Whats their issue Veeky Forums? whats their motive?
feel free to share experiences
Whats their issue Veeky Forums? whats their motive?
feel free to share experiences
They just want to spread joy to the world. Wonderful people.
i see
they're just women who enjoy being objectified, and we're just happy to oblige.
its a beautiful thing, you should definitely bang a gym slut if you can. You'll have a good time with someone who's got a tight bod regardless if they're good in bed or "relationship" material.
How can you do this and be taken seriously
What's going on in the mind of these girls
>excuse me miss , but this is not how you use that thing
you, you are their issue, you are their motive. dumbasses like you who keep reposting their photos and furthering their attention whoring agenda which feeds their unquenchable thirst to fill the never ending void that is their self esteem/confidence. by even LOOKING at their pictures, you are feeding them. you are an idiot who is creating the very problem which you are complaining about.
IGNORE THEM; they have no power if they dont have beta feeders like you furthering to help spread their shitty attention whoring photos. theres plenty of non attention whoring women out there, but you'll never see them because you're too busy obsessing over bitches like this for one reason or another
instagram likes
I hate the ones that take selfies constantly mid workout. I don't mind the ones that are just eye candy to boost test levels mid-workout.
they know everyone will eyefuck them
that's what they want
doesn't mean they want anyone to chat them up, just means she wants to be the center of attention
also she hopes she'll finally have a bigger ass than fucking jessica, she knows chad doesn't fuck her anymore because of this
don't look at them, everyone has their problems and craving for attention reveals a lot about a person's insecurities
Gentlemen, you're going about this all wrong.
"Gym Sloots" are women who enjoy keeping fit, and who also - just like every straight woman on earth - want to fuck the most powerful and rich men.
Just like we go to the gym, and want to fuck the most beautiful female.
Honestly, their endgame is the same as ours, they just go about getting the goal a different way, because they know what it takes for men.
ye sometime when i ignore them they seem to almost double down in attention seeking
Nani? Banging gym sluts is only a good idea if you dont require your sexual partners to be attractive to you because to a T all of them are fucking retarded
>Sit down on a bench and start doing incline curls
>Gym slut walks to the bench right beside mine, like a foot away from where im curling, there are like four other benches she could have used, doesn't even bother moving it, and immediately starts doing hip thrusts in my direction
What is their fucking problem??
god damn i hate them, so distracting
>Whats their issue Veeky Forums?
They're women, they pose in every aspect of their lives.
>tfw everyone in your gym is just smelly mexican manlets
>girls dressing like that one doing humping and grinding exercises, coupled with jerking-off motions on free weights
If one is nearby I can do 3 sets in 2 seconds, swear to fuck I do better.
What the fuck is wrong with you faggots
It's honestly an exercise recommended in by a lot of girls for girls as a butt exercise.
Same with hip thrusters.
Guess if you wanna build some ass you gotta move your ass a lot and those kinda ass moving moves look slutty just by nature of ass.
Yeah they should totes just squat and do bench and overhead press to get those impressive manly guns and wide back and six pack!
Right totally heterosexual user?
She works out to get hot and to get attention from men. If she wanted to get "respect" and to workout to look like a dyke she'd do starting strength, gear and dress like ellen.
I am a girl and I've never heard of this nor have had it recommended to me. Stop lying faggot.
everybody in the gym wants to fuck her that's enough respect if you ask me.
you dont know shit about lifting then bitch because its a real exercise
bullshit, you can still do a "grill" routine consisting of legpress, hip, extensions etc. There's even an abductor machine. This is just plain retarded
brb doing machine flyes sitting upside down on the adductor machine ~don't hit on me you silly girls~
Saw one at the gym yesterday
Literally did about 7 different exercises focused on her ass in all different possible directions.
She's going to make someone very happy.
[spoiler] I wish my girlfriend did those [/spoiler]
ahhh JUST
your girlfriend will get a big ass from barbell hip extensions, squats, deadlifts a few times a week. This meme exercises are stupid
I did convince her to pick up physical activity, but sadly couldn't sell her on weights.
They may be stupid but what the chick I saw at the gym doing seemed to be working well for her
these faggots really just want to watch webms of girls flashing their asses in the gym.
They just restarted nofap for the third time today and they do "noporn" aswell but they watch these webms to fail nofap again
Sloots for the sloot god!
They spend their evenings masterbating to gang rape gym scenes and they hope it will one day happen to them. But we're all just faggot that are scared she might tell on us if we integrate it
To attract the richest male to pay for her lifestyle.
I have my gf working out with me, have her doing stronglifts with added facepulls and either hip thrusts or cable butt isolations each day
>feeling blessed
yeah it's just unnecessary bullshit. Like doing a lying down legpress in the smithmachine when there's a machine available for doing legpress. They just do it so it seems like they invent new exercises to post on their instagram
I just wish they would be more friendly/approachable... My gym has 2 or 3, they never talk to anyone and always have their earphones on
imagine her doing that on ur dick.
I'm a grill too and literally every youtube gym rat with their "big booty gym workout" has this shit in there along with like 50 other random ass variations of squats
women are inferior
I don't have these women at my gym. Sure, there are beautiful girls, but they wear normal clothing and actually go there to work out. I guess that's because I don't live in the US.
why cant they do this shit at their house like wtf is going on. GAS THEM
Must be hard to be a woman in a gym. Constantly thinking up new ways to show your ass while actually doing useful exercises
This thread...
RIP knees
Girl in the back trying to munch her own lunch
Nice product placement too
>this thread
haha time to fap
Are there any other kinds of Mexicans besides manlets?
>20kg deadlift
>RIP back
As a beta ss victim that still looks like shit, should I continue trying to avoid even looking in their direction or should I use this opportunity to get used to accidental eye contact for when I actually look decent
Holy fuck that last part with the cables. Why the fuck so they think they have to invent some new bullshit? Literally have machines designed for ideal muscle movements.
My ass looks better than 99% of these "fitness" whores and all I do is DL and squat. Maybe some leg press here and there.
Dragon flags are good if you actually do them right
I pity those who have not discovered the secrets of the glutes. My entire work out and stretch program is ass stressing. When you get doms in your booty it is truly the greatest of feelings.
look at the guy, he'd snap in half with more weight
>those shoes
i'm triggered
Learn to count
Post 'em
The back squat is literally pffftttt the only exercise in the entire repertoire of weighted human movement that allows the direct training of tee hee...so sorry user:) the complex movement pattern known as hip drive. The posterior (lol butts) chain is a term that refers to brrrrrrpppp the muscles that produce hip *gurgle*....oh no, I knew i shouldn't have eaten all that Taco bell :( extension-straightening-out of the *burp*....oh excuse me user, how unladylike of me hip joint from its flexed (or bent) position *face turns white*....oh no i think i just shit my pants a little....you don't mind, do you user? in the bottom of the squat. The muscles that accomplish hip extension are the oh my, that is quite smelly! my word, what an erotic olfactory delight the good lord hath bestowed upon us on this glorious morn! hamstrings, the glutes, and the adductors or groin (lol) muscles, and together OH NO! I forgot to refill my IBS medication! but i know you'll unclog the toilet for me, right user? tee hee these are referred to as the posterior chain. The initial movement up out of the bottom of oh no, there's no turning back now brrrrpp a full squat is hip drive, and is best thought burp of as a shoving-up of the sacral PFFFTTTT *starts gagging from smell* area of the lower back, the area right above your butt (haha butt). This is the hardest BRRRAAAAAAPAAPAPAPAPAPAPAPAPAAP BRRRRAAAAAPA PSSSSSHHSSHSHSHHHSHS SPLOP PLOP PLOP PSSSSSHSHHHH SSSSPPLLLLUUUURRRTTTFFFFFF BAAAZZZZZZINNNNNGGGAAAAAAAAAA thing to teach in my preferred method of squatting, and by far the most important. Oh dear, what a mess I've made. Well, eat up!
If I make my gf do all these retarded exercises in this thread will she get a big fat ass?
She Colombian btw pls respon.
How am I supposed to fap when there is a smith machine in the vid. Proper turn off m80
Wtf nope
I live in Austin and I know that feel. Gonna try new gym up north today
That's actually kinda cool. How is that called?
looks like a retarded version of ab wheel
I do something similar but with a skateboard while using an ab wheel if I feel like raping my torso
I had a colombian gf and can't understand your problem. She's probably a mexican goblin who lied to you
So if someone doesn't own a skateboard that's probably a better investment?
>incline curls
I needed this webm
man, if only these sloots had something else to offer other than a muscled ass
this is female psych 101
>do them anyway
fact: all the girls posted here voted Hillary, and have asian boyfriends
>loading small plates before large plates
I think they purposefully do that so you can pay attetnion to them because they are using the machine wrong.