Why haven't you taken the travel pill yet, Veeky Forums?
Normies and in particular normie girls love that shit for some obscure reason. Speak any foreign language, spout some bullshit about how a travel changed your view of the world and you're set. More effective than 10 years gymcelling.
Social Gains:
travelling is not Veeky Forums
in my experience, hardship or challenge matures me and lets me experience insight.
ive travelled before and the whole "find yourself by travelling" seems like a meme
I find most people my age in my city either live at home or are rentcucks but have traveled the world. I spent years saving up to buy property and now that I have my roots in the ground here I'm ready to travel, but it seems like a couple thing to me.
Cardio and rock climbing?
Idk man
I don't have the money for that
nah but traveling is something dumb normies and instasluts are obsessed with, and Veeky Forums is not about lifting anymore, it's basically a general life /adv/ice board at that point
this picture is so fucking dumb if you think about how it was made
why would you want to travel though. even if I had a gf and she wanted to travel I'd just break up with her as it suggests ADHD/Millenialness and a tendency to fall for dumb trends & buzzwords. It's for women and children.
Can't wait until my next trip op
I pretty much just want to see different geography and animals before I die. A lot of people want to travel just for a picture of themselves with a different background.
Why do girls only want to travel to 3rd world countries? Do they secretly want to be raped?
They couldn't care less about my trip to the South of France, they all seem to want to go to Africa, Central America and South East Asia.
Don't get me wrong, I love traveling. I find it effortless to make friends and get laid while abroad. The worst part of traveling is returning to my empty apartment and the 2 week post trip readjustment depression that follows any trip
>if I can make friends while traveling, why does it feel like I'm pulling teeth trying to talk to normal people in my city?
It's an enormous waste of time and money for most people. They go to places they have no connection to, hang out for an hour, snap some pictures and leave.
I love travelling, just started last year and I've become addicted. I've only been to 11 countries so far. This past summer I spent 6 weeks in South America and met so many cool people. I'm not even that outgoing and even I made friends.
>my trip to the South of France
just curious, which part m8?
>effortless to make friends and get laid while abroad
never understood that meme. why on earth would it be easier?
I actually don't get the hype. Been there, done that, moved abroad twice, visited 10 different countries as a kid/teen (dumb leftist parents) and it felt no different than going to the town next to mine. I just don't see the appeal.
Also, coincidentally, I notice a trend of numale redditors who think traveling and then talking about it for hours on end will make them "real men" or "adventurers". Those are just pathetic.
I've only lived probably 50km from where I was born my entire life...
Visited neighboring provinces very briefly and been to disneyland when I was 5 years old. Even if you didn't like it you've seen other places.
That's a pretty autism reason to break ties with someone you love but ok
>never understood that meme. why on earth would it be easier?
Psychological barriers that guys put up and even then it doesn't work. A guy who gets no pussy at home gets no pussy away.
Cannes and Nice. This was a couple years before the migrant crisis, I probably wouldn't go to France today.
I honestly love travelling and seeing new places, but I share same sentiments as you, user.
It's starting to annoy me where people would focus more on their selfies instead of enjoying the place they're on.
I kinda notice that most of young women nowadays always seem to be or pretend to be addicted to travelling. They won't stop saying shit about their love of travelling abroad, but when they're home, all they talk seem to be how awesome they are buying alcohol, fast food or wasting money abroad for what they could've easily had in their home country.
yeah that's so American
frenchfag here, lived one year in SF. I speak English with a semi-British accent, because born in London.
Never had so much success as in the US. You guys probably have the most patriotic country but trust me your girls love sucking a foreign dick.
You don't even need to be a globetrotter for those gains. Visiting all the interesting sits in one's own state can be super informative and organizing weekend trips to the beach and such is awesome for social gains because it makes you the guy at the center of things after a while.
It woks best if you really get in there and talk to some local people, but I think the personal gains from traveling come mostly from putting your own position in the world into perspective by gaining a broader sense of how other people live. It's more about building knowledge and empathy rather than inner strength.
Non mais en France aussi les femmes en peuvent plus si tu leurs racontes ton expérience transcendante au Népal, tes vacances en Amérique du Sud ou que tu leurs parles de >REPOUSSER tes LIMITES et SORTIR de ta ZONE DE CONFORT
You havent travelled much have you?
How to get laid on easy mode"
1. be white
2. go to Asia
3. ???
4. profit
Or as my friend once said while we were in BKK " fuck I love Asia, where else in am I gonna get laid just for being white."
>where else in am I gonna get laid just for being white
Literally any impoverished nonwhite country.
>can't experience anything without taking a picture with your phone
The problem with travel is people. People are scum.
I haven't travelled our of country (if going to Canada doesn't count), but I have been hitting up some major cities like Boston, LA, Toronto, DC, NYC, etc.
They all just feel the same