
Did getting yourself Veeky Forums change your political views? Recently I feel much less...apologetic to people that aren't white men. Like I don't give a fuck that women make less money than men. I'm on the top of the food chain, only a beta male would let people enter the top with them, right?

ur gay lmao

This too. I find gay people retarded and annoying attention seeking fags now, it is unironically a trend.

That because you have test running through your brain, unlike the dyel progressives who have the minds of women and children.

politics is fucking cancer, I noticed when I dropped /pol/ and moved over to Veeky Forums that I was actually happier, I'm not ignoring the realities of the world around them, I'm just at peace with myself and am trying to improve my mind and body.

I'm convinced that /pol/ is just filled to the brim with /leftpol/ faggots and stormnigger concern shills

I stopped being racist and being attracted to nazi stuff when i started getting attention from woman of all races.

Good Lifters tend to skew right. Discipline, self-reliance, methodical, regimented. All right wing type of personality traits

Not to turn this thread into /pol/, but women don't make less money than men user. Receptionists make less money than engineers. Who woulda thought?

Why did you make this thread again

No, and I don't believe where the 'fit guys are more right-wing' meme
The Soviets made physical fitness a priority

I think politics without spoonfeeding a community to believe certain things, (Veeky Forums reddit), is cancer. but on biased news sources (cnn/fox/msnbc etc) I don't mind it.

This is actually true. When I had a gf I never said nigger like I did as a teenager/now. I Haven't made it so I'm not getting 'mired yet.

I value all the things that come with the right. I am genuinely starting to believe that the left just wants to make people fat and lazy to live off the government. People on the left don't want to admit to being lazy or doing anything wrong unless it's about their country wronging other countries/people in the past.

>Like I don't give a fuck that women make less money than men

Women don't make moeny than men for doing the same job, they make less money on average because they go into bs majors like lesbian dance theory where men go towards the more high paying fields.

they also made starvation a priority

I think its more likely youve always been biased towards women and homosexuals, you just didnt have the confidence to express your retarded opinions.

Lmo this was me being edgy. I didn't think I needed an /s on Veeky Forums.

Killed the numale in me

Heil brĂ¼ders

Can we please not have political threads, everywhere I go its constantly people injecting their political opinions into everything and the number of places where I can fuck off in peace is shrinking
>playing tf2 last night
>server opens, match starts
>3v5, unbalanced but we play anyways waiting for more people to join
>3 man blu team getting btfo in CTF Turbine
>About 2 minutes in some asshat on the other team starts bitching about how unfair it all is
>rants about how as a new player he is discriminated against
>tells me I am a privileged "elite" player who makes the game bad for him
>tells me he deserves a better gaming experience and I am withholding it from him
>says its my fault the game is so un-balanced because I am privileged and am winning
>"this is such a shit game and why nobody like it everybody should have an equal gaming experience and I should be having the fun I deserve, you gaming elites think just because youve been here longer youre entitled to a better experience or gameplay than I am"
>essentially telling us all to stop being so good and let him win
I quit the server after the match and had to sit and think for a moment, I don't think he was memeing. How retarded can you be lads, I can get being angry at the devs for fucking matchmaking and making it unbalanced but this kid was legitimately mad at other players and blamed them for him sucking dick.

I just want to play vidya in peace...

Iv skewed left, because I know that not everyone is not pure distilled fucking alpha manliness like I am and we're not all gonna make it, so they need all the help they can get.

My change in political views is what prompted me to get fit.

>politics is fucking cancer

-t. brainlet

if lifting changed your political views then you probably had stupid political views to begin with

Please elaborate

ITT: toxic masculinity

>was lefty faggot. Feminist, haes, Burnie bro, all that bullshit.
>Got out of college, got a real job and found out thats all nonsense.
>Fucking embarrassed myself talking about privilege and shit.
>Had the personal responsibility red pill slammed down my throuht by my own failures.
>start watching guys like computing forever, sargon, teal deer
>start lurking on /pol/
>see degeneracy of the world
>see degeneracy in self
>realize not worth a tenth of previous generations.
>engage fix it or die mode
> start lurking on Veeky Forums
And here I am, counting calories and lifting, finding hardcore motivation in fph threads. Still a fat fuck but I'm on my way.

Tbh my views haven't really changed I'm just more alpha about them because I know I can crush people now

My views did not change. I've always been conservative. #Lift2MAGA

I always hated niggers and Jews. Nothing's changed. Also pajeets and mudslides. Always cool with Asians tho. They just do their thing and don't really bother me. Plus I like their weird gook food.

Should make a fitpol lifting program focused around acheiving greek statue esthetics

I wish Greeks and Italians were still white...

>be left
>want equal opportunities for everyone, regardless of environment you were born in
>people born into rich environments eat to much and get fat, now rely on mandatory health insurance
fuck you, this is not what I wanted

I like the jews and I am trying to get in shape specifically for a long nose girl to tickle my taint during deep throat. I never liked them before, but eh who gives a fuck new world order or no, am I right?

>Get fit, realise I can actually accomplish shit
>Get educated, realise that with hard work I can overcome the fact I fucked up highschool, graduating soon with pretty solid grades
>Get a job, don't make much but live really cheaply and have managed to make some decent savings
>Basically become a fascist

I've been trying to work out the step by step of it recently and I think it comes down to discipline. Becoming fit forced me to develop discipline which when applied to the other problems generated solutions. It also showed me that people who are failures either choose to be or are born without the ability to develop discipline(genetically inferior). These people make up the bulk of the voting population, and as such their lack of ability is going to skew society in favour of them. And the realisation that democracy cant work with all these failures voting was the first step on the road to where I am now politically which is some form of selective democracy/authoritarianism with nationalist leanings.

more of a lolbertarian now but i've been lifting for 5 years and my leanings have changed in the past 2, so it's probably not because of lifting.

probably age related, started lifting when i was 19.

Lifting turned rippetoe into a libertarian

You just generally start to not give a fuck about anything or anyone other than the people you want to take care of an protect, completely animalistic.

>did becoming a Veeky Forums gymcel change your political views

Fixed that for you, OP. Le epic Veeky Forums nazis are the cringiest shit.

>no mandatory health insurance
>filled to the brim with lardasses

Really makes you think, almost like ignoring public health makes the public unhealthy

This probably has nothing to do with me starting lifting but I've startes hating politics. It's all corrupt, useless bullshit left and right. I have very right wing, trditionalist views but I'm not gonna buy into some false opposition bullshit.

Everyone is able to get to the top why u want to stop them?
the thing is white men are just better at it but if a nggr or woman can do it why bock it

The concept of toxic femininity is used in the social sciences to describe traditional norms of behavior among women in contemporary American and European society that are associated with detrimental social and psychological effects. Such "toxic" feminine norms include body positivity, delusions of beauty, entitlement to male attention, extreme self-indulgence, and being excessively swayed by emotions.

Conformity with toxically female traits can be considered "toxic" due to harmful effects on others in society, while related traits, including fat acceptance and avoidance of exercise are correlated with harm to women themselves through psychological problems such as depression, increased stress, and substance abuse. Other health consequences of toxic feminity include diabetes, heart disease, and obesity.