First day of keto

First day of keto.

How am I doing?

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>1379 calories
>80 protons
What are you trying to achieve? Starvation mode?

Hehe, I need to lose a lot of weight man. Currently at 111kg(244lb) trying to get to 90kg(198lb).

I set up MyFitnessPal to lose 1 kg a week using the 5/20/75 ketogenic diet settings.

At least get 1g of protein per body weight to perserve your muscles

Is there any specific reason for doing keto? It doesn't matter what you eat as long as you end up with less calories than you burn. Odds are if you follow some fad diet like keto and then go back to regular diet you'll just gain back the weight you lost.

I just like the idea of burning fat instead of sugar. I also want to break my sugar addiction. Other than that, cooking with raw materials and only eating basic food is pretty satisfying.

Per what? Pound? Kilo?

Keto is 4:1 fat_calories:non_fat_calories

You've got
133g fat : 100g nonfat
133 * 9 : 100 * 4
you need 4:1

admirable start
but not good enough buddy
tweak it further
first thing that needs to go is that meme yoghurt
18 crabs 18 protons 0 fat
absolutely detrimental

simply removing that changes your ratios to:
133g : 64g

see hwo it works. all about ratios.
simply removing that food put you super firmly in keto

of course oyu don't want to starve, you still need more food, so you need to replace that with something much more fatty, less crabby and less protony.
Pour oil over your dinner instead. Pure fat instead of those detrimental crabs and protons.

Good ruck brah.

Isn't keto 3:1 fat_calories:non_fat_calories?

I thought I only had to look at the 5/20/75 percent ratio for carbs, protein and fat?

Thanks for the tip on the yoghurt, that's a lot of calories that I could've used better.

Some people report that it's enough.
In my case (and others I know) it's not, we need minimum 80% fat calories.
Are you measuring ketones? What are you getting right now?
Maybe you're one of the lucky ones and don't have to be as strict.

When I teach abotu keto I use 4:1 (80%) just to be safe, because that at that point it will work for pretty much anyone.

Btw that tip wasn't even about the calories. 154 calories is nothing. can see how even a 154 calories snack contains enough potential macro-wise to swing you either in or out of keto.

As it was, this day gave you
As I said before if you simply cut that out the youghurt (and not replaced it) you would have been at
And if that 154 calories of yoghurt was replaced by 154 calories of e.g. olive oil, you would have got to

Just through a 154 kcal snack. See how sensitive the pendulum is?

Just remember, as much fat as possible, and as little of the other 2 as possible (while still meeting your proton goal).

also don't forget vitamin and mineral supplements, because let's face it some big micronutrient gaps can develop over time.

This diet is quite popular for something that's only been studied once, regarding heart disease.

The study showed that high protein diets increase coronary artery disease.
>The effect of high-protein diets on coronary blood flow.
>These results would suggest that high-protein diets may precipitate progression of CAI) through increases in lipid deposition and inflammatory and coagulation pathways.

Be safe!

>keto thread
ITT: people shitting on keto

keto is not high protein
rather, the normie Veeky Forums diet is actualy what's high protein

also the diet is popular for treating a number of conditions, including
>musculo-skeletal conditions

git gud faggot

Thanks for clearing that up. Looks like I mixed up high protein diets with ketosis.

If you've got any sources handy on those claims I would like to see them. If not I'll google them later.

my thoughts are that you should add some fiber high veg like cabbage or spinach.good luck and keep at it

almost bought an avocado today
didnt fall for the avocado jew

Need more body stats and goal.

Carbs are fine.
Fat seems high.
Protein should be .7-1 g per lean body weight.

If you're a fat fuck you'll burn off weight with what you have, but you could also up the amount of calories you eat so it isn't quite so harsh. I'd also add fiber supplements and leafy greens to your diet as well.

replace the shitty icelandic yogurt with greek yogurt or quark.
1400 calories for your weight is ridiculously low. Make the target at least 1800-1850. Up the protein target to 110-120g.

objectively false

Enjoy you heart attack and low T

also where are the veggies? you need to spend most of your "carb allowance" on veggies.

Buy keto strips.

How can you post on Veeky Forums and be this fucking wrong?