Is Jason Blaha really a woman?

Is Jason Blaha really a woman?

Just look at his child-bearing hips, and his effeminate mannerisms here:

Other urls found in this thread:

He has a girlfriend and you don't.

She is completely mental

She looks and acts more masculine than Jason.

Klinefelters, probably. XXY genes instead of XX or XY.
It's actually a blessing if you aren't overweight like he is. You have to go by "a very tall woman" in terms of calories (I eat 1500-1600 a day plus lifting) and it builds an androgenous look. Literally means you can pass for either a man or woman depending on your preference.
Problem with Blaha is he's trying to be something he can never be: a man.

Yeah but he's short and bald.

If he has bald genes then he likely went bald around the crown and just shaved it
You're right about the height, though, most klinefelters are at least 5ft10 5ft11 or so.

dumb cunt gave up a spot on a tv show for this delusional cuck

thats about how tall blahino is

Up there with big lenny in terms of the worst looking "fitness" bodies you can have. No idea why anyone would listen to anything he ever says

Is Blahino's latest video about water weight scientifically sound?

He's shorter than that he's like 5ft7
Either way he fundamentally just needs to lose weight

Not trying to white knight for her or anything but she's not bad for a 30 plus year old chick


And he should do some fucking accessories, why don't people just train what they're lacking

Big Lenny looks fantastic you drug addict.

She's practically a man.

Well, kinda. He is right about simply getting all the water out of your system and dehydrating yourself is stupid, but thats not what bodybuilders do right now. They carb load on insulin now, so they can put as much water into their muscles as possible, which is retarded in the long term in its own way and is possibly the reason why bodybuilders have those distended stomachs.

P.S Jason Blaha is like that in general it seems. A lot of the time he says fairly reasonable things, but then you have shit like vid related. The guy is just fucked in the head it seems.

dunno mang
our boy hemmingway is pretty jacked

>heavily breathing while making home made bullets

100 iq fittards idolizing piana etc. zyzz get mad at blaha telling them the truth not the things they want to hear it's hilarious

Left isn't him.

I mean the one where he says your body replaces lost fat with water weight and it takes a while for your body to decide to shed that weight and that's what weight loss plataues are

>I mean the one where he says your body replaces lost fat with water weight and it takes a while for your body to decide to shed that weight and that's what weight loss plataues are
Oh boy, hahaha. Classic blahino

His fucking backgrounds piss me off so much. Just sit on your couch you mega-autist.

Looks like that scene in alien right before the alien pops out of the guy's stomach

Actually. That's true.
If you are eating at a deficit, being active, and bonus points if you do some form of resistance to maintain muscle mass...then that is exactly what major stalls end up being.

See weight loss isn't a 1:1 logical thing like aerodynamics.
It has peaks and valleys and what not.
You'll be doing everything right for months and only drop 4 pounds then you'll do everything sorts right and having some bad food and drop 8 pounds in a night. That's just how it is and we have NO idea why that is.

Look up the woosh effect and Lyle McDonald's talks on the matter.

desu senpai without the hips he wouldn't look that shit

sure he wouldn't look good, especially for someone on roids, but at least he wouldn't look embarrassing

>constantly talks about dieting
>is always fat

He can't afford one

>Not trying to white knight for her
You're either trying to white knight or you like transvestites.

holy shit this digit ratio

low t genetics confirmed


I recognise this guy, thats our boy Hemingway

Don't talk to me or my son ever again

>what are memes for $500

dawg she looks like butt stank personified as a troll doll

"Just becuase your dicking a swamp donkey named mooncookie doesnt mean youre an astronaut"

whats going on with lenny these days? I saw he was in the hospital but didn't want to watch the whole video to hear why

Collapsed after riding a bike in the heat, got rhabdo I think.

But that does describe why some people stall. Not every stall is because you are retaining water but it is a cause grounded in the literature.

>Problem with Blaha is he's trying to be something he can never be: a man.


He's gonna be fine. He still looks better than Dale anyways. The hospital stay was just a minor setback in his contest prep. Also he said that if he were to die, they could just oil up his corpse, cart it onto the stage and he would still look better than Dale Chuckie Cheese Chance the king of cookie cutters.

>desu senpai without the hips he wouldn't look that shit
He would though.

He has a lot of visceral fat giving him a ridiculous barrel chest, his arms look like moldy dog turds, his shoulders and neck give him a hunchback effect, etc. etc.

Look at the way he sets up for his deadlifts and tell me this man doesn't have some kind of congenital hormone issue.

Starts at 4:16, he does a bunch of deadlifts with the same mannerisms setting up.

>Does a silly looking thing
>Therefore congenital disease
Please cut the quackery faggolio

She has really weird angles where I'd swear she was a dude and others where she actually looks like a normal woman. I've been looking closely for a bulge but have never seen anything. If mooncookie is a man I assume it's a MTF post-op.

That gay little deadlift set-up isn't the only thing to consider though.
If you hadn't noticed, there's an entire thread devoted to his feminine features. In fact, you just posted in it you retard.

Look at his mannerisms at the timestamped moment in OP's video.
Look at his feminine physical features, including his small head, wide hips, big booty, equal distribution of subcutaneous fat, feminine voice (especially off-cycle), effective sterility, ...

The way he walks up to and sets up for his deadlift is just another drop in the ocean of evidence.

LMFAO reminds me of that big booty pepe image

Yep, that's totally all you need to diagnose someone with a congenital disorder. You fucking mong. I dislike Blaha as much as anyone else, and yeah he's a closet fag, but congenital disorder/Klinefelter's is a silly thing to toss out flippantly.

This is simply the physique a man gets when he spends 90% of his life in his room playing WoW and warhammer. If anything, Jason is proof that a 5pl8 deadlift and test alone wont make you look impressive.

All those things combined make for a strong indication, yes. There's no hiding genetics. Conditions like Klinefelter are primarily manifested through obvious physical traits.
And btw, I'm not sure it's Klinefelter at all; he's too short and bald if you ask me. But almost certainly something else.

Plus the compulsive lying and delusions add to the suspicion that there's something actually wrong with him.

I have spent the last 10 years of my life mostly working behind my desk at home, lifting once or twice per week, and I'm built ottermode with actually visible abs.

Nail on the head.

Someone with some photoshop skills should make a gif of that gay little shuffle and give him a sad pepe face.

So what are Blahas lift stats exactly?

Can someone post it?

You talk about the science behind weight loss, count calories, track your insulin levels, watch Lyle Mcdonald videos while Chad eats pizza and lifts once a week, and he still has visible abs while you look like a turtle

Just give up gymcels, god never wanted you to look good

>If anything, Jason is proof that a 5pl8 deadlift and test alone wont make you look impressive.
Yes it will. You just have to eat correctly. Are you saying you have a life where you're mobile 90% of your day?

>Just give up gymcels
Post face
Also, no. Fuck you.

lmao fucking spot on m8


This is NOT fucking photoshopped, these are actually his curves.


he just looks so alien
i don't like him

This pic still makes me laugh

why is this guys stomach so big? it doesnt look like theres any fat on the outside

Not sure but I don't think it's necessarily a bad thing, he looks better than 99% of the cookie cutters out there.

Blaha has more muscle msss than any natural on Earth. Just a fact.

Think about that for a second.


Even that little cuckwalk he does when he walks up to his weights looks unnatural and awkward to me.

HGH causing organs (intestines, stomach, etc) to grow. And/or insulin injections in the belly

That's our boy Hemingway!

Blaha pls go.

I am enjoying his workout program.
