Is it time to start lifting /fit?

Maybe I'll finally be able to lift myself out of the skeleton underworld into chadland
Is anyone else in the same high-metabolism tall ectomorph boat? Did you conquer it? If so, post progress pics and tell me your routine secrets. Much appreciated

Sure dude. You're cut. Now time to grow those MFs. I too was a skinny guy. Some tips:
>As a skinny guy leverages are fucked up so lifting feels weird
>Easy to get snapped up.
>Make sure you eat and sleep to recover. This is the hardest thing and I still have trouble with this. Whatever you eat is what you mantain. Looks like whatever you eat makes you maintain a skelly mode.

>Is it time to start lifting /fit?
It's never NOT time to be lifting. Get your spooky ass a gym membership and start eating. A lot.
Don't be one of those faggots who gives up and you'll make it.

hello fello skello

here my progress after recovering from hyperthyroidism. 6 months progress after deciding to lift.

6'3 155 from 130. im only doing dumbells (25) and body weight. i feel good. posture improving. have faith bb

any diet tips that can help skeletons keep on the pounds?

its like losing weight but the opposite... Force yourself to eat when you're not hungry.

eat whenever you feel not full worked best for me and mass gainer shakes with oatmeal, banana, and coconut oil.
i also always keep a giant jugg of peanut butter.
drink milk with meals

Guess I'm not up to brush on terminology. What do you mean by MFs? Also by leverage, do you mean longer limbs = weights have more leverage on your arms?
And now that I realize it, my sleep cycle is fucked. I eat "brunch" at lunch, dinner and that's it. You read my situation pretty well desu
Thanks user.
Damn dude, that's working wonders for you.
Seems like I get queasy really quick when sitting down for a meal. I guess that all has to do with exertion.

Seems like my diet is fucking me here.

Was exactly the same as you, could eat crap food in big portions and never put on weight. Un-ironically star drinking a pint of whole milk with every meal. And add peanut butter to your diet somewhere. Snack on nuts during the day and have bigger portions at lunch and dinner. Do that and a beginners 5x5 and you will pack on weight.

Why the fuck did my keyboard add desu

It does that when someone types to be honest

That shake actually sounds pretty nice compared to all the other shit I've seen about protein shakes. Might give it a try.
Well shit, I deserved that to some extent

Yeah diet maybe, just find what works for you and try to incorporate high calorie food choices! best of luck skelly bro

What's the best snack for some lanklet who's allergic to nuts?

OP here, take this as a swing in the dark, but first thing that came to mind was beef jerky. Pretty good tasting too

> Being a man in the west
> Not lifting in 2017

You have to be straight up retarded not to.

Let me put it this way. Time in the gym is NEVER WASTED. And whatever your results, you will be more muscular than you are now. Whatever your results turn out to be, they will be better than if you DID NOTHING.

fug, I started 170lbs and I considered myself a skelly, maintaining 200lbs same height now

are you alergic to sunflower seeds? if not, try some halva

Hello my skeleton friend. I started going to the gym about 6 months ago and I've gone up from 137lbs (first Pic) to 170lbs (second Pic). The Pic is about a month old tho so now I'm currently at 177lbs. No matter how hard it feels, you can make it. Ill answer any questions if you guys want.

post pics habib i wanna see for my future self

>he thinks "high-metabolism" is the reason why he's a fucking skelington
I remember being a delusional skinny faggot
Eat more cunt


Rattle rattle eat more cattle

>Rattle rattle eat more cattle

>145 lbs
>mfw ive been at this weight for way too long

rattle rattle eat more cattle


I went from 160 lbs to 210 in a year. Just eat more, it's really that simple. Force yourself to eat even if you feel full.




When I started, I was a 6'2 120 lbs skelly. Eating disorders.

3 months on, I am now a 6'2 140lbs skelly with some muscle definition and actual strength.

Just start lifting

at last, recruits for my great and terrible army of skelegates

Rattle rattle eat more cattle

>tfw was 5'11 and 135lbs at 18
>didn't start lifting till 20
>hit late stage puberty or something at 22, grow an inch and weight goes up to 175
>mfw now skinnyfat

Should I just start a lean bulk guys? I've got lovehandles and skinny arms/chest now and its driving me nuts

recomp or cut. 175 is enough to justify a cut desu


Any tips? I've heard of the term but never looked into it


this was me before....

and after a one month bulk and I'm still going. Just track ur calories and macros, work hard at the gym, don't worry about getting fat because ur already working hard in the gym (right?) and sleep. Plenty of carbs, protein, and fat. Don't fall for low carb or low fat bs

That is basically me on the lift, both frame and weight.

What was your diet and routine?
What weights were you lifting day 1 and what are you lifting now?

seconding this

Doesn't recomp take a fuckass long time as a natty? Longer than a bulk+cut with equal results, I mean.

You look like you just got a little fatter senpai

hahahaha kek my posture is obv fucked
but no, I did not get fatter daddy. That would mean being a bad boy.

>Doesn't recomp take a fuckass long time as a natty? Longer than a bulk+cut with equal results, I mean.

yeah if you want faster results, just stick to cutting/bulking, but recomping gives you a more consistent physique if you're into that. So it's basically just a question of how vapid you are kek

Rattle Rattle Eat more Cattle

not me but this gives me motivation.
>tfw 6'0 138 lbs

Nice man.
Also 6'3", started off at 125, now at around 140

Fug mane, I had gotten set up to do a lean bulk (bought a bunch of tuna, chicken breasts, whole grain pasta etc) but if I have to cut first I'll do it.

So pretty much I just have to keep lifting and bring the calorie count down right? Forgive me if I seem clueless but I've never considered cutting being a skinny fuck and all that

How much slower would you say recomp is?

The best thing for spooky skeletons is milk. Don't go full retard with it though. In addition to your regular diet, just add in 500ml of milk split throughout the day. Check weight again in 2 weeks. If you're happy with the rate at which you gained weight (if any), keep going. If not, add in another 500ml.

I mean if you're talking about cutting then yeah. Recomping can have slightly different variations, like eating at a 100 surplus on your lifting days, and like 500 below on your non-workout days.

I'm fairly new to lifting myself, so I don't know the exact speeds. I mean it'll depend entirely on how experienced of a lifter you are i.e. the more experienced the less effective recomping is. Just watch some videos about recomping on youtube, that's probably the best way.

delete. Now
>its bulking season tho


>Rattle rattle eat more cattle

I managed to leave spoopytown with the help of drinking 1L of milk a day, hefty amounts of peanut butter everywhere, oats, bananas and chicken. The milk, bananas and peanut butter alone are already ~1000Kcal and cost 0 effort to ingest.
Another great thing was 200gr of cottage cheese before bed, I add almonds and honey to make it palatable (shit is disgusting otherwise imo) and for the added calories.

I also started snacking a lot to bump up calories, however I made sure it was the right sort of snack food. Nuts, oatbars, avocados, fish snackfood (being a dutchfag herring is my go to for this) and cubed hard cheeses (again, because dutchfag).

Of course being a dutchfag leaving skellycentral is rather easy, the majority of men around here are 5'11"-6'3"ish @155-175lbs. If you are 200lbs here with normal body fat you will be relatively huge and barring the occasional dedicated bodybuilder you will be the largest person around.

Your first mistake is believing in that "high metabolism" and ectomorph bullshit, get rid of that mindset

Well I tried reading the sticky to see if there was something for my particular situation but I couldn't really find anything outside of just regular ol' cutting.

Ill look up Recomping but I may just have to stick with cutting to trim off the lovehandles

rattle rattle eat more cattle


I used to be a complete skeleton until I started blending together calorie shakes. Personally I blend whole milk, bananas, oats, whey, and natty pb. Once i started having one shake of this each day sometimes I even limited my eating because the shake was so effective.
This, it's all in your mind



> Was 6'7" 165 lbs after HS
> Now 6'7" 230ish lbs after college

For 4 years it isn't great progress, but I've been plagued with injuries. Well worth it though. Completely changes your mindset/life. Used to be a skinny desperate nerd and now I'm built with a perfect gf (still a nerd).

I've run 15-20 different routines, I don't think that is as important as autistic here make it out to be. Find a balanced routine that suits your needs. Calculate tdee and eat 500 above it. Most important thing is to not quit. It will take time.

Hoping to bulk to 265 this winter for 100 lbs gained, wish me luck lanklet brehs.

id let you fug me
no homo

I have two whey shakes a day, 2 scoops with 700ml whole milk. Gives me a shit load of calories and I can just eat normally in addition to this. Also blend strawberries and banana into it with half a teaspoon of honey

Start bulking bud, if your ultra skely mode you might need to try mass gainers


don't think i forgot about you and you plopping your dick on your counter for no reason


What routine we're you on, and what timeframe were those pictures taken?


Progress slowing down because I'm not eating enough. Took a picture just for this thread. Plan is to keep them a month apart

despite what others say ITT, milk is the secret, went from 145lbs at 6'2 to 200lbs and am still drinking a gallon a day, 7kgs progression on all 3 main lifts every week like clockwork


except the standard height of a wine bottle is 12" pajeet


i call bullshit

6'3" went from 135 to 180 and i'm about that size now your biceps are a bit bigger than mine even

Rattle Rattle Eat More Cattle

>6'3" 155, that body
nah m8 stop frauding your height
no need to be insecure on a italian oyster collecting forum

rattle rattle eat more cattle

Bullshit you gained 30 pounds in 6 months go fuck yourself faggot. Nobody can do that unless it's all fat. Average person can gain 1 to 2 pounds of lean muscle a month

you guys always forget that skeles can have a lot of room for water/glycogen weight gain at the start

Hello skeleton friends.
6'2 115lbs. Can't afford gym membership, doing bodyweight to keep up with martial arts

lmao, you're not 6'3. You're probably not even 5'10 judging by the wine behind you.

1. im no pajeet
2. in that pic my biceps are about 13.5
3. i am definitely 6'3 i went for a physical last year and was recorded 6'2 and have grown since, probably just camera bs.

i dont really have to prove anything here, im just showing progress, but maybe this lanklet pic helps a little

anyway, proud of my improvements. take your personal insecurities elsewhere



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Rattle rattle eat more cattle pls don't take my gains


love yourself, friend


hey dude can i ask what exercises you do with the dumbbells (that i assume you meant 25 pounds)

i hope you meant 25 lb ones because im an emaciated manlet (5'9" 130) and have to work with dumbbells that are 25-30 lbs


how tall are you? im 6'1 135 and im basically this right here

>tfw 5'9" 130 lbs (hover between 130-135 usually)
>emaciated stick arms
>can see ribs not only on sides, but on my chest as well
>luckily not skinnyfat, just skinny

the thing that really epitomizes my emaciation is that i referee soccer, and now that it is fall the season has begun. i do a number of games every weekend (usually 4-5 on saturdays), step counter usually has me between 10-12 miles for the day, and basically all i subsist on for the entire day is a small breakfast in the morning (usually an egg or two with some toast), water, gatorade, and some small snacks (almonds, granola bars, beef jerky, etc) because i cant choke down a sandwich and then for dinner i just have a normal sized thing.

probably subsisting on fewer than 1,000 calories for the entire day including the 10-12 miles of activity

look skinner than on the right


Find an upper/lower routine you like, stuff your face and track your calories, sleep 8-9 hours every night- commence growth