Are guys with big butts aesthetic?

Are guys with big butts aesthetic?

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Pls be in london


I have a massive bubble butt and they used to make fun of me as a kid

I still don't know if my butt is desirable to women or not

It's the kind that just sticks right out, shirt always drapes around it. Not flat or saggy, but round and B I G G. Mostly fat tho

not if you're short and stocky.
then you just look fat.

Post proof then

Yes, Dryad mode is aesthetic. Obviously for men.



>What is lumbar lordosis.

A good set of glutes is the driving factor of movement in a lot of athletics.
Show me a guy that can throw a hammer very far, and he'll have big glutes, show me a man that is good at soccer and he'll have big glutes.
Show me a dude that is a master of ping pong, and he will have big glutes.

>Are they aesthetic?
Who the fuck cares?

Pretty sure big ass on guys are desirable for women - only if you're fit and not a fatass.

It depends on the woman actually.
I've heard a friend say she actually likes muscular asses in men, and another one saying she doesn't really care.

i said not short

Mine is muscle and also sticks out. Blame it on lunges since I did bw exercises and lunges were for legs, except for every cm in quads I got 3 in ass.

The one that said she doesn't care actually does like them.

Stop hitting on jailbait user

Rate butt please

God, I hope they like them.

8/10,would pound

You have a better ass than 90% of women. Do you think they'd be jealous and thusly not like it? I think it's probable

Thanks buddy, you'll make it.

9/10 would smack so hard at the gym my hand would hurt

Rate me

Would like to lick your asshole and inserting my throbbing and voluptuous dick into it. No homo.

>that huge bald spot

not slayer

Brehs... how can you satisfy a man like this without a 8x6 in dick

I can't. They need to be at least 7inches for me to actually start getting off. Had to fake it so many times.

looks good
>that madoka magika pose

h-h-hey there handsome

women go crazy for my ass

Pic related I was around 220. Can't wait to bulk up to 245 and become even more t h i c c

Why do you guys like to pretend to be gay on the Internet?

its a real statement of the times that guys who literaly fuck each others poop holes cant be made fun of or considered weird


haha, yeah! It's not like I am hard or anything.. baka...

this but unironically





Here's should I make it more fit I don't want the size to increase just want more firmness right now it's bubbly

Are you a grill or a boy?

straight male

>Here's mine

lol where

do you enjoy being fucked like a girl?

Trap folder



Iktf bruh

Rate my ass


Find a small guy. My average dick works great on short twinks.

I can tell you don't squat below parallel just by looking at your body.

Great quad development but almost no glutes

Squat lower feggit

would not fugg
but i only fugg twinks, so..

I do have a bit of glutes, it might be the angle?, other pic for reference

lol got a point there

>tfw my ass is nicer than my gfs

yall niggas gay

where do i find a tall bf with a fat ass. I'm 4'9 and want my tits to squish up against his cheeks when i hug him from behind

Neck yourself

Gay af

only way to take a good ass pic is this angle

shit i got this one too

Welp time to fap again.

Hey bb

No wonder Veeky Forums is considered the gayest board on Veeky Forums.

Would pound until you experience multiple prostate orgasms.

how big is that prick, bby?

I have an 8 inch cock that is no doubt somewhere in the /hm/ archives

no homo

oh look i found it by googling my trip