didn't see one for the first time
15 months training
plz don't hate on my traps senpaitachis
didn't see one for the first time
15 months training
plz don't hate on my traps senpaitachis
Other urls found in this thread:
Mirin your shoulders bruv. Routine?
Started last month myself.
CBT pics mean nothing without them. For all we know you could only just fill out a size S t shirt.
5'10 179
Shoulder machine broke
6'3" 178lbs
miron shoulders and chest
very good frame, keep packing on the muscle and panties will drop
sick arms
what the fuck bro, impressive for one month
extreme focus on OHP, all rep ranges. Been doing recently cable lateral raises and occasionally a shoulder machine but I don't attribute much to them. In other words it's different for everyone.
175cm 66kg
Year and a half roughly. Still DYEL tier. :( 175 cm / 5'9" & 73kg / ~161 lbs
Hi guys
5'7 125
Started lifting 2 weeks ago on a bro split
No hate guys :3
You're not DYEL tier, but you're not huge or anything. Looking good.
Lifting about 5 years.
if you're not 6' please don't wast time posting itt.
Then why did you post?
Rate please, what should I work on? Joining the Marine Corp infantry so whatever gains I might have will go down the drain. I go to MEPS for the medical evaluation tomorrow morning. Already took the asvab. AFQT score of 82. Might go Intelligence, I don't know.
>5"8 135
cope harder faggot
>what should I work on?
do some leg stretches
5'7 skelly bro reporting in, and I also have scoliosis but its not as pronounced, do some posture exercises my dude
187lbs or so
26 years old
Lol I already do that when I hit legs 2x a week. :)
Do i even lift?
Trying to bulk and lift hard, am actually seeing results but still dyel as fuck
Looking good, but small. Pump up the volume, work out harder.
Close to me for stats. What are your lifts like?
I imagine you look better with clothes off than you do with them on. I'd recommend hitting arms for volume twice a week.
Hit legs harder. Mirin forearms tho.
my posture is good, my body is like that just in this pic
>don't hate on my traps
what traps?
>marine corps
There are a lot of smart people in the corp. My 2 uncles were in as infantry officers. One went to poly prep, got offered a scholarship to Julliard, and graduated from Fordham Uni. Other one went to Columbia Prep, and went to Alfred Uni.
Am I just fat or is my body shape just fucked and fat?
you're just fat
stop overthinking and eat properly for once instead of fucking around and eating things you think have protein in general, don't bullshit me i know you do this.
What do you do for forearms?
Bowser Abs.
just started lifting again, am I gonna make it
also fuck chest :^)
5'11" 150lb
You need new shoes. No amount of muscle will make bad style look okay
Those are my beater shoes from high school, I have at least a grain of fashion sense now
I just wear them lifting because they're super broken in
208 lbs
>underwear pulled up on one side plus ever so torso shift to hide dem love handles
I am left but with bigger shoulders and want to reach right for now.
The chest in the sternum area has fucking 0 progress for as long as i know.
5'11 157
cocoa powder is 90% of my diet
Fly is unzipped you fucking autist
Please tell me you're actually using a toilet brush to scrub your back.
You played yourself.
No amount of fit will save you from that face
>emo kid
You learn to deal with it
Let's not pretend that's the weirdest thing you've seen on Veeky Forums today, user
Post your smile. That's what's attractive, not this half blank serious face.
Why would I be trying to attract anyone on a sexually confused Italian armada roleplaying conglomerate
Because going on here is what girls do as an alternative to porn obviously
He has fucked teeth m8
Why the fuck do I want to smile at them? They're tryna get off not date some emo kid on Veeky Forums
lol gay
1 month of lifting. 5'11. 23.
29 y/o
one week progress bros, i am starting to gain weight, gone from 48kg (left) to 52 kg (right)
i think im going to make it if i can keep up.
get more upper body, you got a real nice jaw and mostly no fat so just bulk like hell.
Trying, bro. It's hard getting 3300 calories after a lifetime of being a skelly eating just 2 pizzas a day.
6'1 152
one problem i have is my lower stomach. Its just a fucking hard slab that protrudes out and makes me look like a fucking kangaroo. Also my fucking love handles. Should I just plan a cut later/ commit sudoku or roid, I don't wanna fuck up my growth spurt
>its bulking season tho right
for cutting? how exactly does that work?
all i do is bulletproof coffee so far with coconut oil
two month progress tho
I don't like the coffee, usually fast until post workout anywhere from 12-3pm. Nothing special about coco powder, I just like the taste
keep going,good progress
did you realy mean that :DDDDD golly gee :DDD
1 year progress.
Still no chest gains, still no arms gains and still look DYEL.
I need a new routine. Pls help.
wanna do one with me user?
Look up Arnold's blueprint to mass. It's fucking crazy amount of volume. Eat more, too. Right now you look like shit because your ration of muscle to fat is fucked up. Fix that by adding more muscle.
this is what two months of bulking looks like, you won't get fat. I've been lifting for like 5 months
former skinnyfat, AmA
I think you look pretty good man, though I can't see your legs. Good luck in the marines, I'm Canadian infantry myself.
Miran v-taper
That routine has a shit ton of volume and a lot of concentration on the benches, but I have a shitty gym that only has a smith machine. I have to DB press for chest day.
not even a spare bench you can drag under the smith machine?
damn, DB press will work too. It's all about muscle stimulation, not the exercise itself. Hell DB might even be better for all I fucking know
The DB press is all I have unfortunately, but in my limited knowledge of routines this one looks good.
godspeed user, remember your shitty body, fill y ourself with rage, and lift.
I was once there too brother
Thanks bro
Anger is the best pre-workout.
Being a spook is the shittiest job. All you do is sit around for 12 hours and occasionally color and look at maps.
>I imagine you look better with clothes off than you do with them on. I'd recommend hitting arms for volume twice a week.
Err I guess, is that bad? My head is dispeoportianally big though. I do hammer curls and weighted chinups on pull day, weighted dips and triceps extensions on push day and on upper body day I hit bis with preacher curls and tris with skullcrushers. What do you suggest?
H-have I made it to marioland yet?
Just gotta keep lifting until you can OHP princess peach and farmer's carry her to your castle.
Am I a dyel? I like beer to much so probably never gonna get those abs.
fuck off clayton
Yes. If you cut really hard you might see some definition.
If you're going to stay at that bf%, you're going to be dyel for a long long time.
? why you mad?
Is Clayton the male model who admitted to sucking dicks? lel
I have a job as a model but no im not gay.... or does this mean someone was pretending to be me here again?
5'7" 176lbs
you look like a fucking ape m8
Might have been another model, or someone pretending to be you.
They didn't say that were gay, but that had done stuff to get jobs/contacts.
That seems like a lot if you height/build.
Looking good though.
Great grandma was black so makes sense :^)
what are you on? asking for my gf
hrmm ya never done anything, although I can deff say yes I have had opportunities/jobs and lost them because I didnt do stuff for sure.
6ft 190lbs
Been lifting for about 6 months now and i just started a cut
94kg, 6ft1.. looking for opinions, what do I need to work on more?
Listen here little baby. You're gonna get a lot of hurtful and degrading comments, but that ain't what I'm about. Let me just say, you are perfect the way you are. You hear me sugar? PERFECT. Don't ever change. You deserve anything and everything you want. Stay safe for me, baby girl.
>mfw thinking of you hurting
you got me, but mostly it's the fact that I've been on summer vacation for the past 3 months and have no option other than to eat my mother's food...
ex obese here, used to be 280, now around 200
nice glutes
arms looking big bro
Get a hair cut