I've done it, lads.
After weeks and weeks of stalling.
I have finally hit 135 on the OHP
I've done it, lads.
After weeks and weeks of stalling.
I have finally hit 135 on the OHP
Congrats boi
gj, now comes the hard part
1pl8 until 1.5pl8 is a bitch
1.5pl8 until 2pl8 will be hell
question, if you could do one pull-up in this form, does that mean you could potentially OHP your bodyweight?
Congrats OP
when using that wide a grip my ohp is barely 40 kg(bar included) when taking a much narrower, so my hands are practically in front of my shoulders, my OHP increase dramatically and I actually feel something in my traps and shoulders
how are the exercises even remotely the same?
pulling and pushing use the same muscles so yes
Yes, try it out tomorrow user.
huh? pull-up works the back lats and biceps and The Press works shoulders and triceps. Most lean guys would probably do a lot more than just 1 dead hang pull up by the time they can The Press 1pl8, assuming they are relatively lean and work each muscle the same amount.
I ohp 195lbs, ask me anything
You couldn't lift lmao1pl8 above your head just by messing around? This is beyond being DYEL, damn.
Because you're doing them with a correct form. Your elbows should point forward and very slightly to the side, with your forearms being entirely straight instead of tilted in any direction
the ol' reddit switch-a-roo
same as not being able to bench 2pl8 by just messing around, which makes most people I see in the gym beyond DYEL
tell me about it breh. First day I slipped over, stood back up and noticed I had accidentally pulled lmao4pl8 with me. Hilarious seeing these dyels struggle
Good job my dude
>tfw making great gains on OHP
>doing 120 for mad reps
>shoulder injury
>now I can't bench for a week
Fuck OHP
how the fuck do you injure your shoulder on OHP?
so wait.. are you telling me that an OHP is actually the bar doing a pullup on you?
2 no's
2 yes's
1 maybe
w-who do i believe
he probably did some other activity. Internal rotation on OHP is really safe and strengthens your shoulders, all the lads I know with dislocated shoulders got it from contact sports or just falling bad in athletics
believe in the stars
hmm i dunno
I went from 65kg to 77,5kg OHP 1RM in like six weeks, but now I can't fucking get past that. I failed and did a deload, then worked up and got stuck at 77,5 again. Wat do?
1RM or x5?
If its 1RM sorry but you still have more to go before you should be proud. If its for 5 then good on you bro.
how the fuck is that hard to believe?
FUCK YEAH OP! Now let me see your 1rm face
get fucked. it's called a ONE rep max not a FIVE rep max you fucking retard.
When I'm getting really heavy with OHP I start to notice I am recruiting a lot of lat muscles and I can feel it in my back like I'm about to pull a muscle. Does that mean my form is dogshit?
>2 nose
>2 ironic yes
>1 def scientifically-no-correlation no
well who nose user, who nose
OHP is such a safe movement for the shoulder, even bench is thousand times more likely to hurt your shoulder
When I'll reach DB pressing two 75s how much would I be able to OHP? What's your BB/DB press correlation, Veeky Forums?
This shit is easy to progress. Mix between heavy triples and x5. Don't do 5x5.
If you get stuck, do 8x2 at like 75-80% max.
I went from 1.2-2pl8 in a couple months. Then blew out my rotator cuffs from jerks too frequently.
DB press 40 kg dumbbells, BB strict press 80 kg. Dumbbells should usually be harder due to stabilization needed BUT db press is done seated which is easier than standing
jerk frequency? I'm kinda afraid of that, currently doing 1 high intensity jerk, 1 high intensity strict press and 1 high intensity push press session per week, PP and jerk days are followed by OHP volume work.
i feel your pain user
maybe if you don't know how to bench correctly
I was doing 5/3/1 twice a week for ohp (including joker and bbb sets). Then I'd follow that with like 6 sets of jerks trying to train up to a decent double max.
I was doing a lot of heavy snatch swings with kbs and weighted dips 2x a week too. Way too much on the shoulders.
What the fuck you on about retard? measuring 5 rep max is perfectly acceptable. a 1pl8 1RM is nothing to get excited about fucking idiot
literally made me laugh out loud
I'm doing the sessions I mentioned with really long pauses and generally at the start of a workout and view it as technique work (bar the strict press which I do after warming up my upper back with rows). Progress is going slow and steady from my current 1.5pl8 but nowhere as fast as yours. I'm already pressing 3x a week now, and while weighted dips are a great accessory I feel like I would go down the same path as you if I did too much
well yes and you injure yourself if you OHP incorrectly. There's just less room for error with bench, on top of mobility fucking you over more with it
Some people say push press has helped to blast through OHP plateaus. If you try it make sure you do the kind of push press that develops your shoulders and triceps, and NOT A JERK.
It might sound unintuitive because
>you use leg drive to get past the point where your shoulders work the most
However, using leg drive does not mean you can't use your shoulders effectively, and you also get negative reps with heavier weight.
The heavier load will make your core and back stronger, you will get used to pushing a heavier load over your head, your triceps work harder, all of which will transfer to your OHP.
I liked doing pull ups while warming up ohp to help warm up too.
You have a good schedule, I'd stick to it. Just vary your rep scheme for strict day like I mentioned. That seemed to help my progress a lot, especially the 8x2.
my point is the risk of shoulder injury being 1000x higher with bench is a meme
somehow this gets handed down from rippetoe pointing out the number of injuries from OHP are lower than the number of injuries from bench press - no shit, very few people overhead press compared to how many people bench
i bet if everyone OHP'd and benched in a 1:1 ratio you would see similar injury rates from both to the shoulder, and probably greater injury rates for the elbow bursa from OHP, and probably more instances of wrist injuries too
>1 pull up
>equivalent to lifting your body weight above your head
I've never had an issue with injuries from ohp, but one slight form slip above 3pl8 and your shoulder can get fucked on bench. Not to mention dropping the weight happens much more frequently on bench. Failing an ohp rep doesn't put much stress on critical places, while failing a bench can cause injuries.
technique work is at heavy triples and doubles, and strength work is anything 2-5 with an amrap finisher (rep ranges vary each week). volume usually 8rm+ just to take it easy. My last workout (yesterday) was warmup+4x2, then 1x3 which was a 3RM PR for me. I always warm out with either chinups or pullups + hanging on the bar.
Does that sound good sensei? My goal is a 2pl8 strict too
Failing on OHP usually presents as a back injury and it can be brutal
same can be said for OHP, if you misgroove something with 185+ you can seriously fuck your shoulders up
The rotation of your shoulder in OHP is really safe - I didn't even know Rip has said this but he probably knows what he's talking about. Where as in bench your shoulder is in a very compromised position. Basic understanding of shoulder anatomy quickly explains why this is the case, I recommend studying it since you get what you can do with your shoulder and what you shouldn't
I'd be careful with the amrap. I'm not a fan of going to failure. Rotator cuffs are too sensitive to risk from my experience. But go with what feels good. If you're not feeling any problems with your rotator cuffs then keep at it. Shoulders are one of those things that more is not necessarily better. But of you keep good form and don't go for maxes for maxes frequently then you should be okay. Sticking to triples and doubles for maxes is the safe bet. I only did a 2pl8 single once and then stayed with doubles and triples cus I didn't want to risk it.
I did a lot of 3x3s and 3x8-10s.
it's internal rotation in both cases, user
the difference is the bench is fixed scapula, and the overhead press is free scapula, which has some benefits if all the other shit you do is retracted scapula horizontal pressing
>leaning back on ohp
Found the cheater
See what said. You're just rotating your shoulder. There isn't stress on key points. The most you can do is irritate your front delts by trying to push weight you can't handle. Bench is already less of a natural position than ohp.
Congrats boi, now come back when you can rep that shit.
>tfw attempting 5x5 45kg today
Wish me luck lads
Only if you hyperextend your lower back. The way you avoid that is you use a weight you can lift and don't try to impress everyone. There's no way you fuck your back up with a OHP weight when you can squat 2 times bigger weight and your back is fine, unless you are stupid as fuck.
smesh it bruh
Currently stuck on 87.5kg strict ohp. What do?
2x8 of 75% 1rm?
Been doing 4x5 75kg ohp and on last set dropping to max 40kgs ohp to tire muscle
I've heard people saying good things about press starts for ohp, you take a fairly heavy weight, push to the sticking point, instead of grinding through, you drop back down to your clavicles and do a high rep, slightly bouncing set, just going as far as you can without having to grind on each rep.
You could also work on shoulder stability with waiter walks and farmers walks and bottoms up pressing
I've become a huge fan of z press as an ohp assistance exercise, it's the goat pressing executive imo, hit it for 5*8 after your heavy work, it feels so good on your shoulders
most i've ever done on 45kg is 8 reps and i feel like i've stalled. should i up the weight and switch to 5x5 or keep pushing for 10 reps at 45?
I tried it yesterday, thinking i'do 1rep. My chinese powerlifter bro appeared out of nowhere when I was mid rep and screamed "COME ON LARDASS, ONE MORE!"
> Activated super Saian mode
> Did one more
Where do we get our OHP1PL8 card?
>tfw only managed 5/5/4/5/3