Does anyone else hate this kind of the year fit >parents say I have to socialize more and help out or get out >watching fagball with my parents >"hey user you ever do the training like them" >laugh and explain they have high bf and probably aren't fit >get weird stares someone asks me if I drank too much . I don't drink BTW kill gains >pull out my phone and scroll through the fitizens pictures I saved to show them actual strength >""hey anons dad tell your son it's not time for thanks giving yet because he's making a fruitcake out of himself " >dad starts yelling at my about being 28 year fuck up >tells me socializing was a mistake and I should just go back to doing that gay shit
I fucking hate this time of year
Easton Lopez
You sound like a total autismo faggot user, your family is right
Christopher Collins
That was one of the most autistic ways you could've responded to them lol. Gratz.
Caleb Allen
Compared to most fitizens fagball players are just fatasses throwing around weight
Logan Allen
You should kill yourself
Josiah Long
Im guessing youre talking about football? If yes you have clearly never played the game
Dominic Robinson
Have you seen the average football player. They are huge fatasses they only get girls because the stupid amounts of money they make
Cooper Martin
Lol okay kid, these "fatasses" also lift hundreds of pounds more than you ever will at any point in your life ON TOP OF running sub 5 second 40 yard dashes. They work harder in on week than you do in one year, guarantee it. Not surprising your family hates you. Youre a literal ignorant closet homo
Jonathan Lee
you sound like a NEET
Daniel Jackson
Stop letting these people effect you. They dont care about you, you dont need them. That doesn't mean become an autist and dont sociallize. Choose what you stand for and have faith in yourself. People will wanna be around you!
Kayden Wilson
Ethan Ramirez
Lol if fitizens made a football team it wouldn't even be a challenge. The NFL is rigged to promote obesity and beer
Ayden Roberts
>""hey anons dad tell your son it's not time for thanks giving yet because he's making a fruitcake out of himself "
Don't care if fake, the guy is a genius. And if real, you sound like a guy who spends a lot of his day flipping lightswitches on and off
Kayden Flores
George stop stalking me
Tyler Williams
>""hey anons dad tell your son it's not time for thanks giving yet because he's making a fruitcake out of himself "
Sebastian Stewart
Eli Sanders
lmao faggot
Blake Garcia
>laugh and explain they have high bf and probably aren't fit >when your coping and body dysmorphia mutate
Sebastian Russell
Mah mate, you're just a fucking retard for holding so desperately to your fit ideals. The only correct answer was just to muck in, laugh and say "yep I've done some of that, it was good stuff" ...that builds some commonality and doesn't lead to being called a faggot by your dads mates. Fuck. Even if your dad is calling you a faggot you may as well just leave.
Christian Barnes
I'm assuming this is unreal b8, considering that NFL players are roided to the fucking gills and I doubt even the most autismal Veeky Forumsboy would pull out his phone and start showing his family pics from this shithole. On the minuscule off-chance this is a real post, please re-evaluate yourself.
Grayson Allen
So you're 28, unemployed, live at home, and save pics of muscular men in variously states of undress on your phone? It's not difficult to figure out why your parents don't respect you.
Your dad better not be a Ravens fan...
Robert Rodriguez
Are you sure you haven't been drinking?
Brandon Miller
>>pull out my phone and scroll through the fitizens pictures I saved to show them actual strength
Kevin Nelson
Lol even Veeky Forums recognizes how autistic you're being
Carter Wright
what's wrong with Ravens fans? Wanna fight, nigga?
Cooper Martinez
>I'm just saying if you actually like the ravens there is a very good chance you really are a nigger.
Christopher Lee
You're a literal fucking retard.
Isaac Parker
>maryland >owns literally all of the richest counties in the USA oh but we're niggers alright
Camden Evans
Yeah, gonna need sauce on that bullshit
Jacob Myers
Evan Jones
Don't know that feel. The only thing me and my dad bond over is football
Daniel Cooper
If we could beat NFL players we would be out making millions instead of shitposting here