You're in the gym, she shows up and says

You're in the gym, she shows up and says
>You think SS is your ally?
What do?

Other urls found in this thread:


You've got big boobers

If I took the mask off, would your reps go down?

I am my gym's Bane so

fart as much as I want

Tell me about babe, why does she wear the mask?

Slap her ass

Nice digits but Sarah's tits are bigger and faker.

If I pull that off will you die?

She is a big girl

Hu is this qt

>>You think SS is your ally?

well I am no jew so probably ?

>Remember I switched to PPL months ago
Yeah I'm good thx

She's addicted to cock, this mask has a dildo on the inside (Which also explains her weird voice), it keeps her sane and lets her focus on the task at hand

I didn't expect to get so many (OP)s lol
top kek
good job user

Shouldn't they go up? I think those masks are supposed to simulate altitude
idk, I found her looking up "training mask" and she looked so bane that I had to make this ebin shitpost

But user, the reason SS isn't your ally is because she was born in it, molded by it. She didn't see PPL until she was a woman. By then it was nothing to her but boring!

"Y-you're a big gal."

It would be extremely uplifting

For you.

What did she mean by this?

>Dr Wilson, I'm Babe

Wanna crash at my place with no survivors?

>blocks your cock

>The Phantom Training Mask is a training device that helps you to train muscles, you need for any sport...your breathing muscles. The breathing process is essential for any physical activity, yet we pay little attention to it. This changes with the Phantom Training Mask. It sets your focus on your breathing by limiting your air supply during training. This makes it harder to get your lungs filled with air and strengthens your breathing muscles which increases your performance when training or competing without the mask.

Jesus Christ, this sounds dangerous.

Here is an interesting article

Basically at best they don't do anything, and at worst they hinder your performance or increase the risk of injury because of the respiratory dysfunction.

It would be extremely gainful


Would one of those masks help with altitude? Not even for gym, just like if somebody from sea level was going to go hiking at 10,000 feet, would wearing one of those for a few weeks ahead of time help?

that's why they made them but idk if they work or not

For real..This sounds like a Veeky Forums meme tailored for autists to avoid doing actual cardio because MUH GAINZ


no they don't actually work. it literally just makes it harder to breathe, so maybe it will make your lungs a bit stronger. the benefits of training at altitude are because of the altitude, not how hard it is to breathe.

Some researchers concluded that for best performance you should live high and train low, not live low and train high as many propose

thank you flexible semen receptacle

thank you flexible semen receptacle

I too believe the Jews are trying to control us with chemtrails. Personally, I am immune


lel look at this, they actually used a bald mannequin

no, this just adds resistance to breathing. High altitude means less oe in your blood. So when you come back down your body is adjusted to low oxygen and is more efficient at sea height.
Also being at high altitude = 24/7 training, not 1 hr a day wearing that retarded mask

There's some fucking idiot that wears an altitude mask to lift at my gym. It's the dumbest fucking thing of all time. Cardio, sure, I guess I get it, but lifting weights? Literally why? What could this possibly do to help you gain muscle? Fuck all. Just up the weights if your lifts are too easy.

oe= oxygen

Tell her she is a dipshit for wearing a high altitude mask. They don't work at all

first pic is like
>Crashing this plane...

>Tell her she is a dipshit for wearing a high altitude mask
sure thing
go back to /r9k/
>they don't work at all
Define work. They may not work in the Veeky Forums sense of the word, but they do in the Veeky Forums sense.

SS faggot

With Nosher Vivers

(You) are a big gurl

If she pulled me off, would I die?

It would be extremely lustful

She's a sexy girl


You mirin?

>Define work. They may not work in the Veeky Forums sense of the word, but they do in the Veeky Forums sense.
That would be true if she hadn't such an abysmal taste. Look at the full picture, who the hell who isn't a nigger wears those shoes? A honorary nigger, that's who.

>A hero can be anyone. Even a man doing something as simple and reassuring as spotting a young boy's bench to let him know that we are all gonna make it.

I'm at a loss of words user, your words brought tears to my eyes

Is this a jojo reference?

Gave me a chub 2bh

thank you flexible semen receptacle


>not restricting your breathing in order to master hamon

i never knew bane had boobies

>you think SS is your ally
Well considering I'm not a jew, yes.

You're late bruder, see

Thank you flexible semen receptacle

Goddamnit should've looked through the thread first.


You made me chuckle anyway

what babe?

Underrated post.


>captcha: high test

For you...

Thank you flexible semen receptacle

Thank you flexible semen recepticle


thank you semen receptacle

Thank you flexible semen receptacle

First one to chalk gets to stay in my gym

thank you flexible semen receptacle




thank you flexible semen receptacle

Thanks, Joe.

Nike running shoes? Are you fucking fully retarded or just the requisite amount of autistic to shit post here.

top kek
nigger detected
brand alone doesn't make it good

For you


Amusing post user.