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>Voice still sounds nasal, slightly high pitch and monotone like I'm a pedantic librarian

FUCK. I'm never gonna make it lads. All the lifting in the world can't help my shitty ass voice. What the fuck do I do?

I have the opposite problem

my voice is too deep

go to a speech therapist they'd probably be able to help more than an imageboard

unironically look up techniques ftm trannies use to alter their voice (besides all the free test, kek), most comes from singing/acting coaching originally and works for anyone with no actual medical reason to have weird vocal cords.

no such thing

Yes there is

You'e voice can be so deep it's hard to understand

>pedantic librarian
Guessing you didnt do any of those things

This is true. There's this guy that comes in and buy a mass gainer (gnc fag here)
And his fucking voice. Its like thunder but it sounds so guttural and I can hardly understand him. Seems forced.

fair enough

How do I get Veeky Forums? Autumn is approaching and I kinda wanna step up my game after reaching a size I'm fine with for a while.

Trannies literally always sound like men though

Can you go to a speech therapist just for the purpose of "make my voice cooler"? Seems like it'd be a little odd

That comes from artificially forcing it for some gay reason, yes. Naturally deep voices will stillbe clear and booming in 95% of cases, and the rest are medical exceptions.

ftm, i.e. female to male. you are thinking of mtf, who indeed mostly sound male even with shitloads of estro

If mtf can go to them to get a higher voice surely theres a way for ftms to get a lower voice?

>How do I get Veeky Forums
Do the exact opposite of what Veeky Forums tells you to do.

Vocal cord surgery

or start smoking very heavily

>tfw look like i'm 16 with a voice like Johnny Cash

yes. pre-stretching your cords, breathing techniques, humming for reps (srs), theres lots of shit, just google it

t. brother of ftm who by now sounds like fucking barry white, and only about half of it is from pinning test

Either this or get over your endless quibbling insecurities.

does she have a spam dick

kek one nerd in HS always did that around girls, sounded like mulan in disguise but thought he was alpha as fuck (hint: he was anything but)

never saw it, but I havent heard complaints desu, surgeon who did it is arguably one of the best in the country


nothing better than a tomboy

still my sister/brother (with nonexistent chances of wincest happening anytime soon) so I dont really care. I generally agree though.

>t. Never got laid but mulan did and is also a manlet

Just talking about the voice here nigga, dont read too much into it.

>Get Veeky Forums
>Get Veeky Forums
>Get Veeky Forums
Still short, still bald, still have an ugly face. Lol. What a joke.

>be 105kg 6'2" permabulk oly lifter
>wear $10 pocket tee's from kmart
>pretty damn Veeky Forums but bitties don't care about that

get called handsome by visiting research fellows that hardly speak my language. life's good

also deep af voice. voicelets btfo

psychedelics always make my voice deeper for a week or so after tripping tbqh

Cernovic browses Veeky Forums?!

>sometimes voice is smooth and buttery
>sometimes voice is high and tight as fuck

I hate this shit, its never fucking consistent and its got nothing to do with how I feel.

The best advice I can give you is to try and keep a steady tone when you are speaking, don't raise the tone of your voice too often, it makes you seem more confident.
Other than that, how old are you? If you are on your early 20s there's a chance that it will get deeper when you grow older

grow a beard

take opiates, they make your voice deeper and raspier.

i hope you have the body to match you freak

I started speaking from my stomach instead of my throat.

It helped.

I'm 5'11 140lbs

me too, stomach growling like a badass

t. been on a -1000 deficit for months

iktf m8

I used to work in a gas station and every day I'd get a customer mention it, you should sing old man river, "omg you're voice is so deep, etc