I have lunch with a Latina co-worker on Monday

I have lunch with a Latina co-worker on Monday

I bet her that GGG would beeat Canelo, and the loser buys lunch

-Not sure if she's single
-She always has a bright smile for me when I see her, not sure if interest or just being polite
-She likes white guys (goes without saying)

-I plan to be cool and get her talking about herself and what she's passionate about, relate, build rapport
-I'll ask her:
>So who did you watch the fight with
-If she has a bf, 99% chance she watched it with him and will say so
-If she she doesn't say so, I'll say:
>The Dodgers are home against the Giants on Friday. Want to go?
-She's a big sports and Dodgers fan

-She's only been there 4 months
-She works on the other side of the office, so not worried about awkwardness if rejected. Don't have to work with her

This is the most non-autistic plan I came up with

Title was supposed to read Help Veeky Forums

Actually a solid plan OP. Good luck ( even though you don't need it)

Invite her to a bar to watch the fight. If it gets awkward you are at a bar with alcohol

this is good as long as you execute it without being an awkward autistic fuck

you posted this earlier today. Chill dude, you got this.

decent plan, GGG will probably beat Canelo.

So this is Sansa on roids

Shooting your wad and being over eager there when you already have a bet and aren't on that level with her yet

I posted once yesterday, and an user actually gave good advice about asking her who she watched the fight with, rather than asking if she is single

My god. I would impregnate a woman like that.

You don't ask if a girl has a bf dingus just small talk then ask her out

I was in the thread, I remember. I get the days confused. fr tho you are good.

I picked up a 9/10 latina with a HUGE ASS at the gym. Took her to my place and fucked the shit out of her.

My only problem was my 5' dick didn't seem to be enough for doggy style because her massive cheeks makes the effective length of the inserted penis shorter.

I hope you're an 8x6 OP.

>not asking to watch the match together

what the fuck

You have a five foot dick and it still wasn't big enough? Dicklets btfo

>taking her to the most violent duet of baisbol fans in history
>MS-13 central
>always looking over shoulder
>mixed race couple

>try hockey first, numbnuts

God speed OP. You have a shot at becoming the first fitizen to lose his virginity while still active on this board.

>lives in LA
>She's a big sports and Dodgers fan
Also what the hell does this have to to with Veeky Forums

>my 5' dick

>my 60" dick

I love ginx maze
> one of these days I'm going to pull the triger and give her the $ 1500

Ignore this user OP he's clearly retarded

you can get a girl just as hot for $300-$500 where I live and that is considered pretty expensive. Unless you really like the novelty of fucking a girl youve seen fucked dozens of times I dont see the point

Non-autist here. Baseball game first date is a bad idea. You either don't know her well enough for her to trust you on that kind of event or you've known her too long and there's no romantic interest since you didn't initiate anything. It may be vanilla but just ask to go get drinks, I do that literally 100% of my first dates since it is good for conversation. Pick a sports bar and say you two can watch the game there.

I think normally you are right, but I think drinks is far too vanilla for someone I've known for months and already had a work lunch "date" one on one. Seems like it should be upped up a notch

But then I can imagine the logistics of getting to the game being hard. Awkward to pick her up if I'm not that familiar yet. Meeting at the game would be stupid.

>spending money on a coalburner

So... Then you got your answer. Why did you post this again?

You're over thinking this. She's already going to lunch with you, dude.

How old are you? Like 17?

you know you can fuck hot latinas in colombia for $20 right?

Are you autistic?

>latina from california
lol, so in other words, you have lunch with your fat wetback co worker?

you can also get kidnapped, raped, and have your kidneys taken out in columbia for free