Srs. All the good powerlifting/hardcore gyms I've been to always have a heavy right wing culture. Aren't progressives supposed to be into health and fitness? You're going to get more work done at these places than at fucking golds or planet fatness.
Why are all the real gyms right wing shitholes?
believe it or not there is a difference between fitness and le deadlift squat meme men
go back to planet fitness libcuck
Being the best person you can, pushing yourself to achieve something means to get shit done.
To get shit done means not being a weak ass pussy liberal.
now you got your >you
If your post wasn't a troll, gtfo and do an hero.
If you want a group of liberals go find some cardio club or something like this.
no, leftcucks are healthy at every size, theres no need to improve
Masculinity as a concept is antithetical to left wing beliefs. If you're a progressive then lifting weights is a form of "toxic masculinity" and therefore "sexist and oppressive" etc.
The act of lifting in itself is an act of creating inequality, you're aspiring and acting to be stronger than other people.
>strawman, the post
Hey, what's wrong with golds? Sure they typically only have a couple squat racks but nobody uses them. You could also try not being a sissy commie bitch
>personal responsibility, dedication, commitment, perseverance, hard work, desire for self-improvement
>the left
I tend to think of myself as fairly liberal but holy fuck that's so stupid. "Physical strength is oppression"
Because leftcucks doesn't know what hard work and dedication mean which are on what are based rightchads views
This pretty much sums it up.
I'm a left wing fucker since relying on proper argument and cosmopolitan upbringingi, but I get a lot of shit for lfiting a lot from my peer groups.
For many physical improvement is just not natural anymore and outdated.
That it's needed for a proper and healthy mind or just hella fun to do is mostly ignored
Yeah. And also left wing beliefs are based on resentment. Those who give you shit are insecure that you are bettering yourself and see it as a potential status loss for them. Right wing is more comfortable with hierarchy and hence not insecure about strength.
This is your brain on
>The act of lifting in itself is an act of creating inequality, you're aspiring and acting to be stronger than other people.
What about the large proportion of gays who bodybuild?
This is your brain on plebbit
Explain how self-improvement is not a form of striving to create inequality for personal benefit please. I'm just following egalitarian thinking to its logical conclusion here m8
Just because all commies are fags doesn't mean all fags are commies
>left wing beliefs are based on resentment. Those who give you shit are insecure that you are bettering yourself and see it as a potential status loss for them.
This is literally how the right feels about non-whites and women. This is exactly it.
Fuck off
>non-whites and women
>bettering themselves
just another fag who uses literally incorrectly
Who wouldnt want a stable, strong, and capable workforce that doesnt rely on medical healthcare as much as this one does? One that is faster, more quality oriented, has less sick days, more motivated.
Basically all the best things in humanity, the golden stuff we called fascism.
fascism and Veeky Forums are also things that go extremely well together. The natty part of Veeky Forums actually is part of fascism. I even call it "ultra fascism" because of the dedication that one puts himself up to, with diet, exercises and habits is extreme.
and you know what that means in the real world? A human being that is motivated, has lots of energy, is strong, knows how to keep to schedules and how to work systems.
Now technically speaking, if you were to apply this kind of fascism to the people, your economy would get a huge boost as the individual efficiency would go through the roof, and then this combined average rise in efficiency would allow you to outcompete other nations even more easily.
So a certain segment of capitalists would fucking love the shit out of you.
So fuck off with our:
buhuuu someone tries to improve himself and be better then me who does nothing and still want every little shit.
I want to drag everyone down to my pathetic life.
>Pic related, scratch the woman and read liberals instead.
U mad white bois are losing their grip over the west m8
That's all the right is a front for these days
>non-whites and women
>bettering themselves
It's still creation of inequality, they might be doing it more to look good in the eyes of other men rather than to cultivate physical strength, but in so doing they still seek to become stronger and better looking than others. And additionally their lifting would be deemed "toxic masculinity" by the "progressives" OP specified.
This. The strength/bodybuilding scene is right wing for a reason.
I don't think you know what fascism means
White men built and maintain this world. Hope you like the idea of living in mexico, you stupid faggot
Nice try commie fag, go back to your gender studies class
How's that going for you?
So fuck off with *your
Also shit spacing.
>inb4 faggot mocks my grammatical errors and ignore the argument
Self improvement doesnt appeal to socialists because its a strive to increase inequality
Any form of excellence is antithetic to leftism
Aside from asians, most non-whites and women just complain and ask for the state to give them a status boost.
I'm about as right wing as you can get but all you people saying lefties can't be lifters are forgetting about the GOAT
Not great, thanks to the kikes and their brainwashed puppets like you
>right wing shithole
you're never going to make it faggot,
Victims cant improve themselves, thats the base ideology of the modern left.
Gyms are a place to improve yourself, so they dont attract Hillary voters
Id say most PLers are more libertarian than anything else. the PL community is open/progressive to gays/trans/women/ethnics as long as theyre willing to work hard
>republican politician
this is your brain on t_d
...The guy who served as a republican governor for 8 years? I mean, he wasn't hard line right, but no liberal.
Except Arnie embodies a struggle to be at the top of a hierarchy, and his acting career was all about playing strong white males that in many cases killed non-whites. He also made himself rich along the way and got good at real estate.
He represents a lot of what the so-called progressives hate.
>the PL community supports injecting your ass with antigains hormones
For what reason
If white society was so great it wouldn't be so easily undermined by chubby potato pancake eating people
It's not, it's being undermined by other white people.
you could make the same argument about non-lolfeders. if drugaroos can accept me for not taking gear; I can accept some tranny taking est
>the bourgeois are faggots
>I can accept some tranny taking est
>all this toxic masculinity
>in 2017
>spoiled lefty thinks that the attitude's of his shitty friends apply to all wealthy americans
no. Also only commies use the word "class" unironically
>caring what the (((upper middle class))) thinks
These are the same people that are literally handing the future of their nation to Hispanics so who gives a fuck
They appealed to our inherent empathy until they could take over the public schools and turn them into brainwashing camps. Reversing that programming is difficult
>totalitarianism stems from resentment
who would have thought
Every single political idea stems from resentment. People who are happy with the status quo aren't trying to overthrow it.
I just realized why Western Europeans are so frail
Brilliant post. How do I save it?
Are these not contradictory to you?
Sounds like you're just butt hurt you can't get by lifting boxes in a factory in Montana anymore because machines and Jose will do it for cheaper. Now you have to compete on an even playing field with people you deem "inferior"
Should've listened when the left tried to make education more accessible so idiots like you could retool and get with the new economy. Now you sit in your midwestern wastelands eating whatever your republican puppet masters tell you while having your children shooting up heroin in your backyard.
We tried to warn you but your egos were too much to share the pie with brown people. Now you suffer.
Btw blame Reagan for fucking your unions over. Enjoy that heroin though pleb
Holy fuck did you just spend 10 minutes typing all of that out hoping something would stick? You're pathetic
He pretends to be leftie to promote his brand. Man's not leftie one bit irl
He's talking about white liberals, who sell out their own for transient gain
>right-wing means you vote republican
>it's a democrats pretend to care about the working class unless you're white episode
The vast majority of political ideologies aren't trying to actively overthrow the system, only change it and better it. It's only nihilists and totalitarians that believe that the current system is beyond saving - that it needs to be destroyed.
Many of these upper middle class faggots are retards. Literally. They sit in their academic ivory towers with no contact with the outside world and think up retarded theories. They look frail as fuck at 30 years old and their women are fat and ugly for a reason.
>their own
Keep at it Billy Bob. You're doing great.
>you should have attended our brainwashing university so you could fight anti-white HR departments to become a professional nose picker instead of trying to get a labor job because those jobs are going away
>But also we totally still need more labor so lets open up the borders
PS, it's not an even field when the mexican sends his wages back over the border where they're worth ten times as much
What about being gay means you have to be weak?
what a spooky thread woo lad
LMAO. I am rich and have a degree. I am an M.D. I can't take the word of some pudgy women or skinny fat man seriously most of the time. Though there are few that I can respect.
I don't associate with rednecks or poor people.
y'all are idiots
it's a class thing
fit liberals do marathons, iron men, cycling and shit like that because they are considered more "refined" upper class shit
they think lifters are meatheads
White conservatives are wealthier than white liberals, including among those with professional training. Articles like these are written by a specific subset of spoiled and sheltered manchildren
>our brainwashing university so you could fight anti-white HR departments to become a professional nose picker
Jesus Christ you really are poor and stupid.
Not a class thing, but a geography thing.
>literally has no argument more intelligent than ''U R THE DUMB''
Liberal debate, everyone.
Haha. Nice meme
Where is the rebuttal here I'm not seeing it
>uses "brainwashing university" unironically
Tinfoil at its finest, everyone.
I'm a molecular biologist, luckily I'm in texas where we still have some state schools that aren't 100% fucked. But your idea of "education" isn't training for an actually useful vocation like medical research or engineering, but pointless pantywaist nonsense like psychology or anthropology
I guess I always assumed he was a Democrat just because he was governor of Cali and after hearing him speak in favor of gun control
No, it isn't. White liberals in Tuscaloosa run marathons, white conservatives in San Fransisco lift weights
This is right. Endurance sports are more obviously about overcoming mental blocks and continued training. (So is lifting, but normies don't think so. That's why the "toned" meme exists--people think it's essentially easy)
Yes, and the "upper class" in san fran will be liberal, and thus do more marathons, while the "upper class" of tuscaloosa will be more conservative, and thus do more lifting.
Too much lifting, not enough theory.
Progressives and libtards exclusively do cardio as they think if they do one curl they will have 24 inch biceps kek.
I'm classical liberal/nationalist libertarian whatever you want to call it, and I find the hyper right-wing zealotry semi-annoying too but it's FAR better than any form of libtard talk.
>But your idea of "education" isn't training for an actually useful vocation like medical research or engineering, but pointless pantywaist nonsense like psychology or anthropology
Are philosophy and history included in the pointless pantywaist nonsense too?
The literal art of analyzing and manipulating rhetoric to sway minds is pointless and useless?
Get the fuck out with that STEM purity bullshit you fucking autist. you are the exact type of person corporations love, flesh computers with no capacity for critica thinking beyond their narrow scientific discipline. People like you are easily manipulated by any headline you read on the internet. People like you have no capacity to shape society and lead.
>Also only commies use the word "class" unironically
This tbqhfam.
>this is what it's like to think like a leftist
> Caring about class
Show your face crypto-commie, we know who you are
I lift (squat, deadlift, etc) barefoot. Roast me, senpai
Man, as a guy who studied statistics and econometrics, there are SO many exogenous variables that are missing from your post. Just shows you're a brainlet who probably is in his first year of his poli-"""sci""" degree. You'll end up at Starbucks simply because you fail to consider the bigger picture and you're mind is plagued with zealotry and dogmatism. Also, let me see you over in a /cbt/. I bet you're fat as shit.
>Are philosophy and history included in the pointless pantywaist nonsense too?
>The literal art of analyzing and manipulating rhetoric to sway minds is pointless and useless?
You'd get much better training for that with a degree in marketing
>Get the fuck out with that STEM purity bullshit you fucking autist. you are the exact type of person corporations love, flesh computers with no capacity for critica thinking beyond their narrow scientific discipline. People like you are easily manipulated by any headline you read on the internet. People like you have no capacity to shape society and lead.
I didn't say STEM was the only way to go in college. Graphic design, animation, marketing, business, law, foreign language, even jounalism, all sorts of non-stem paths for genuinely meaningful careers. But philosophy? That it's possible to make a career out of navel gazing, in which you provide no useful service, build and design nothing, discover no new information, and do not even entertain, is a testament to our prosperity.
Also, I were easily misled, I would be a leftist sheep like you.
> tfw this is my province
I don't even want to fight that commie scum, I'd feel bad and it'd be unfair if I hit them.
>Hurr durr le compensating meme
Have they never heard of fun?
I'm with this guy. Learn skills from experts at school, learn to think on your own. Read and shit, you shouldn't be spoonfed literature and philosophy from other people.
> "Physical strength is oppression"
Everything that is a value is oppression to these people.
If you are more/better "X" then others then you are oppressing them.
(x = sports, math, intelligence, athleticism, looks, whatever you can think of where someone is better then others)
>Graphic design, animation, marketing, business, law, foreign language, even jounalism, all sorts of non-stem paths for genuinely meaningful careers. But philosophy
A philosophy degree from any of the "elite brainwashing anti white universities" will better prepare you for any of those careers than a graphics design or marketing degree from a bumfuck state school.