Does your gym have a manlet pit?

Does your gym have a manlet pit?

its less a pit and more a central area surrounded by steep stairs

>thinking that short guy is muscular
>women are this dumb


u fagets jelly or wut lmao

Reducing the official manlet heigh, eh op?
Sorry, into the pit you go.
(It's 6'2)

I'm 5'9 and have a thick 8 inch penor

I can't imagine how small those 7 inches must look on your 6 ft frame



Pencil dick. Enjoy throwing your extra long hot dog down hallways




We kind of have a manlet aristocracy going on in the pit.
Whichever manlet can crawl out of the pit is named King of Manlets and allowed to take one gym item back down into the pit to share amongst the manlet lords

thicc & short > tall & skinny


We just make the manlets fight and whoever is last standing is king of manlets. He can then request an item which we throw down into the pit for him to use.


Who will work in farms and mines then?

>tall skinny guy
>the 'skinny' guy in that picture is still fucking muscular
Put an actual auschwitz skeletor lanklet there and see what women prefer.

t. frustrated lanklet

That guy is actually like under 5 feet tall. Connor is only 6'2

My gym just drained the kids pool and use that as the manlet pit

>the tall guy is just as muscular as the manlet, also he's leaner, judging by the lack of back fat compared to shorty over there

women sure are dumb

The guy on the right is nowhere skinny, he's a fucking swimmer masterrace


Yeah, I'm in it right now.