>Not fat but has a slight tummy
>Fat ass
>Black hair
Found her
any girl that might fight me attractive but that will never happen because im a ugly basement dweller manlet with a low IQ
I'll fight you until you're attractive.
>not fat
>wants to be a mother
Someone who likes me
Or this
>smart (sciences, ideally)
>good taste in music
>physically attractive (wide hips, cute face)
>independent but clearly interested in me
>reasonable and reliable
I just want to kick it with another cutie who has her shit together. Wish I wasn't in a small town.
what's with all the guys wanting a girl shorter than them i'd prefer one taller than me
> be smart
> not use fucking Snapchat filters
> not do fucking drugs, marijuana included
> be ambitious
> be attractive
> be white
Um, people become NEETS for a reason you know. Enjoy the fantasy.