My alcholism is killing my gains
Any tip for it ?
I go out 5 nights a week and approx. drink 7 vodka
My alcholism is killing my gains
stop it
You're not addicted.
Try staying in more
Gin and tonic for minimum calories and higher social status gains
>any tip for it?
What did you realistically expect when making this thread you fucking retard? Stop drinking
Drinking a lot and actual alcoholism can be long ways from each other. Alcoholism develops over the years and you're gonna feel like shit when withdrawing, as in, shittier than people who withdraw from tobacco or even heroin.
This guy gets it...
Extra lemon obviously
hope this helps
Can confirm desu, my uncle died from cirrhosis at 34
Stay in more often than not. Think about the hobbies and interests you stopped doing because you are drinking all the time and do that instead. That's what I'm doing for now until I can think of something better to do, pretty much the reason I started lurking again lol
Just stick with vodka and water, a slice of lemon or lime for flavor. It isn't that bad for you and it tastes shitty enough that you won't chug them but good enough to sip them.
Also, 7 shots is a bit but it isn't alcoholic level. Up your drinking game faggot.
>I totally lack self control
>I like drinking therefore alcoholic
Alcoholism runs in my family, unless you're having booze for breakfast or forgoing food and warmth for alcohol then you're just a fag who needs some self control.
>"I go out 5 nights a week and approx. drink 7 vodka"
Go to the gym and work out until you're too exhausted to go out, and don't keep alcohol in the house. Simple.
Learn pure math for the sake of it, join us in Veeky Forums. You will make tremendous logic and reasoning gains, and if you work hard and long enough, you might even ascend
I am having this problem at the moment, been taking a lot of drugs and drinking a lot.
Arms have gone from 16.5" to 15.5" in the last month, fuck.
Smoking weed got me off alcohol 2 years ago. Best decision I have ever made in regards to bad habits.
Just stop drinking. It's not that hard.
Hahahahahahahaha How The Fuck Is Alcoholism Real Hahahaha Nigga Just Stop Drinking Like Nigga Put The Glass Down Haha
I was once a man of G&T, I soon realized that vodka/water was the best mixed drink there is. Gets you super fucked up really quick and keeps you hydrated. The amount of calories in a vodka/water is next to nothing.
How the fuck do you lose 1 inch in just one month
I aint really been eating, lost 7kg in bw. Went 4 days not eating any food at all, could be depletion too not necessary an inch of muscle.
Fucking hell