I lift to defend global capital from leftist subhumans
I lift to defend global capital from leftist subhumans
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I guess that means I do too.
When comes the day when we all have to pick a side?
>defending the oppressors
Really makes you think.
I lift so that when both of you burn this country to the ground I can rebuild it from ash in my vision
Only right answer. Gonna get huge on nuclear crickets and muskrats
get fucking rekt capitalist shit your lifts won't be shit
I lift so I can defend myself against the alt right when they start raping and pillaging
Why are all commies manlet framecels? Sad!
Serious question, why are 99% of leftists ugly white people?
Good. As a capitalist, the existence of the alt right is a good thing. Not that I support their economic isolationism or racial views, but rather leftists and them can waste energy fighting each other while we laugh at you.
The liberals will burn
because they're not the charismatic super stars they were told they were going to be in 3rd grade.
therefore they're entitled to your money. how dare you make financial success a goal in your life.
most conservashits vote against their own economic interests if you are not super wealthy , fuck being in debt, just have rich people pay their share
Too bad social democracy fixes all of the issues you brought up. Try again lefty brainlet.
>inb4 he runs away or cries b-b-but read marx
>same thing as leftists
Never post in one of my threads again.
social democracy is just a friendly way of saying socialism - which never works
>fuck being in debt just have rich people pay their share
>fuck i was retarded and got myself into debt
>fuck rich people
>rich people HELP!
it's not your fault, you're so stupid we should have never trusted you with money
Sluta omedelbums
this is now a republican hate thread
fuck conservashits
They are tho
why do people think this is such a good idea still?
>it's that same /pol/ thread once again
Somehow having the word "lift" in the OP while absolutely everything else is non Veeky Forums related and it's clear that the thread was literally created for the purpose of a /pol/ circle jerk
>social democracy is socialism
No it isn't, it's capitalist
>tfw voted for Hillary
Stay mad
yea i agree, /pol/ is for dumb faggots
They're practically the same idiot.
Yeah they highjacked the word liberal, but in today's political landscape, they're the same. Which is one of our main points of attack on their hypocrisy.
Same way antifa is supposed to be anti-facism, but they're facists
>none of them have jobs
> hurr durr im gonna vote against muh interests because billionaires need tax breaks and tax cut gibs
The day of the rope will come... And then our race shall rise again..
>other people are liable for my mistakes
Do you force others to exercise away your fat gut as well? Personal responsability, learn about it.
Shoo shoo Goblin.
>tfw this guy is so stupid he thinks everyone who isn't a leftist is a conservative
Americans are a trip
I lift for my race
Because most white people are ugly
Wait, an American thinks the entire world operates according to their two political parties? Stop the presses!
This. Stupid degenerates I swear.
most people are ugly
>haha I know what's best for you
>trust me, give all your money to the government they're so trustworthy
>why aren't you helping people who made horrible mistakes out? It's on YOU to make them succeed!
>y-you're against leftist identity politics? But why are you not supporting people who hate you???
>wait, stop this, you need to pay for the free education of a generation of whiners who study useless crap and then complain they're in debt and unable to get a job, you NEED to do this
>it's your own interest to become a living SLAVE to the state!
My country has been dominated by leftists for the past decades. As a result we're in debt, universities are out of funding, our most important companies are all failed, the government is so corrupt it's become african tier, policemen can't be paid (but the welfare is still going on strong), any attempt of reform is curbed by leftists, and most important of all:
Guns are essentially banned, so we can't revolt even if we wanted to.
I hope you and every other lard ass leftist who is unable to lift their own weight dies in a pit.
Almost all lefties are ugly white people though.
Seriously, could one lefty in this thread prove that they aren't an ugly white person?
>lmao degeneracy
Daily reminder both of your stupid major american parties receive funding from corporations, so even if you had a point (which you don't), you're being corralled into voting for two faces of the same fucking coin.
American leftists should put a gun to their brains, right now.
>antifa is fascist
I swear you alt-cucks will be turned into soap just like the lefties
> hurr durr my boss needs a tax cut
>hurr durr other people deserve your wages despite not working for them
>hurr durr your money belongs to the government
>muh means of production should belong to the state!
Why haven't you moved to NK yet, fuck'ead?
>We should overly tax the people that employ the people that pay the majority of the income taxes.
Feels good knowing I can kick all of their asses on one on one combat
Someday, brother, the commies here will realize that they can't redistribute gains, and that caring for your body is the single most conservative activity out there. Until then they will be continually confused as to why the fatties and the shittiest of women dominate their social circles.
Here's the actual reason for this phenomenon: because people who are unattractive tend to shy away from public. However
> leftist women have been taught they're special snowflake and "perfect as you are"
> leftist men are beta orbiters who orbit around said women forever hoping to get laid
the leftist fashion sense of mental illness haircuts or self-mutilation (aka muh transitioning) doesn't help.
>They're practically the same idiot
Yeah except for the fucking massive difference that leftists are anti-capitalist and liberals aren't.
Fuck off permavirgin
>hurr durr other people deserve your wages despite not working for them
But I thought you were the one defending capitalism.
>that one guy posting anti-conservative facebook memes
lmaoing @ ur life
Lol I like how when it's actually a level playing field it's called discrimination.
It's possible
>stop thinking how I don't think
Can't fool me nigger
Had no idea Veeky Forums was filled with such weak leftist faggots. It's almost like nobody on this board actually lifts....
>'global capital'
So just like those lefties you're a globalist faggot? You'll be second in line for the oven.
>/pol/ lifts
The capitalist uses financial resources to fund the entire operation.
Your wage is the market value of your labour.
You are getting what you deserve according to supply and demand.
Labour does NOT have inherent value, only that dictated by the market. Same as everything else in existence.
The belief that effort somehow has inherent value is the same as saying the Sun is inherently good.
The belief that somehow you own equipment, resources, funding, planning and sometimes individual work that belongs to someone else is another leftist attempt at THEFT.
You should kill yourself.
literally this
>this guy is stupid enough to think Americans have a leftist political party
>tfw /pol/ dosent lift
Come back when you can lift yourself out of the chair, Comrade Chunky.
You're right, but at this point you can't stop the reddit T_D cancer that flooded in to /pol/ and then here.
To be honest, the way Veeky Forums was in 2014-2015, if /pol/ didn't flood in, this board would probably have been one of the slowest boards on Veeky Forums. In a sense, it's kinda like Europe's uncontrolled third world immigration.
>why aren't you helping people who made horrible mistakes out?
have fun being a classcuck stupid enough to believe the meritocracy myth
I lift to beat up weak leftist cucks
I produce stuff
My boss pays me a wage
My boss makes a profit on the stuff I produce
Ergo there is a discrepancy here.
Don't you have a rubber dick to take in?
guarantee most of us would kill you user
You have to learn that all of us will make it
im sure you re a big guy alt fag
>I produce stuff
There is no discrepancy.
Did you pay for the machinery?
For the material?
For the logistics of transportation?
Do you pay the administrators?
Do you pay the accountants?
Did you do the paperwork and register the company?
Do you manage the entire factory?
The wage is determined by the demand for your - labour -, that is a very limited thing in the grand scheme.
Programming part of a code and being paid for that part of the code does not make you entitled to the entire software.
The market value of the software is not correlated to the market value of your labour.
You would earn the entire thing if you actually did the entire production process.
You don't. Neither does your boss, he pays people to do parts of it.
It's not hard to understand.
Now stop being a thief.
The guy in the cargos is friendzoned by the nasty chick he's trying to grab
>Your wage is the market value of your labour
Lmao, nigger.
>Your wage is the market value of your labour.
Marx literally argues this, dipshit. Socially necessary labor time is equivalent to the natural price on the supply/demand graph.
Where you differ is that you assume that some asshole taking the majority of the profit for nothing is inherently virtuous and good.
>haha value is inherent to work
>value is created by work
>if I put in a lot of effort making a turd statue it should be worth because of the effort...
>even if nobody is interested in it :DDDD ebin reddit told me it's like this
Value determined by the market.
Can you say how much a hot dog is worth without a market?
If you can, do so now, I'm curious.
If I pay to fix my furnace, which I then use to produce cutlery and sell, are you entitled to own my furnace, my cutlery, and my profits?
It's really easy, faggot. You're worth what the market dictates, you don't get to pretend you're being paid unfairly low wages just because you feel like you own the entire damn thing.
That's called "envy".
a hotdog does have some intrinsic value by being food
>There is no discrepancy
But you didn't explain why, you just gish-galloped on that point.
If I'm being paid less than what my boss is making on my labour then clearly there is such a thing as surplus value. I want that surplus value, as should anyone following their rational self-interest. Ergo it is in the interests of me and my fellow workers to co-operate in order to get as much as we can, as by retaining our surplus value through working together we can lead wealthier lives than by submitting to hierarchical structures.
>b-but muh property
We are not moralists, if you want to appeal to spooks you may as well appeal to god because it's going to fall on deaf-ears.
>people are unironically defending working full time at wage being unlivable
Gentle reminder that in the '70s you could work part time and pay for an Ivy League education.
nope, just not a pussy like you
Turns out the people who strongly identify with an extreme side of politics arent the most successful and best looking. what a surprise
sorry your penis is clinically micro size
> this thread
I thought this was the fitness board
What are hotdogs worth if nobody wants to eat them?
What are cockroaches worth in the west, as compared to countries where people eat them?
It has no value other than what is assigned to it.
>fellow workers cooperate
Then open a fucking cooperative and stop trying to take away a factory that isn't yours.
When you fund your own operation that you actually own you can pay yourself and your buddies however you damn well please.
Just stop trying to say because you work on PART of something that you own the entire damn thing (when others funded and worked on it). That's using a fallacy of composition to justify theft.
>muh spooks
Great. A Stirner fag.
Might as well just admit you're making up justifications to steal shit out of your own self-interest.
>If I pay to fix my furnace, which I then use to produce cutlery and sell, are you entitled to own my furnace, my cutlery, and my profits?
No, dumbass. Because you produced it yourself.
>You're worth what the market dictates
And the market will always skew toward the minimum possible wages for workers and the maximum possible amount for the owners of capital, who do jackshit.
I lift to defend our women
Nah, it's some fag defending that:
>property is a spook!
>the value assigned to my labour is unfair, although I believe that the market assigns value to my labour (WOW A CONTRADICTION)
>I get to own everything somebody else owns instead of making my own damn business lmao!
Typical under-achiever who thinks he's entitled to more but is too weak to actually go and get it.
Even the Communist revolutionaries actually went and stole shit rather than sit around and post memes in an image board.
Beyond pathetic.
The market is a metaphor referring to end-consumers. Consumer price sensitivity and estimating price thresholds via computer programs determine "value".
>corporations that drive innovation and employ billions are bad
Lmao kys brainlet
I lift to become attractive enough for a qt white gf so I can help to outbreed the other races
>if ur not a commie ur pol
Imagine being this stupid
Daily reminder that chad doesn't associate with commies or naziboos
I lift so I can easily take control over that prime piece of boipussi in the grey shirt
>you produced it yourself
Oh, so maintenance crews aren't part of the production line?
Played yourself there buckaroo.
>b-but in the factory I produced everything!!!
No, you didn't.
You made part of it.
Again, did you finance the business?
Did you do what your 'fellow employees' do as well?
If you actually want to OWN the business get your 'fellow employees' and open a coop.
Stop trying to steal the:
a) machinery
b) financial resources
c) material
d) networking
e) logistics chain
f) contracts and bureacratic paperwork
g) advertisement and brand recognition
And all the other things that quite literally - aren't yours -.
>minimum possible wage
Have you considered that when you do something that basically any fucking retard can do, that maybe, just maybe, you're actually worth shit?
Open a fucking cooperative business.
I fully support you on that. Just stop trying to be a thief.
Or be a self-assumed thief and make a revolution, anything is better than crying about how little your life has amounted to because you didn't actually do anything with it.