i just got banned from my gym guys
they didn't like my gym catch phrase. ive been doing it for 5 whole months and nobody ever told me it was annoying, i just wanted to look cool
I just got banned from my gym guys
>Catch phrases in the gym
Nobody actually does this, right?
>gym catch phrase
This is 100% fake
its just something i do to motivate my self
my catch phrase is "LETS GO!"
I say it at each rep, so for instance when I bench every time I straighten out my arms I say it. So a set of 5 reps will sound like
I say it for all my lifts. It really increases my adrenaline when I scream. I thought people would think its cool too but they said i was disturbing everyone
Please be real
i don't like you guys finding this funny. it was really embarrassing. and the one to do it was the receptionist girl who i thought liked me
A good gym catch phrase is a necessity for anyone who doesn't want to clean the manlet pit at any gym worth going to.
I was expecting a lot funnier catch phrase than that user.
You must kill it at parties
well im not a weirdo so its pretty normal catchphrase to say in the gym. i thought it was like cool you know, may be even people would recognize me. like "hey its the lets go guy"
yep, it's autism
This. The problem isn't the user having a catchphrase, it's that his catchphrase was garbage. You have to recognize who your audience is at the gym and choose catchphrases appropriately.
what would have been a better catchphrase, maybe if i show up tomorrow and say a better one they will be impressed
A fat beaner at my gym does this and walks in circles around the machine between each set
>screaming "Let's go" every rep
yeah that's not appropriate behavior and it's good that you got banned
Probably just trying to pump himself up.
That's a tricky question because 'good' is so subjective. If you have a group of Veeky Forums gymbros, you might go with a classic "LIGHTWEIGHT, BABY" or "'MIRIN", but, depending on gym regulations, you might be fined a few days of gains for older meme usage. You've gotta make your own appraisal of the situation.
user you don't seem to realize it but you should just scream 'let's go!' into mic and loop it into headphones, nobody gives a shit about you, you're annoying people by being loud and trying to impress them, no different from a beggar on public transport
I pace inbetween sets if the gym isn't crowded. It's that weird?
I'm already the only fat white guy at my gym, so I guess it couldn't make me any more noticeable.
>he doesn't have a gym catch phrase
not very bodacious of you desu
>hasn't got a gym catch phrase
never going to make it
At least once a set I say out loud "get beefy, bitch" or "get REAL beefy, bitch" (I like to put a lot of emphasis on the word real)
Sometimes it's hard to lift but shouting "cmon you lil pissbitch" and generally just berating myself really helps with the gains.
>let the gains, beGain!
>Sometimes I feel like the weight LIFTS ME up. *snicker*
>I can't seem to get a grip on these deadlifts *ask someone to watch your flawless 2 plate doh deads*
>I'm PRESSED for time - on push day
>it's time to hit the showers and suck some cock
>they call me the seat sniffer, now scoot over and give me a whiff.
>they call me the trashman because all my lifts are garbage
Try out one or two of these.
>im not a weirdo
>i thought it was like cool you know, may be even people would recognize me. like "hey its the lets go guy"
Feeling fit, buddy?
One time I was spotting a guy that I had noticed had been going to the gym pretty steady for a couple months and had made some steady gains during that period.
I wanted to hype him up, so while he was struggling with the weight on his last few reps I started screaming, "Light weight!" And, "This isn't shit man!"
When he reracked the weight, he said, "Maybe for you". He immediately left the gym and I never saw him there again.
MFW I accidentally made someone exit the gains train.
Include me in the screencaps please
no fucking kidding I would ban you too and anyone with half a brain cell capable of interpreting anything even resembling decent taste would ban you as well.
In the future, try one of these, before you embarrass yourself any further:
BENCHING: "Whoa nelly"
SQUATTING: "I'm getting down to gains town"
Lol fucking autistic kid
People like you should work out in caves well far from people
I know this is bait but there's a couple of guys at my gym who go "NO MORE EASY, MAN! NO MORE EASY!"
The staff started mockingly saying it themselves and I think it eventually caught on, now it's an inside joke
Better than that shitty lets go poster faggot with long drawn out shitty with no comedic value despite desperate attempt.
Whats up with first world people being this retard in gimnasiums ? This is what processed food and netflix do to you guys ?
if you had a first world education you'd understand that this isn't a real story
Dougie Jones, pls go.
Autism aside, what phrases do you use to psyche yourself up before a PR?
I've been screaming my gym catch phrases for the last month and have managed to break plateaus in my big four. I'm also looking much leaner as I've started using my catch phrase when eating as well
Include me in the screencap
>Yeah buddy
i always go "WOOP" after finishing a bench press set
I like to yell
"Push that"
"You like that?"
"Get swole"
"Come at me"
"Chump weights"
There is no cure for autism
> not yelling For The Emperor!
> never gonna make it
Not only is that a real story but these were Americans yelling that. In a gym that has a disproportional amount of Americans (the gym isn't located in America).
>voluntarily losing tightness
Include me in that screencap, faggot
>meesa get swole gunga
the site always brings a smile to my face
My personal favorite is
>"Bubble gum bubble gum pink and pretty watch your form avoid snap city"
I am too afraid to say it out loud so I usually just mouth it and tap my finger on the barbel for each syllable
I found it really keeps me focused on performing the proper movement, there are way too many meatheads who only focus on moving weight, not moving muscle.
Is this a Northernlion reference?
who the fuck are the people who visit this board
it's better than the DYEL retards that go hiss or pscht EVERY rep