That guy who lifts and does HIIT on the treadmill but then smokes before and after the gym

>That guy who lifts and does HIIT on the treadmill but then smokes before and after the gym

Fucking why, man.

What’s wrong

Because he's a nicotine addict, bro.

test increase brah

>Being this much autistic that you care about shit like that

>but then smokes before and after the gym
heh heh heh, smokes what???


I have to take adderall for uni, and pots pretty much the only way I can eat on the days I take it.

I mean, it's better than smoking and NOT doing HIIT/cardio?

I smoke, how does that affect my gains?

better than all the delusional fatties that go get "super juice" before/after, which is actually just pure sugar with all the healthy pulp tossed in the trash.

Most sportmen during the early 20th century smoked in half-time breaks in soccer and other sports, and they are still considered among the greatest legends performing wise and lived to very old years.

There is nothing you can do that's worse for your fitness than smoking

Dimished lung capacity results in marginally decreased maximum power and enormously decreased endurance and recovery

>HIIT on treadmill

Yeah I know about that, but tards tell me it's a meme. Bonus question cause I don't wanna start a new thread. Do supplements like Creatin have any real effects for beginners or just a waste of money?

his lungs, not yours you judgemental faggot

In theory it should but it kind of doesn't matter. Creatine improves performance, not efficacy of training, especially early on. Well, it does improve recovery time which allows you shorter rest periods, but this is a non-issue for someone who doesn't even have complete neurological adaptation yet

Smoking boosts metabolism and test, my man. Not everyone is into fitness because they want to live to 102; if you were then you'd never lift heavy and be vegan. Most people are in it for vanity.

>smokers with more stamina than me
>fatasses who lift more weight than me
Not sure what excuses to choose

Smoking slashes endurance, makes you smell like shit, makes you not eat enough to progress, will give you COPD, and may give you lung cancer

There's literally no benefits to smoking

>bad smell gains to keep people away
>reverse financial gains to keep gold digger hoes away
>reverse lifespan gains to cut down on the number of years you spend shitting adult diapers in a retirement home
>economy gains for the country by increasing average consumer spending
>employment rate gains for ciggie industry
What's not to like


>that guy who brings his own plates cause he goes to a garbage commercial DYEL gym

>need to smoke socially to be a UK chad

why do you HAVE to take adderall

its cool as shit you gigantic fucking pussy

Try drinking soylent if u cant get regular food down on stims

unironically kys