So, here are the options Finasteride -90% effective to stop/reduce hair loss, some will grow back. Probably a lot less than 90% -(((studies))) show 1.4% chance of side effects, but those are total BS and skewed by pharmaceutical companies who paid them off -There are 1000s of stories of severe ED, plummeting test levels, and depression from this. The chance of sides are way higher than 1.4%
Hair transplant -Costs a ton -You will look like shit when you're older. Your hair will look like weeds -Your donor area will thin and look like shit as well
Rogaine -Questionable results -Smells -Have to apply constantly
So, there really isn't a quality solution, is there?
I can speak from experience that fin is a quality solution until a permanent cure is found.
0 recession and I never even knew my hair could get this thick. Not to mention the piece of mind I feel knowing I'm hair is safely on my head.
Samuel Gutierrez
It'd be cool if the queen and William died tomorrow and we had to have a 4 year old for head of state.
Parker Smith
Veeky Forums - f̶i̶t̶n̶e̶s̶s̶ body insecurity
Landon Taylor
Finasteride is good, dutasteride is better, using either one of those along with 5% minoxidil once or twice a day will give you a full head of hair again.
Ryan Bell
Topical ketoconazole: (AKA Nizoral shampoo):
-Pretty cheap -Supposedly removes DHT from your scalp, allowing follicles to not die -Mostly brotalk about effectiveness, no rigorous proof
William Lee
option three >shave it >instead of taking hair growth chemicals, take muscle growth chemicals
Jaxon Thompson
or he could just shave his head?
Elijah Gonzalez
Shave it when you become 100% JUST, but before you get there, you should try to save it
Not everyone looks like pic related shaved
Lincoln Murphy
how to save it
Sebastian Thomas
I'm starting to diffuse thin @ 26. I always had a head of full thick hair but I'm ready to let it go if I can't do anything about it. What could I do? Don't wanna take shit with bad side effects either. Started supplementing Zinc which I heard can lead to hair loss if you have a deficiency
Austin Mitchell
Just get a Tattoo
Mason Russell
Are you forgetting about Charles?
Kayden Carter
Say hello to your regent for the next 12 years.
Benjamin Davis
>tfw started big 3 around 2 months ago, on my third month >tfw all of my hair where it receded is starting to grow back
Had a bit of shedding on the hairline but it's really bizarre now, hair is growing on the previously receded areas. It's gonna be lit when fully grown.
Camden Wright
What evidence is there that points to hair transplants looking bad? So many celebrities have had it done and most people can't tell.
There's also this tattoo solution where people get hair dots tattooed on their scalp.
Jose Flores
I want to do this, but my scalp is bumpy and lumpy. I would need cosmetic fillers to make my scalp look nice and smooth.
David Evans
Are you retarded
Zachary Bennett
Hair transplant >-You will look like shit when you're older. Your hair will look like weeds >-Your donor area will thin and look like shit as well source on this?
Zachary Sanchez
>So, there really isn't a quality solution, is there? Razor, if you have good skull shape for being bald Razor to your veins, if you dont have good skull shape for being bald
Henry Butler
I was at the doc yesterday because of my hair loss the last few months. The only option for me is fin, it's like 50 bucks a month. I think I will give this a try, don't want to be bald at 35 desu.
Nicholas Miller
balding at 35 is not that big of a deal, you're not relevant anymore anyway.
Parker Kelly
>implying I am already 35
Ian Watson
I never used propecia, not even at 17, when i started balding. I dont like the idea of fucking with my hormones.
Why care when you can just shave and look cool
Camden Jenkins
You can take Finasteride plus Testosterone. The extra Testo compensates for the loss of DHT production.
> full benefits of Testo
> scalp, prostate get less due to no DHT made there
> all win
Logan Russell
30, 35 same shit. Your life ends at 28
Asher Baker
You're retarded. If you're male and have a good career, that's when the best part begins.
Carter Taylor
why did you post this he- oh, FPBP go fuck yourselves insecure dumbshits
Jackson Watson
Because you probably won't look cool, son.
Hudson Jones
then it's all for nothing, conversion of testosterone to DHT will be make the finasteride powerless
Jeremiah Hughes
>keep hair
>become hormonally unstable low test with non working dick
Pick 1 and only 1.
Ayden Garcia
Saw some nizoral that said it was 1% ketoconazole. Is that enough or is there a stronger version I should get?
Xavier Hughes
Took Rogaine since two years, gave me new hair, but made those on the front short and curly.
Will finas fix that ?
Justin Martin
Who's this faggot with the nu-male beard
Caleb Jenkins
transplant is good if you have minor balding
Lincoln White
>future king of England >implying Queen Elizabeth won't outlive him >implying Queen Elizabeth will ever die
Ho ho ho
Mason Green
Get a wig if you can't deal with buzzing/shaving your hair off. No, it won't come off if somebody pulls it or if it's windy outside or if you jump into a pool. Yes, it will cost about a grand per year and it will be a constant hassle that severely limits your life (think 3 hour maintenance session in a hot, humid bathroom at least once a week and touching up your hairline every fucking morning). Also, you will probably get outed at some point and then you will be THAT guy.
I just buzzed my hair off over a year ago and haven't noticed any negative effects when it comes to women. I still get teenage pussy even though I'm bald and 27yo. The only change I've noticed is that +35yo women go absolutely crazy for me now that I have a buzz cut and a stubble - every time I want to go to a pub or a regular bar, I need to take a rape whistle with me.
Ps. Don't mess with your hormones, it's not worth it
Brayden Reed
>Ps. Don't mess with your hormones, it's not worth it
I also don't like the idea of that either .All tho mine is starting to grow back now that i'm not anemic anymore
Jaxson Bennett
Yes there is a fucking quality solution, your just to much of a pussy to try it. Wigs, hair systems, whatever the fuck you wanna call them.. I got tired of looking like vin diesel and having to shave every. Single. Day
Now I rock wigs that don't come off for two weeks, I can swim, ride motorcycles, and skydive with no worries, in fact if I got in a fight and someone pulled it, my scalp would likely come off with it.
I'll admit I was self conscious about it for the first month or so but eventually you get to the point where you don't even remember it's there, it becomes like a part of you.
I look ten years younger the second I finish taping it on, and I fuck a lot of sluts who run their fingers through it and even pull on it during sex (I attach it well) No one has suspected anything and if they did they didn't say shit.
Anyways I have a statham style bald pattern if I don't shave or wear, and I got to the point where I wanted a fucking hairstyle, now I just comb in the mornings when I get up and once every two weeks I spend an hour removing it for cleaning and reattachment
Stop being pussys, your all scared shitless because it's looked down upon by society at the moment
Ryder Johnson
Where did you get yours?
Connor Brown
>taping and gluing dead beavers on your scalp because you are too insecure
Jace Martinez
Why not both?
Cooper Gutierrez
More info please. Where did you get it? How much? Brand name, etc?
fuck off. you are either not bald, married to a fat wife who doesn't care, or asexual. I want to fuck as many 18-22 year old women as possible. and the 'just shave it, bro' look doesn't work for many them.
Connor Cox
>the 'just shave it, bro' look doesn't work for many them
Because you are ugly and/or beta. I have no trouble fucking 16-22yo girls.
Jeremiah Robinson
You're an idiot.
Joseph Lewis
nice fiction, bro.
confirmed you have a fat ugly wife.
Parker Clark
>big 3
Adam Thomas
If that makes you feel better, sure.
For the others who are trying to decide: you are always some girl's 10. When I had my hair, I used to side part my hair with pomade (think Mad Men). Some girls thought that "this guy is just my type, all men should style their hair neatly like that!" and some girls thought "yuck, that shiny and slimy hair is disgusting, I can't run my fingers through it or anything". And now that I'm bald, I'm sure many girls across all ages go "jeez, that's one ugly creep, ewww" but then there are a lot of girls from all ages who go crazy about a guy who has a buzz cut and a stubble. I personally haven't noticed any drop-off in quality OR quantity of pussy since accepting my destiny of going bald but your mileage may vary.
DISCLAIMER: if you look like pic related or worse, either get a wig or kys (preferably both because your mom would like your corpse to look decent during the funeral proceedings)
Finasteride, minoxidil, nizoral shampoo
Henry Sullivan
Free test goes to androgen receptors or is metabolized into estrogen or DHT. If you increase test, but it is no longer converted to DHT, your free test is converted into estradiol (an estrogen) and will give you gyno and other womanly side effects
Colton Sanchez
>DISCLAIMER: if you look like pic related or worse, either get a wig or kys (preferably both because your mom would like your corpse to look decent during the funeral proceedings)
I do look like pic releated.
I'm not ready to check out just yet either, therefore wig is really my only option.
Dylan Kelly
Sorry guys I got caught up at work, I order my units from northwest lace, they do the best job of bleaching the knots (where the hair is tied to the base) also their shipping is fast although they are a little bit higher priced. I usually order a stock unit in 8x10 ($180) then I buzz my head and rock an undercut. Currently I'm dirty blonde. I recommend walker ultra hold glue and tape. I tape all around the perimeter except the front hairline, that's where I go about an inch back and just use the glue as it gives a perfectly undetectable look. I'm going to the gym but I think I may make a thread with more details and pics
>beavers This isn't the 80's anymore, the unit is ultra light, you don't even feel it, also the base is super fine and clear, it blends in with your scalp >insecure Do you realize where your at? Anyways I have a nice head shape for shaving but I got tired of shaving, it's a chore, also I was jealous of other peoples hair and constantly changing styles, so no not insecurity, jealousy was my motivation. Now I rock different styles and colors at will Haters gonna hate
Josiah Morgan
>50$ for fin >Walmart has it for 10$ >35 yo >worried about balding >browsing Veeky Forums @35
Is this b8?
Joshua Gomez
Just putting my 2 cents in here as someone who tried fin.
I'm not gonna argue that its safe for the vast majority of people. But you don't really understand how awful it will be if things don't work out.
I tried it and over the course of a year my libido dropped. Not a ton, but enough that I was only masturbating maybe once a week. Decided I'd rather be bald and horny than hair and not. So I quit. Well that's when shit got weird. I even tapered off it. But I noticed no more morning wood at all, then I couldn't get hard. I also had a constant ache just above my groin. So I went to the doctors and he did some blood work.
I was smart and had blood work done before starting fin so I had a previous number to compare it too. My test had dropped from average levels to super super low. Like 90 year old man levels. My Dr. was super concerned and even said if it didn't get better in a few weeks he wanted to start me on TRT.
Luckly over the course of a month my morning wood slowly came back and we did more blood work and I was back to normal.
But after that I realized that they guys who get fucked up weren't just making it up. Merk can fuck themselves because they deny any possibility of this shit. Well nothing else was different in my life. How else does a 23 year old man have his test tank like that. I just thank god it all came back.
But let me tell you. When you are lying in your bed at night, thinking your dick may never work ever again. That you will know that no amount of vanity is ever worth the risk of a functioning member. I don't care its its 0.01% or 50%. If its a risk you don't need to take then don't.
Liam Richardson
>everyone here lives in the us
Ayden Nelson
Some of those pictures look pretty good. I have a consult booked with a doctor who primarily deals with hair loss, probably going to give fin a run for a year or so and if no results, move onto a unit. thanks for sharing.
Jason Kelly
I noticed I was balding 8 years ago. I started taking finasterid 0,5 mg a day, the side effects were too severe and I decreased the dosage.
For 6 years I have been taking very small doses of finasterid, like 0,2 mg every second day. Sperm is sometimes a bit more fluidly but other than that no side-effects, and I havent lost any more hair.
I feel like alot of the side-effects guys are pretty much just retards in tin foil hats and scare mongers.
Brody Cook
I pick keep hair
Nathan Martin
Ok, then go for it
Brody Green
Wtf that's pretty smart.
Jeremiah Walker
Are you thick?
Carter Adams
>wearing a wig
Aiden Nguyen
but I have my hair and my dick is rock solid 7 inches? I guess I'm lucky, I need to have more confidence in myself thank you
Hudson Phillips
>Finasteride >-There are 1000s of stories of severe ED, plummeting test levels, and depression from this. The chance of sides are way higher than 1.4%
You dense motherfucker. That 1.4% is for taking Finasteride for hair loss. You realise Finasteride's side effect is hair growth and stopping hair loss. That was not it's intended benifit with it's creation.
There is a larger amount of ED and so forth when the dosings are higher than when taken for hair loss.
Evan Diaz
Some people dont deserve to pass on their genes. This is one such person
Alexander Stewart
Deserving something is a human construction. You either pass on your genes or not, that's it. Nature doesn't care who or why. That's why that midget from Game of Thrones has like six kids with some female midget.
Anyone here have any experience/results from using a dermaroller like vid related? The logic behind is that the damage to the skin that it causes stimulates the regrowth of cells, including hair follicles. I don't understand that they're not that popular as a tool for hair growth seeing as there are studies showing very promising results.
Anthony Davis
>he doesn't have full head of hair with perfect hairline
Lucas Barnes
Oh wait...
Liam Young
damn hope my hair looks this good at 50
Nathaniel Turner
It's a wig
Nicholas Davis
that guy's no older than 30 and has a fivehead, possibly a cowlick too based on the absurd hair styling
Gavin Butler
>>tfw even the future King of England is bald >future King of England >King of England >King >England
americans stop getting our monarchy wrong REEEEEE
Jordan Rodriguez
I was a norwood 2 at 18 due to creatine and briefly falling for the Rogaine jew.
Turns out once you stop taking the jew you lose your hair even faster as it becomes reliant on it.
If God wants me to be an ugly motherfucker so be it. I can only hope I can grow a beard now and go for that viking look.
Adrian Sanchez
Go bald Shave Don't give a fuck
Has worked for me so far. I either fuck with hormones, fuck with transplants or have to explain how I grew a full head of hair overnight when I fuck with wigs.
Out of all the options the wig one appeals the most to me because I am not permanently fucking up some aspect of me. So if I ever to get tired of the shaved look I'll go with that.
Parker Rodriguez
how sad of a fuck do you have to be to wear a wig, that is some next level beta shit.
Jace Baker
I would go with the wig if it weren't for
>the constant hassle and stress of maintaining it (when I just buzz or shave my head, I could go camp in the forest for a week with no worries) >the fact that you can't let girls pull your hair while fucking >the fact that if you sweat, you will get exposed
Gabriel Foster
Agree with your conclusion. Without a sex drive you are no better than the stalker humans from HL2. Might as well be dead.
For what's it worth, I tried fin too. I actually got the exact opposite results from what you're meant too. I was horny as fuck, my skin got greasy and I got an "itch" on my head that made hair fall out way faster. This is another side effect that no one ever mentions, google it. I quite after half a year as I was losing hai much faster than before. Wish I hadn't bothered.
Easton Diaz
>king/Queen of england >Americans call england "Britain" all the time >the one time they should use Britain instead of England they use England
Why?? Though really the queen/king is ruler of more than just Britain but still its more accurate than just England
Julian Morgan
>Why?? Because we're a rebellious colony. And we genuinely don't know the differences.
Joseph Cook
He could restore a decent hairline but he needs 2-3 FUEs and get on medication.
Anthony Scott
>explain how I grew a full head of hair overnight when I fuck with wig This one is very simple, start wearing a hat and tell everyone you are taking propecia to grow your hair out, after a few months stop wearing the hat. I did this and no one questioned it.
All this is bullshit You remove it to shave and reattach once every two weeks, the attachment is extremely strong. Also I fuck sluts all the time but I attach mine very well and yes they do run their fingers through it and pull on it during sex, the old cliche of wigs blowing off is 80's technology As far as sweating, I lift every other day and work daily in a non air conditioned warehouse in Texas, I literally sweat like a whore in church, again the glue/tape is VERY strong and impervious to moisture
Wyatt Nelson
Be like this guy.
Never use Propecia, unless you want to gain a useless microD like this poor fucker.
that video is hilarious you see the guy come back to life when they give him that hair. I got decent results from the big 3 but I'd love full blown Jake Gyllenhaal hair how much would a wig like that set me back>
Levi Perry
>all this cope
Anyway, just shave it off and have a decent frame. You'll be fine.
Also in probably less than 10 years there will be a permanent cure for baldness. Why don't you just put $50 a month away just now to save up for that, rather than wasting in on coping pills. Lmao.
Jesus, like what do you do if you forget to take your pill one day cause you got laid or drunk... then your hair falls out. Or the tattoo thing, you forget to shave your head for 24hours and suddenly your entire gig is exposed to the world.
Not to fucking mention that wig post. I agree, it looks awesome and the guy looks better with hair. But that shit isn't as good as it says, elsewise it would be everywhere. How can you go to the beach and expect that shit to stay on?
Damn man, this is on par with height threads. I bet everyone in here who has suggested any of that shit also has a pair of heel lifts.
Mason Price
lol wig you creepy old faggot
Ryder Smith
>started balding at 20 and completely shaves head
Shaved head isn't a bad look, but you do have to workout. Also decent facial hair helps.
Why has nobody mentioned stuff like bosley though? I've looked into that and they seem legit but expensive.
Charles Adams
It would be funny if they found a cure for baldness. All of a sudden you would see all kinds of former bald celebs sporting hair. I wonder if Jason Statham would do it.
Chase Mitchell
>Jesus, like what do you do if you forget to take your pill one day cause you got laid or drunk... then your hair falls out.
Not him, and I'd personally never touch the stuff but it's not like missing one pill means your hair instantly falls off in one massive clump. You need to stop taking it for at least a month if not several before the DHT levels have risen enough to cause balding again.
Missing a few pills won't instantly ruin it.
Luis Walker
Probably not. Most celebs have wigs or transplants if they really care about it. Ones that accept the baldness probably have it so iconic to them at that point that it wouldn't matter.
Christian Davis
>the best part of your life begins after your physical peak but before you have free time to use your money
Henry Cox
Rogaine's smell is extremely, EXTREMELY faint. Applying it regularly is a fucking pain though.
Zachary Howard
>Also in probably less than 10 years there will be a permanent cure for baldness
they've been saying the same shit about type 1 diabetes hint: it's a lie to keep you from despair before you're ready to accept reality
Jace Brown
get a load of this retard
Carter Harris
>women have been drawing on eyebrows since they discovered a burnt stick >men are just now catching on tee hee when will boys learn
Christian Williams
Just no,go bald and dont look back faggots,pic very related,22 and balding very fast,most of girls arent into it and keep asking me why I shave/buzz but I dont really care,my time will come.