How many calories are in vaped weed?
Im trying to gain weight here.
How many calories are in vaped weed?
Im trying to gain weight here.
>How many calories are in vape
back to /b/ pls
My doctor told me to smoke only fat-free weed.
He's talking about the bud that's left after vaping, you fucking virgin autist
Why the fuck would anyone care to know how many calories are in vegetable ash?
It's not ash, you absolute fucking virgin. And you can eat the already vaped bud to get everything out of it. Just learn weed man.
>can eat the bud
>to get everything out of it
Not in terms of a high you can't. THC needs a fat to be activated orally. You're literally just going to be eating leaf ash otherwise. FUCKING hang yourself you retard
>cannabis is literally only THC
Have you actually held marijuana in your hand in your entire life? Fuck off back to /r/trees, fucking loser, end your miserable existence
dude what's left after vaping is brown bud, not ash...
^ he is right
>pretending like stoners give a damn about anything in marijuana but the THC
You're either a really living retard, or you're just baiting with weed on the hook. Either way, choke on your spit.
>that obvious samefag
>m-muh fat-activated THC
That's why you made cannabutter out of the vaped bud, which you then eat, absolutely autistic
Which will do noting because there's no THC left in the fucking ash you dumbshit.
>maybe if I pump the exhaust back into my engine I can get a few more miles
>i've never actually tried edibles nor have i ever seen cannbis in real life
What is a turbo
It's not ash you enormous faggot, vaping isn't smoking, jesus christ
A turbo forces air into the cylinder, not exhaust.
Yes it is
You know I'm not too sure but I'd wager its not too different from any other leafy green, so not a lot.
I can't think of a worse way to gain weight than to eat lots of leafy greens. Try smoking/vaping the bud to stimulate your appetite then eating a big ass cheeseburger... that'll gain you some mass right quick.
there's a hundred different chemical compounds in weed, and they all attribute to the high in some way. The two major compounds are THC and CBD, and the effect of the weed varies depending on the ratio between the two substances, e.g. sativa strains have more CBD and give a more energetic high, while indica strains have more THC and give a more "heavy" high.
So no, you're wrong m8.
Vaping is an entirely different process than smoking. It heats the weed at a lower temperature, effectively boiling it and releasing the compounds in the form of steam (not smoke). However, there's usually a good amount of compounds that do not get released during the smoking process, and stay on the product. If you are smoking weed you are burning it, so they are destroyed and turned to ash. On the contrary, when you are vaping it you are left with the weed and what's left on it, which you can extract by other means.
Look at pic related, and if you see no difference between the top and the middle pictures let me know so I can stop replying to your dumb ass.
if you smoke weed you will eat 3000 more calories than if you did not smoke weed
the amount i've eaten in the past when high, good fucking christ. especially if you got high on CBD edibles, i could eat 3 large pizzas, easily. sober, i used to eat half of one and never want to see a pizza ever again
ITT: people who make me wish i had the option to vote against legalization
You're retarded. What is
I remember reading that smoking a cigarette is like 9 calories so it can't be that much
>implying people who are this into weed aren't losers
top kek
nice b8
>be wrong
>get called out
>hurr durr you're a loser for knowing this
>THC needs a fat to be activated orally.
No it doesn't. It needs heat.
Weed that has been vaped can be eaten and you'll fully feel the effects of it.