Sumo or Conventional?
Snatch grip
Whatever fits your frame
>inb4 manlets with ape perportions
Trap bar, high handles.
this , it depends entirely on how your body is proportioned, try which you feel more comfortable doing and which one yelds better results
Snatch grip behind the back banded axle bar sumo tempo reverse hook grip deadlift is the only correct anwser
right now both, but conventional is my primary stance
That's gay as fuck you little manlets
Conventional is the only true deadlift
World records are set with conventional
Eddie has perfect proportions for conventional tho
imagine if we could get a gorilla to train powerliftin
We did, his name is Ray Williams.
Which proportions work better for the different types?
If you have a penis and balls, conventional works better.
(((pulling sumo)))
>wide hips, long legs
>narrow hips, short legs, or extremely good mobility
sumo are better for dat ass regardless
Can do conventional, but due to a car accident it's much harder. Used to pull ~ 95% of my sumo conventional. Now it's more like 75%, and I never touch that bc conventional is always high rep pump work
Sumo feels more natural for me.
I can do about 80% of my sumo with conventional but my form always starts to suffer faster than it does with sumo.
You can get a nice glute burn with sumo volume work too, which I enjoy
He wouldnt even be ale to perform squats and deadlifts
Their center of gravity is way more forward
DOnt know about bench though
conventional deadlift with overhand grip
anything else doesn't count
how to spot someone with a 2pl8 deadlift
>forced myself to pull conventional up until about 3pl8 (work set weight)
>had literally 0 power off the floor, slightly rounded lower back, felt like a snap waiting to happen
>decide to try retardedly wide sumo despite not having the typical "sumo build" (yknow, not a manlet, narrow hips).
>couldn't make it off the floor due to poor adductor strength.
>try "semi sumo" (retarded name btw), just 1-2 inches outside my conventional stance, grip inside legs
>feels perfectly natural, can feel my whole body tightening to lift the bar, hips shooting forward, feel like a human spring
>can lift 10kg heavier on first try
>mfw never going back
Getting closer and closer to 5pl8 atm. I still don't know why I couldn't pull conventional. Probably flexibility and hip mobility issues, plus I do have kinda short arms compared to the rest of my body, and long femurs compared to my shins. Yet a slight change in form produced optimal results.
It's much more complicated than "lmao manlets pull sumo" imo.
Find the dead that works for you. No one gives a fuck what a bunch of salty larping manlets think. Hell, trap bar is probably a better choice for anyone who doesn't compete. I think jeffersons are a great pull as well, although they are usually lighter and you need to balance training each side. They're pretty safe too. Behind the back deadlifts on the other hand look pretty snappy. Your call.
Whichever is best for you