

I have no strong feelings one way or the other.

Do these come in flip-flop form? How do manlets go to the beach?

I was thinking about tomorrow.


I'm 6'1''. How will I look with them?

Iv started folding pairs of socks in each of my boots, it adds a solid 2 inches, a little uncomfortable but I'm finally a respectable 5'6.

Me too. We will look like big boys

Godamn this is a sad thread.

Welcome to Veeky Forums.

Think about trying these after I bulk up a little more. I'm already 6 foot but 170lbs. I don't need any help looking more long and lanky.


are these good for squatz


height increasing shoes just make you look deformed

Looks normal to me?

People in lifts are fucking lmao.
What's next, getting limb extensions and looking like an unproportional faggot?

Definitely looks like an Olympic lifting shoe insert.

just fuck my achilles up pham

Paul Simon is 5'3"
Chevy Chase is 6'4"

Enjoy your tight shortened calf muscles

wrong, Paul Simon is 5'11" and Chevy Chase is 6', it even says so in the gif

i only wear whats comfy

Check your lanklet privilege shitlord. When you're a manlet, you're only comfy when your shoes bring you up to a non-manlet height.

I basically already use these because my arches are fucked up (orthotics).

I can squat heel on floor with these bad boys.

That's because they reduce the need for flexibility. Remove them and if you dont have the flexibility you will raise your heels to compensate. This is also why women who wear high heels often injure their calves because of the the tigthness and shortness they developed.

sudden realization, it makes all manlet boots powerlifting boots



How much height do these things even add? If its something like two inches how big of a tryhard are you going to look like when someone either finds out or assume you get someone in the bedroom and you have to take them off?
Like how would you feel if you were alone with a girl and she just rips off a wig or takes off her bra and goes from a D to an A cup?

If people think height is their problem and that these will fix them...No they won't
Your crippling insecurity will not get fixed with these.

>t. 5'6

can't buy self confidence

This guy already looked deformed from the start


lost at the hammer

Hahaha ffs