Realistic goal bodies thread
roid worshipers need not apply
Realistic goal bodies thread
roid worshipers need not apply
I don't have the picture but that dude that's holding a dog and pouting at the camera is the best realistic goal ever
this is what peak aesthetics look like
As a skinny-fat guy, this is my goal body. I'd be perfectly happy looking like this forever.
Mirin the natty limit
>dude that's holding a dog and pouting at the camera
I tried googling "buff fit topless dude that's holding a dog and pointing at the camera" in case I found it and the 6th result was scooby kek
I always wonder what could have been if he had decided to jump on the juice train. The most genetically blessed man in history who did it all on just 5 scoops.
Rest in peace Piano Man
mathew mcconaughey used to have the absolute perfect natty goal body
I'm 5'6 so probably achievable natty
seriously ?
Are you joking? That's very achievable natty if all you do is workout and surf all day in between eating gourmet meals.
he's pretty much peak natty but definitely natty
look at the roundness of his traps and delts, def not natty, you plebs can't tell the difference, pic related is almost the same lean muscle mass but natty, you can clearly see the differences, his muscles are popping a lot less.
keep in mind we're talking about an actor living an actor's life and a guy who has a natty bodybuilding channel, who focuses on this.
all muscular guys in hollywood are on the juice, just listen to dorian yates, former mr olympia, on Joe Rogan's podcast, you guys are delusional about what you can look like natty.
in all seriousness you are retarded, i'm a fucking dyel and have as big traps as him, one of the easiest muscles to grow
Idk i got this body at 17 y.o and didnt increasr mass since
I guess i reached my natty limit in 1 year or so
Mirin pecs
>being this delusional
first of all, they're not as big as him
second of all, it's not about their size, but their look
you can say if someone does roid by that typical 3D popping round muscles look
Yes i got pecs genetics
Also the fact i have narrow shoulders make them look bigger
Too bad my biceps and triceps looks like DYEL
i CLEARLY said "i'm a fucking dyel" but my traps are easily the same size as his, destroying your point that trap size somehow shows he's on roids
get glasses fag
His traps are thick. Yours are not.
your traps look like shit bro, jesus quit deluding yourself
>im dyel
>i think i know what i'm talking about with regards to fitness
It's a fact that traps grow more when you're on steroids compared to when you're not, and hence they are an indicator of steroids.
Your trips are tiny, you just have high insertions.
he is so dreamy
You're stupid.
i'm being deadly serious, and i can shrug 130kg 4x12 so how the fuck much do you think mcc can do ?
>your traps are tiny
yeah good one, fucking show yours then faggot
>admit your dyel
>post dyel stats
>take offence when someone calls you tiny
sup brah?
You are literally fucking retarded. My trap look like that and I'm natty. You can't just look at someone's traps and say they juice you cunt. You're a bitter dyel who fell for Veeky Forums's meme's
If i didnt know better I'd say you do calisthenics
I got a great chest pump and killer lats with very defined arms but lacked any mass with the delts.
You'll have to find a way to balance that.... Honestly id start hitting your shoulders harder since your chest is already there and will stay there. Any bigger and you look like synthol titties which you want to avoid.
Tl;dr focus on delts (and arms)
can we get a list of natty bodybuilders by height?
specifically looking for 5'9
>tfw similar bodytype and hair
I'm seriously thinking on turning to the rope for hope
With all due respect bro your traps are shit
Natty king will never die.
Cro Cop is the ideal body
w-why do people here always mock that dude?
He looks aesthetic to me
i'd rather off myself than fuck with that dude
This meme kills me Cunt
fuck off jeff ur a vapid cunt
If you think you need juice for that, you're fucking retarded and lazy. Try actually lifting faggot.
>those delts
Mike barely even lifts you retarded faggot. He's said that he's the exact opposite of the character of Dom. He's more in to cars and shit.
Do you have an average sized penor?
He's a manlet and ugly af.
I hope you aren't seriously "proud" of those.
Wait you think Dom's channel is a natty bb channel? Are you fucking retarded? It's a comedy channel and the dude who plays Dom is an aspiring actor and screenwriter who barely goes to the gym.
Yeah he's a manlet but he's not ugly at all
talking from a picky gay man's perspective here
Why do you think testicle kicking is banned in all combat sports? One kick and he's down. Over.
>you can say if someone does roid by that typical 3D popping round muscles look
t. faggot with shit genetics who says anyone bigger than him is on roids and doles out advice on who is using steroids despite no research or medical knowledge
I bring this up to people all the time and tell them to look it up on YouTube when they call BS. One shot (intentional or not) and they have to stop the fight. Doesn't take much to rupture a delicate testicle they usually go straight to the hospital.
>3D popping round muscles look
Hate to break it to you, user-san, but everybody is 3D. Even the natty people
Pussies, there was a rugby player who literally ripped his fucking nutsack and went to the locker room, got it stitched and came back out to finish the game.
You must be a woman. There's a difference between lacerations and blunt trauma. The scrotum skin itself is not particularly sensitive. The testicles are very sensitive. Scrotal tearing is not actually as bad as it sounds.
[spoiler]It's definitely pretty bad though[/spoiler]
Buck Shelford, oh and the motherfucker didn't even go back to the locker room, they stitched his nuts back together on the sidelines.
Nigger, the dude was kicked in the balls by a cleated fucking shoe that ripped his nut sack open and had one of his fucking testicles hanging out.
Unironically this is my goal.
Fuck living super clean to maintain a six pack for the rest of my life. Girls don't even want that shit and it doesn't make you stronger.
Professional fighters won't just let you kick them in the balls. Are you guys fucking retarded or what? Next you'll be saying you can knock out Anthony Joshua because "it doesn't take much force to knock someone out if you hit them in the right place, I saw it on YouTube"
Dude, not a women first off, and like the user said. He was kicked in the nuts by a giant ass rugby player and a cleat ripped his nut sack open and his balls were literally hanging out. He then let them stitch him up and kept fucking playing. You must be a yank, rugby can be fucking brutal mate.
What, you discovered Veeky Forums a week ago, and know you think you're king big dick of know-how. Go fuck yourself. You have no clue what the fuck you're talking about
Quads of truth. I bet itd hurt more if your ball fell out of a scrotum tear, yikes
That's not hardcore or manly.
That's fucking retarded.
That's basically him throwing his actual fucking manhood out of the window to win a fucking sporting match.
Jeff's would easily increase two points if he just did something to his stupid fucking hair. Makes him look 16
Shut up pussy.
Fucking yanks, bunch of pansy little cunts.
Whatever you say, but...that dude is a simple infection away from actually HAVING a pussy.
>scrotal tear
Pick one, dude. I'm not telling you it's not badass that he went right back out there, I'm just saying lacerations don't hurt as much as blunt trauma. As a man who's been kicked in the balls and had a razor run over my sack, I can tell you the kick is worse.
You also forgot that he had 4 teeth knocked out at the same time and this motherfucker led the All-Blacks on an undefeated streak that lasted like 4 years. They make Man U look like little school girls.
Even though his body has left, his biceps will remain free from the shackles of decomposition. RiPiana
>what is reading comprehension
Can you not fucking read, he was kicked in the balls and a cleat caught his sack and tore it open. Jesus you're retarded.
> any movie actor
> natty
If the cleat is tearing it then he's not getting kicked. Unless somebody's performing some sort of a front kick during a ruck, I don't think he got kicked particularly hard.
He said later on that he doesn't even remember the game because he got a massive concussion. Lol. What a crazy fucking cunt that dude was.
What are you even arguing? All I said was blunt trauma is worse than laceration. Do you even disagree or are you just ranting?
dafuq is it ?
your traps seem pretty big to me desu
He's asking for your penis size
I have bigger and I am natty
This retard died cause of himself. He juiced up and looked like a freak his body wasn't even aesthetically pleasing to look at. He fucked up his own health for nothing but to look like a freak
Thats mostly genetics. Its like traps and the adonis belt, some people have to take roids to get them really pronounced but others can get it easy as fuck/
oh, its 5.5 inches long and circunference if that matters
Pretty sure that's the point, or he is hiding thinning hair from roid use
I'm sure it's fucking brutal "mate"
>actually thinks hollywood actors put in work and don't take the easy route whenever possible
Oh, so he's a dicklet
Nice blog post.
>got em
>"He's unhittable!"
Get a life. Fighters do not spend even 1% of their time focused specifically on avoiding nut strikes.
When I was 18, I got into a fight with my then-boss. I was about to throw a wiry 50 year old man, he grabbed my leg and bit right into my scrotum and did not let go. Done. It was a lesson.
>throwing your manhood out the window
>winning a sporting event
You know the limit on how many you can pick.
>had a razor run over my sack
Fucking young Chads and their scooters strike again.
the trap king has been crowned
long live the king
Traps are gay
I am sure winning like such a bad ass like give your manhood gains
The greatest natty bodybuilder of them all. Just imagine how he could have looked if he had juiced.