Best way to stop hair loss

Right now under 600mg test/week + 40mg dianabol/week and my hair started to receed

It's the 4th week out of 10
Should I stop the cycle right now? Throw finasteride? Minoxidil?
Help me fraud

Hi Connor when are you coming up to UT gym ?

Daily estradiol shots.

RIP op this is you in 6 months

Fin is pretty much a magic bullet if excessive DHT is your problem. It nukes the enzyme that makes it leaving you with all the positive aspects of high test without the balding.

Sexual sides are greatly overstated but it's up to you to make that judgement.

fuck guys I really don't want to end up like this

He got banned m8,

I'm not missing him, now I can do my stairs and laps in the outdoor lap pool and GTFO.

This is the only way senpai

Don't wear a hat, get 10-15 min of sun, use healthy shampoo, don't have shit genetics

Why does he still look so sad after the transplant?

That's no transplant, it's literally a pasted on toupe.

The sex sides are permanent though? Because irdc if it's just in order to make my hairline good again and then quit it (big as fuck widow peaks now, check pic related)

never had any hairline issues but this cycle is fucking me up good, I went from a straight hairline to something like this

Nizoral shampoo once a week with hair thinning conditioner (aveda makes some), pumpkin seed oil tablets, bamboo silica, vitamin c, biotin, having no vitamin deficiency in general, massage your scalp, make sure you are getting enough fat in your diet (walnuts are a good source)

DHT blockers wont do much because youre way above the threshold on gear. Like if you need to be at a 10 to start experiencing hair loss youre at like a 15 and finasteride is only going to knock off a few points of that and the sides arent worth it

Basically you need to make sure your hair is healthy as fuck to try to counteract the thinning, it wont stop it but it will buy you some time to save money for implants

t. bro science

its a wig

Because the transplant place gave him a faggot haircut.


can it come back after I'm done gearing?

its the D-bol
get off of it right now, doesnt do shit anyway


Just shave your head, nigga.

I'm not even roiding and my hair is falling, specially on the back of the head.

Gonna shave as soon as I reach 200lb.

are you balding or is your hairline just receding? My hair receded to a widows peak about 4-5 years ago and I thought id be bald by 24 im almost 30 now and havent had any more hair loss since. If you are balding youre probably better off just shaving your head. If you are masculine enough you should be able to pull of a shaved head.

>mfw balding and have a baby face

Are you in shape? A lot of guys lose that baby face when they get down to low BF% with some muscle.

>tfw widow's peak my whole life but some are convinced I am starting to bald

People have measurably reversed hair loss on a placebo before.
There's hope.

Not the same guy but similar problem. I'm at 20% rn trying to get lower. I have seen improvements since I lost 20 pounds.
I want to believe I will lose this plague anons

If you get low BF your bone structure becomes more visible including your facial structure, so your cheeks and chin/jaw will become more prominent which in turn leads to you looking more masculine. Not all men have the bone structure for it but most do to some extent.

My hair did that turns out my scalp was dry and made the hair brittle and break. I started using coconut oil on my head and it grew back.

Now if it is not caused by dry scalp then it is purely genetics and you are fucked. Plain and simple.

I'm at 182 lbs 15% body fat so somewhat lean and my jawline is completely visible. How low should I go? My ribs are already visible.

Don't go on fin, your free test will be converted to estrogen instead of DHT, giving you gyno and other side effects (Fin inhibits DHT

Just stop roiding dude