Vegan General

A place for discussing all things vegan health & ethics

- Processed meattrash lowers test

- Estrogen in milk lowers test and stops you developing into a real man

- Casomorphine in milk keeps you addicted

- Milk gives you acne

- Heme iron in red meat gives you esophageal and stomach cancer

- Meat gives you colorectal cancer


Land of Hope and Glory (2017) -

Lucent (2014) -

Earthlings (2005) -

Since we know meatcucks will defend this

>inb4 naturalistic fallacy
>inb4 might makes right fallacy
>inb4 amoral autists who think not caring and standing for nothing is a virtue
>inb4 faggots larping as hunters
>inb4 faggots larping as farmers
>inb4 amerifats who think shooting something at 200m is testosteronous
>inb4 telling someone to behave ethically is inherently unethical
>inb4 free market is inherently moral
>inb4 meatcucks triggered by science

Other urls found in this thread:

I dont understand why vegan instead of vegetarian,even buddhists that redpect life so much dont go fucking vegan you sick obssesed fucks.

Only time vegetarian is acceptable is if you suck it straight from the teat nigga

Daily reminder that no one is falling for your strawman comics, dumb vegan posters.

>hates vegans
>faggot can't wait more than a minute before entering the thread
lel, stay salty meatcuck


tfw nearly all non-biased science supports veganism and still nobody cares



Vegan master race checking in, come at me meatcucks

This is some pretty weak b8, hombre. You're gonna have to do better than that. Acting like you can own a thread, who do you think you are, lol?

>>inb4 faggots larping as hunters
>>inb4 faggots larping as farmers

A large majority of people who post here are American. A lot of us like to hunt and half of this damn country has land dedicated purely to farming. I don't personally own farmland but I plan to in the future when I'm financially secure enough to do so. And yeah, I hunt, it's not that big a deal. Even in super liberal states with multiple large cities like Oregon and California there's hunters and farmers everywhere, you don't need to leave the city to find us. Fucking Walmart of all places has isles dedicated to hunters, you'd have to be some kind of idiot to think hunting isn't common.

>inb4 my ancestors who died at 50 ate meat

>needlessly murder animals
>ruin health
>not a big deal


Can someone disprove these studies?

would be difficult without relevant medical knowledge and access to the results & study


just go to pubmed ( )and search for yourself niBBa


>needlessly murder animals
Murder is the unlawful killing of humans, user. Stop using it as a buzzword because of its moral connotations.

not all full texts can be viewed for free

Would farm raised sardine be bad ?
It's as smart as a potato and since it's farm raising it doesn't destroy the ecosystem .

Sardines have souls and are living creatures, therefore you are not allowed to harm them.

It's smarter than potato, it's sentient and conscious with a brain and a CNS, but if that's what stopping you from becoming vegan, cut out meat, dairy and eggs first, keep sardines and phase them out slowly

People don't typically dedicate entire graveyards to animals. Great argument for not eating people though.

>sardines have souls
Humans don't even have those. Has God blessed sardines with immortality?

>Sardines have souls
Prove it

You're responding to bait

Prove that they don't.

>can't prove that they dont
>m-m-muh b-burden of p-p-proof

meatcucks btfo forever

I've seen far more egregious emotionally-guided reasoning in real life. Pardon me for taking it at face value. Dogs don't go to heaven (neither do humans).

>muh burden of proof

But user, the user that said, "sardines have souls" is the person with the burden of proof. You can't just say something outrageous and then tell everyone who wants you to prove it, to prove the opposite

>something outrageous

There is nothing outrageous in admitting that God has endowed all animals alike with souls.

>mobile poster

While there are some contesting that sardines do not have souls...
>you are not allowed to harm them
allowed by whom, for what reason are we even listening to its authority? we shouldn't.
eat your fish, it's got big eyes but they aren't soulful, they're... fishy.

I know it's bait. I just want to see what insanity they can come up with.

I never made any statement that requires proof. I asked for proof of a statement. You also can't prove a negative by formal logic rules.

>There is nothing outrageous in admitting that God has endowed all animals alike with souls.
That's a pretty fucking outrageous assertion, son. Stop applying your headcanon which you have no evidence to support to others.

>I have no rebuttal

Can autistic fedora atheists please leave?

>i have no computer

had a fucking delicious steak for tea tonight witha side of eggs and cheesy potatoes lads

>religion has been destroyed in every argument ever so their only tactic now is to call atheists "autists".

I'm not really surprised. That's the level of thinking that god-believers are used to.

mobile posters are faggots, but nowhere near as bad as Christians

kill yourself, wannabe jew

>btfo so hard he resorts to ad hominem

Sorry to contest your silly narrative.

Congrats, you admitted defeat

fuck off

>as bad as Christians

glad that I'm muslim

yea they don't even claim what the OP says they do, just take 2 mins to read them lol

>using fit on the go, in the gym, etc
>sitting in basement on stationary desktop on Veeky Forums
Pick one, lardo

>fuck off

>I'm Muslim
Oh noooo

>fuck off
Typical "religion of peace" reaction.
Fuck off back to your land Ahmed.
No one cares about your shit religion.

>going on Veeky Forums outside
spotted the virgin

>CONCLUSIONS: The present data on men and children indicate that estrogens in milk were absorbed, and gonadotropin secretion was suppressed, followed by a decrease in testosterone secretion. Sexual maturation of prepubertal children could be affected by the ordinary intake of cow milk.
Please stop drinking cow milk, for your own sake, the cow's sake, and the environment.
Soy milk has the same protein, vitamins and minerals and NO, it DOES NOT raise estrogen.

Meta-analysis to confirm

'The results of this meta-analysis suggest that neither soy foods nor isoflavone supplements alter measures of bioavailable T concentrations in men.'

>there we go again
Who the fuck cares what do you eat? I sometimes eat meat and I am a vegan, but am I gonna say no to my mom's cooking once in a year at Christmas? No, fuck that.

Also this "I will not eat meat for the sake of saving animals" is retarded. In the west, except halal and kosher slaughter, they always kill the animal first so it does not suffer. Chinese torture animals because they are subhuman, of course I do not approve of that. What PETA does, is the same, they are a company to make money, not to help. Fuck them as well.
Furthermore, the animals you do not eat, somebody else will.

A better approach is not to eat meat and dairy because you will get sick after prolonged consumption. People in the west, especially in the US are getting fat as fuck because they gorge on sugary shit and meat, dairy. The former would just fuck your teeth up, but as you stuff yourself with meat and dairy your arteries get clogged up, thus the excess sugar circulates in your veins, slow and steady giving you diabetes. If that does not kill you, the cancer and heart problems will.

I lost 20 kgs since I don't eat meat regularly.
Feel better, fuck better, better erections as well.
More energetic, can eat as much as I want and will not get fat.

So good luck with whatever you choose.

Thanks for the backup, user. Now watch as everybody ignores this and keeps breastfeeding

I personally only eat the meat I've harvested myself by hunting; I know where it came from, and I did everything within my power to ensure it didn't suffer.

I'm not a huge fan of the American meat industry but that doesn't mean I abstain -I just try to be more responsible.

>(supposedly) concerned about an animal's suffering
>complete disregard for its life and happiness

only a moron/hunting larper would think needlessly ending an animals life and happiness is ethical

>complete disregard for its life and happines
I care enough that I do not want to see the animal suffer. The deer that I shoot can either be killed by me after living a happy life or die gruesomely in the wild to some predator, car or disease.

do you realise a deer doesn't immediately die when you decide not to shoot it

Appropriate treatment of deer

It depends on shot placement, but a few seconds of pain are negligible compared to a life of freedom out of captivity.

Are you retarded? A wild deer can continue on living if you don't shoot it.

You just kill it to fulfil your autistic hunting larping fantasy

>no name irrelevant journal
>assuming short term secretion as a proxy for long term test levels, a completely unfounded assumption considering the non-linear nature of hormone secretions
>using a single flawed study to draw sweeping conclusions to the general population
Mfw vegan retardation from B vitamin deficiency is real

Yes, but a very small percentage of deer actually die of old age. Most of them die to predators that would maul them to death or degenerative diseases that kill them slowly. A bullet is a mercy, and their meat is not wasted.

i want to go vegan, but i'm not economical independent [spoiler]NEET, there is a lot of unemployment in my country and if you want a job you need a contact, experience or a title, and i don't have any of them[spoiler/]
how the fuck am i suposed to stop eating animal products if i can only eat meat?


lel I guess we should just kill all deer out of mercy then

fucking meatards

See >I've never hunted so it's an autistic fantasy
Don't be so needlessly hostile

Literally everything in your post is a lie which everyone can find out about if they just click on the link.
Literally everything is a lie.


>I guess we should just kill all deer out of mercy then
you're making sweeping generalizations in an attempt to make me sound silly, which is actually having the opposite effect .

You do sound silly big bad hunter boi. You're literally claiming you killing a deer is an act of mercy

It literally is, but I'm in no way implying that I am a "big man" for harvesting meet. It's just something I do.

More appropriate treatment of deer


you're formally making the statement that killing a deer is an act of mercy


keep rationalising meatard

anytime somebody tells me they go hunting i automatically think their iq is less than 100.
>Hey Dale, i tell ya h'what, lets go sip some beer and shoot us some good ol' deer! Yeehaw!
gayest shit lmfao
fucking rednecks

>get shot in the head or heart and die quickly
>get viciously torn apart by wolves while still alive
I know which one I'd choose.

It is a mercy compared to the ends deer suffer in nature. I'm just saying, if I'm going to eat meat it may as well be meat that was harvested humanely and lived a happy life in the wild. I'd advise you to do some reading about wildlife management and the role hunters play in sustaining a healthy deer population.

I just wanna know why people don't try a plant based diet at least?
People will try all kinds of retarded diets, but plant based? Nope never.

Do you seriously not realise a deer would not immediately be attacked by wolves if you chose not to kill it

>ignorance based on stereotypes
And you're claiming others have low IQs. Sad!

Oh my god you can't possibly be this delusional
Please give this a thorough read and respond with your honest thoughts

People lack the balls to become vegan because they don't want to be seen taking a moral/ethical stance against the majority (meatcucks)

Who cares WHEN it's going to happen? The statistical likelihood of it occurring is bad enough.

it's an almost free way to get away from your wife or family for a whole day

most of it's spent laying in a ditch or sitting a tree. i never liked it, seems painfully boring but it's not always about killing animals.

I think depends where you're from but pretty much last year when I got into hunting I was surrounded by Surgeons and Anesthetists but that's probably because in the UK it's harder to get a license rather than US.
Because meme diets are all about ease or instant results e.g keto for muh bacon and cheese or honey water to look like Beyonce or some shit.
Meanwhile no one wants to put in effort to have their plant based diet with their lean meats.

I guess we should just kill them all out of mercy then

>Whole argument based on a misconception
>carries on nonetheless
Sounds like typical blogger to me.

This article is full of drivel, user, and isn't based on any tangible evidence. There's a reason why state governments support hunting as a population management tool. Overpopulation leads to lack of food sources/wasting diseases that damage the quality of life for multiple wildlife populations.

Go for it dumbass I won't stop you

acts of mercy ITT, pic related

>confusing sustainable hunting for food with the trophy hunting of endangered species
You're an idiot

Lion will grow old and die one day => mercy


you praise this tumblr loser? lame.

>Lion will grow old and die one day => mercy
3/10 no argument found

The deer population must love such a kind hunter like you

satirical brah

impotent old lion will keep down younger males and jeopardise the survival of the entire species => just fine

forget to take your b12 today?

Another example of the ethical treatment of deer

>caring what deer think
Never gonna make it