GSLP (as per the book 3rd edit with some aestheticfaggot plugins and conditioning, not Veeky Forumss or phraks) or GCZLP (T1 big four, T2 suitable assistance work, T3 dudebropumpshit)? I just need to get yuuuuge and have not yet maxed out noob gains, but I tried and loved both and cannot decide now. Someone give me unbiased pros and cons please, I have no real time limit so slow progress is no con but long term sustainability should be a pro.
Routine Help pls
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Also interested in this. Out of curiosity, what did you like/dislike about each routine?
Nothing much, as mentioned I loved both and cannot decide. The only thing about GCZL is that the T123 system is a bit weird to set up for a bloody novice, I under- and overestimated myself a few times. Another difference is three day vs four day but I could work fine with both.
One major pro of GSLP is that the AMRAPs are just simply fun as fuck to do but that is hardly a point that will seal the decision, I like lifting in general very much, kek
>GCZLP (T1 big four, T2 suitable assistance work, T3 dudebropumpshit)
Can someone lay out how this program looks like in practice? I can't understand the T1, T2 and all that jazz.
Its a AB 4 times a week? Which exercises, how many sets and reps etc?
Does the fucking on the roof fetish have a name?
pic related
Not that I know of, I wish it had so I could acquire a huge folder lol
>following a meme routine
All beginner programs are meme routines.
Thank you for your detailed contribution to the topic at hand.
Arguably. But I’ve had the discussion too often anyway, I just need help in deciding which of the two above to milk for what it’s worth.
You're welcome
A bump’s a bump kek
Whats a good 3 day whole body routine ive been doing SS but im getting bored of it and too many squats
What the fuck does this acronym mean?
Definitely GZCLP, albeit with a little modification. It's more balanced than GSLP, more variance in weights and set/rep ranges. Just don't do only 3 exercizes per workout, you should be able to do 5-6 unless your conditioning is shit. Just make sure you superset your stuff. Personally on the T1 DL and Squat days I superset my OHP and Bench with Chins and BB rows, and on T1 OHP and Bench days I superset my T3 pressing movements with T3 pulling ones.
SS with alternating Squats and Deadlifts
I'd fuck her off the roof
Online screenname of the guy who created it, similar (albeit less evident) to how Doggcrapp Training got its name back in the day
Well I just want to be a big guy (4 u) so the lack of variance is not an issue as long as I progress. But I never thought about supersetting stuff all too much (thought it to be too exhausting with the amrap and whatnot), might need to try that, thanks a bunch!
same desu
GZCL stuff is based as fuck.
Currently on week3 of J&T 2.0 and boio its brutal.
In terms of noob gains, isn't the standard advice geared towards milking linear progression?
I mean GSLP/SS/SL all have TWO big lifts per day, wouldn't they add weight to the big lifts at a faster rate assuming minimal reset events (1.5 times per week upper body and 2-3 squats and 1-2 deadlifts).
That said, GSLP seems set more for staying on the basic program longer than SS is. So maybe there's the benefit you can run GZCL longer again.
What dyall think about ICF5X5?
About to start it tomorrow.
Variation is important for progression in novices. GZCL is more sustainable in every way, it shouldn't even be a question in your mind. GSLP is a zero-though routine for noobs to run for 3-6 months like SS and SL, GZCL is a set of principles that can be modified for the novice through to advanced lifter.
Look up natty lifter aka shadowman
he exposed blaha so hard that blaha lost 90% of his peak audience
Dropped then, and I was even hyped. Gib natty beginner routine other than SS (more focused on bodybuilding than powerlifting) pls.
try a basic PPL like this
>GSLP is a zero-though routine for noobs to run for 3-6 months like SS and SL, GZCL is a set of principles that can be modified for the novice through to advanced lifter
GSLP is exactly that too (read the book), along with his powerbuilding stuff it can be done for literal ages. Not saying GZCL is not infinitely better (cause it is), but you can milk Greyskull for a very long time if you know what you are doing. Read the book.
lol, I mostly omitted that one (except for OHP), I can perfectly see the logic behind it in the context of his approach but ten singles at the weight I squat or pull is just cynic as fuck.
How many t2 and t3 exercises do you do? And what are your t2a?
How? Starting Strength is basically the original beginner routine and everything thing else is some variation of it. The point is to teach the beginner how to lift, muscle memory, and linearly progress while not worrying about dumb shit like 50 bicep curls and crunches. How is that a meme?
>PPL? eg.
>SS (rows not cleans), GSLP; doing all the recommended accessories (dips/pull-ups, curls/tris, HLR)
Also something like these or some random split depending on your opinion of the strength base memephilosophy
yeah don't worry about dumb shit like building work capacity or hypertrophy that idiots like Chad Wesley Smith and Boris Sheiko think are very important for novices, just grind three bah fahves all day until you become rippetoe's deformed milkmaiden
I've read the book. It's a novice routine. Excessive deloads are only an effective fatigue management strategy for novices. There will come a time to build work capacity and that time is earlier than most think.
GSLP is literally the direct result of people being fed up with Rip and his program and being kicked out of the forum for challenging his wisdom topkek
He strongly advises high volume high frequency bodyweight stuff and ballbusting conditioning for _exactly_ that reason. Not sure which book you read but it apparently wasnt the same I read.