old one's at 300
I don't want to join a gym, if I work my way towards 100 push ups in a row, 50 pull ups in a row, and 30 min of jump rope a day (along with enough protein per day), would it guarantee me to look good? 6'0 160 skinny fat
old one's at 300
I don't want to join a gym, if I work my way towards 100 push ups in a row, 50 pull ups in a row, and 30 min of jump rope a day (along with enough protein per day), would it guarantee me to look good? 6'0 160 skinny fat
Other urls found in this thread:
My GF goes to a designer school two hours away. She's 20 and loves sex and BDSM but she's also Christian. Do you think she'll cheat? Should I preemptively cheat in retaliation? Best way to catch her?
Just do P90X. It's got a great diet plan and very challenging workouts. You're guaranteed to look great if you commit to both.
Why did pajeet do 3x30 db rows and why did he take the bench so his ass was closest to my face. A few feet but enough to be uncomfortable
How do I prevent the bar from rotating in my hands when I unrack it during bench? Fucked my wrist up for a few days because of it once.
>would it guarantee me to look good? 6'0 160 skinny fat
You will get chicken legs, but sure.
Is that thing about not going into the shower right after workout cause your body is still hot and burning calories real?
What is the best way to cook dry red kidney beans?
Pre rotate your grip the other way?
As a male, you should always be acquiring new sexual partners.
Think I fucked up not resting enough between my last deadlift set and putting the bar back up. I was in a rush because I was told at the last second to pick someone up and still needed to get to work after.
Anway I ended up leaning on my left side to drop the bar in place and felt discomfort whenever there's any tension in that area since. Usually if it's something like this I feel better after the workout, but not in so specific a region and I'm wondering if you guys have any ideas.
jump rope is great for legs
I'm getting a pain when I squat right at the top of the shin, just below my knee. Google tells me it might be osgood-schlatter disease.
Should I keep trying to squat through the pain? Should I replace squats with a few seperate exercises?
No. It's not. Squatting and weighted lunges are good for legs. Everything else is a waste in everyone's opinion.
I had osgood when I was going through puberty. You don't have it unless you are actively growing.
Sometimes when I do a ton of squats I'll feel light headed for the rest of the day; feeling is similar to light headedness from being drunk. Goes away the next day, though.
Should I be worried? Is there any way to keep this from happening?
oh really? any idea what could be causing this pain?
I don't know how to thouroughly say it, but this is my experience. Others may have additional information.
If you are just beginning squatting (or any physical activity, bad form can lead to eccentric development of muscle groups which can pull on parts of your joints more strongly than other muscles that would balance them out. This leads to pain. When I started running, I had the same issue. I cleaned up my form and adjusted my training until he pain subsided. The same thing happened when I started lifting, especially squatting. I would get knee pain during workouts and back pain after. I decided to get coaching on form, which was difficult for me to admit that I needed. I was forced to correct my form and adjust my training until the injury subsided. Any compound lift invites injury if you do it with bad form. I recommend you either post form checks periodically, get coaching, or both. It's hard to give up the idea that you're going to impress everyone with your stellar progress. The funny thing is, you can only do that with good form. Hope this didn't come out as 100% broscience.
been doing SL two and a half months. added dips and grip work on row days, and chinups on deadlift days. thinking of adding ab work too, since I'm starting to get minor lower back pain while squatting and assume my core brace isn't strong enough anymore. not really sure what exercise I should be doing for this tho. planks? hanging leg raises?
How do I get stronger at hang cleaning? What's a good program?
How is this GSLP routine for someone who has been lifting for almost a year? I also go for runs on off-days.
BP/OHP; 3x5+
Rows/Weighted chins; 3x5+
Squats; 3x5+
Calf-Raises; 2x12
Paused BP/Incline BP; 3x8
Pull-Ups/Curls; 3x8
BP/OHP; 3x5+
Rows/Weighted chins; 3x5+
Deadlifts; 1x5+
Hanging leg-raises; 2x8
Paused BP/Incline BP; 3x8
Pull-Ups/Curls; 3x8
BP/OHP; 3x5+
Rows/Weighted chins; 3x5+
Squats; 3x5+
Calf-Raises; 2x12
Paused BP/Incline BP; 3x8
Pull-Ups/Curls; 3x8
I didn't just start though, sorry I should've probably stated that before. I've been lifting for about a year, did SL5x5 for 7 or 8 months of that.
The knee pain started after I took two weeks off from squats due to a gash I had (on the opposite knee the pain is on weirdly enough). It's weird because even if I lower the weight I still get the pain.
For abs, do weighted planks, crunches, and if you have access to any machines or equipment use them too for things like cable crunch things (idk the real name but Arnold did them)
Also hyperextensions and reverse hypers are good for strengthening hamstrings and lower back
Hope this helped
Hm. After some time it's feeling like the time I pulled my back. How fucked am I brahs?
Routine critique please. I'm trying to work on more glute-mind connection to build my glutes more. I've looked around on some YouTubes and found routines that I like. I'm needing one more day and not sure if it should be sumo deadlift or if I should do another upper (I'd like to hit my biceps directly too). "⇅" means superset. Some exercises I'm not sure what set/rep should be. Thank you very much.
>Under Butt:
warm up: frog pump x 15
glute bridge 4 x 8
single leg bridge 4 x 10
donkey kick (can put dumbbell knee) 4 x 12
⇅donkey kick straight leg slight bend 4 x 20-25
RDL 4 x 10
cable pull through 4 x 15
>Glute Medius
side hip abduction (clams, both bent and straight leg) ?x?
pistol squat ?x?
lateral band walk ?x?
banded internal rotation (band around feet, move heels in and out) ?x?
hip abduction machine (virgin) face opposite, close machine with legs ?x?
whore machine leaning forward ?x?
db floor press ?x?
⇅db flye ?x?
incline push up ?x?
tricep floor push up (reverse push up) ?x?
⇅skull crushers ?x?
single arm cable kick back ?x?
cable kick 3 step (three step back, 5 reps etc) ?x?
knee clicks at the bottom of a squat, only happens once and there's no pain - cause for concern?
Quads sez youre ded
Are those good for anything? Do they even count as a "workout"?
I tried doing front squats the other day and managed with the just the bar, but once I added weight I felt discomfort in my wrists. How do I do front squats without BTFOing my wrists?
I'm DYEL as fuck and I have little to no gains right now. Is my routine good enough to keep doing it?
Shoulder day: Standing behind the head OHP: 4x10 20 lbs
Front and side dumbbell lifts: 4x10 10-15 lbs
Pull ups 4x10
Bicep day: curls 1x15 with 25lbs 1x12 with 30 and 1x8 with 35 then superset of 1x12 with 25
Incline curls with same weight.
Chest day: same weight with bicep day but with Dumbbell chest press and ground flyes.
Help me bros.
Guys I have a food related question
My roommate moved out and he left a fuckload of tuna and I mean a yuge fuckload of tuna, I've been trying to put together a diet for lean bulking and was wondering if tuna falls under that category, it'd sure be a waste of a fuckload of tuna
Your grip strength will improve. That's about it, but that's what they're for.
My hands go to sleep when I sleep sitting up and my hands are above my heart.
If my hands are just above my heart I don't have a problem, when I sleep on a bed my hands don't go to sleep...
I googled it and there was some ambiguity about whether or not it might be a heart condition or thoracic outlet syndrome or something like that. Has anyone else had this problem?
What burns more calories on a treadmill: walking on a high incline or jogging at a low incline? I walk at 3.8mph on a 12 degree incline and I burn about 400 calories in 35 minutes, not including the 5 minute cooldown
Does anyone eat pumpkin seeds here? Is there anything wrong with them?
450 calories for 100 grams
That's about it
>work in some ab rolling
>Finally start noticing abs
10/10 super fun to do and great for stretching out after lifting. Can the exercise be made more difficult?
There's a bunch of different ways you can grip the bar. One guy in my gym uses his beefy biceps to grip the bar between it and his shoulder. So cross the chest.
Friends, finally after 26 years of a miserable existence I've decided to hit the gym. The personal trainer there made an exercise series for me and even though it went fine on the first day, today I'm not exausted but my arms and legs are really worn out, like they are out of energy, even though I'm not feeling any pain. I though they were supposed to be burning or some shit like that, is this normal?
Also, I'm interested in the serotonin or whatever substance that will make me feel better. I'm only doing this because it's my last shot at getting out of depression. Do you think 4~6 months is enough to see if thinks will get better?
I second for p90x, it's guud
What kind of results will you get? I have p90x and insanity and want to lose 60 pounds by next summer. Was thinking of doing a couple rounds of insanity to lose the weight and then do p90x. I just want to look decent and be a bodyweight beast on pushups and pullups
Is there a p90 that doesn't require special equipment?
174.5 lbs
14% bf
squat 230lb x5
currently cutting, is it possible even if i give a 100% effort that my squat won't go up? strongerbyscience.com
this calc says it is possible for me at this weight to squat a 225kg 1rm.
Does anyone have a guide to doing an EC stack? I've checked the sticky, and there's a basic run down of what it is, but nothing about dosages or recommended products.
1st, if you want fat reduction you need to change your eating habits!
You can achieve it by water fasting too.
2nd you just do whichever, I did both, started with p90x for muscle then insanity for cardio.
But what made me loose fat was changing my eating habits:
-NO processed sugar
-Try to eat fresh fruit/vegetables instead of processed fats
-Cut carbs
By the way I did a 5 days water fast and lost almost 20 pounds
you should drop her for being a fake christian and find an actual Christian who has sex for procreation instead of pleasure.
It only requires a pullup bar and some dumbbells but you can get an elastic instead and use it for both
I injured my lower back doing deadlifts like 2 weeks ago the pain was mostly gone a few days ago but is coming back now I read that bed rest isn't the best way to get back to normal but what can I do without further injuring myself
I'm actually pretty far into weight loss, I've lost 65 pounds already but without working out. I was just wondering if it might be possible to get in decent shape and look alright by next summer if I combined the diet with the beachbody programs
I have dumbbells, thanks
Anyone on keto can tell me if keto foods make you go into comatosis like high-carb foods do?
After any decently sized meal I can hardly function without a nap and it's fucking ruining my routine
you need to wait it out or u will fuck ur shit up worse. when u suspect ur healed, start light and keep testing up to your working weight or start even lighter to be on the safe side. in the mean time do exercises that work around your injury and foam roll as well
Maybe someone can help me out.
For some fucking reason my right calf is like cramping up. Like I'll feel it coming then it'll go away. It's been like that since my squat day which was on Wed. I don't know why it's happening though.
I drink tons of water, and have decent flexibility. I don't think I'm overtraining either. Just for some reason my right calf is cramping up. I stretch and massage the area but nothing is getting rid of it.
I heard getting enough sleep is important for making it. What if you have insomnia?
You probably pulled a muscle, just go light for your next few workouts until you recover. A few weeks ago my lower back hurt just from walking, but it feels fine now.
Tuna is fucking amazing iirc 1 can is 120 cal 1g fat and 26g protein. Just be careful of mercury levels
It'll take time to get your wrists used to being stretched and placed under tension, it should be completely gone within at most a month of wrist stretching
My shoulders are always hurting.
I feel like I'm using shoulders too much with every workout. Shoulder day comes around and my deltoids feel fried.
What am I doing wrong?
when sleeping just focus on your breathing
I'm 198 at 6'2" doing stronglifts.I'm on week 3 and a dyel.Should I adjust my calorie intake to gain weight or lose weight?
Right now I'm in bad shape and morbidly obese. Would using a bike machine/ treadmill 5 days a week be optimal? The gym at my apt complex has free weights and a bench.
If i was to add weight training, would push-ups and sit-ups be enough?
Food question here, i have been a vegetarian for 3/4 years now and i have not been getting enough protein. Can one of you tell me some good ways to get it?
Can someone give me a good workout program for 6 days a week?
>inb4 sticky
I'm lazy and want it spoon fed to me.
I reaalllllly need to develop my torso. Legs are fine. They need minor accessories to become more aestrthic but training torso is lost on me.
Hey lads, could I get a Bf% check.
I wanna cut so I can get that aesthetic face, but I'm not sure if I should bulk or cut.
166 lbs
never done trap/hex bar lift before but there's one at my gym and i wanna try it today. i watched like 10 diff videos on form just now on youtube. some say hinge like a deadlift, others say go more vertical and use knee bend/quads more like a front squat or something. does it matter as long as i don't bend my back? thanks for any help
hard to tell, some areas look very lean others look fatish. low end probably 12%, high end 14%
Could be a million things going on. Maybe you ARE just using them too much overall. Do you lift 5 days in a row? Consider playing around with some rest days or easier days and see if it makes a noticable difference.
Other options are removing high risk/stress exercise variations that you may be doing, such as elbows flared DB presses for example.
You should also assess your shoulder mobility. Are you in fact challenged when trying to get into position during back squats for example?
Make sure your routine isn't horrible imbalanced in terms of working some muscle groups harder than others.
And of course, check your form on heavy lifts.
Get enough protein and keep your intake high enough to perform well in the gym. Whether you go a little above or a little below your TDEE isn't going to matter much.
>Would using a bike machine/ treadmill 5 days a week be optimal?
It's a hundred times better than doing nothing, and it has cardiovascular benefits. But as far as getting a better looking body goes, resistance training wins hands down. It's been shown time and time again to be much better for fat loss than cardio style training.
Don't bother with sit-ups. It'll do nothing to shrink your waistline. Stick to big multi joint exercises that'll help you build muscle as well as burn more energy. Push-ups are good.
The trapbar allows for some freedom as far as how you want to lift. You can do a strict almost RDL hip hinge on one end of the spectrum, or almost a squat with the weight in your hands on the other end. And anything in between. Most people use it to deadlift with slightly more angled shins than during regular deads.
>I'm DYEL as fuck and I have little to no gains right now
>has dedicated bicep day
Time and effort adjusted, high incline walk is better because you literally just walk, with jogging you have torque transfer and kick-off, which is sort of cheating in that context.
forcefully slowing down; towel or other slippery stuff under feet; weighted rollouts (only do with flawless form); starting from feet until failure, immediately dropping to knees and continuing until failure; going for distance i.e. rolling out until stretched, walking legs towards arms instead of rolling back and rolling out again; body saws with hands on wheel.
get checked for the beetus and/or thyroid, eat less per meal but more often
I'm going to start going to the gym on Monday, and I don't have a friend to go with. I'm doing the Bigger Leaner Stronger program, which is 3x6 and heavy lifting. I'm noy sure what I should do in terms of safety working out alone.
For the bench, should I:
Ask someone for a spot? It's 3 sets of incline and 3 sets of flat bench, so that's 6 times I'd have to ask someone for a spot, which seems ridiculous.
Bench in the power rack? I saw some videos of people benching in the power rack, and it doesn't look too complicated, but I haven't seen a lot of people incline benching in the power rack. Why is that? Is it not something people do for some reason? I believe the gym has two power racks. Is there any courtesy type of things I should know before dragging a bench into it?
Should I just not lift heavy and without a spotter? I obviously don't want to do this because that's not what the program calls for, and I'm not trying to do it half assed.
And I don't want to do dumbbells instead of barbells
It's a university gym, if that makes a difference. I've also been working out with dumbbells and body weight for a while, so I'm not a *complete* noob in that sense, but this will be my first time lifting with barbells.
Should I drain sardines (in vegetable oil)? A can has 18.2g protons, 33.8g of fat which comes around 380cal. Draining it would leave me with 18.2g protons at around 80cal, but it also says that is has 3.9g omega-3 fatty acids. Are these in the oil or in the fish? Would draining it also take away the omega-3?
>soak overnight with salt
>saute onions garlic and peppers/bacon(anything smokey)
>add 30 ounces of tinned tomatoes
>add beans 1.5 l of water/ chicken stock
>simmer for 2 hours
Do zerchers
vegetarian, not vegan?
beans, eggs, fish, lentils, soy products like tofu if you don't mind the man boobs.
it shouldn't be too hard to incorporate beans or eggs or fish like tuna into every meal
There's nothing wrong with doing incline presses inside the power rack. It would be the safest option.
That being said, please understand two things:
#1 Failing a rep on the bench press (or incline press) isn't nearly as big of a deal as people make it out to be. It's not like you suddenly get decapitated - you just lower it to your chest and that's that. A while it's not pleasant, you can always get out by doing the "roll of shame". Since you're not heaving around insanely heavy weights yet at this point, this is even more true.
#2 Failing a rep on the bench press (or incline press) is something that should happen somewhere between never and extremely rarely. Regardless or whether you have a spotter or not, you do NOT attempt a rep that you're not confident you can complete. It's a really, really bad habit, and that potential last rep comes with a fucked up risk/reward ratio. The benefit you get from fighting up that last rep is just not worth it. Even if you do complete the rep, it probably ends up looking like shit, which fucks up motor learning and thus longterm strength gains.
(Please note that I'm not discouraging pushing yourself, just be realistic)
On a final note, most serious bench pressers use a spotter mainly for handing them the weight. Not to help getting extra reps.
>Are these in the oil or in the fish?
The omega 3 is in the actual fish. The oil in the can is a cheap vegetable oil usually. Not that there's anything inherently wrong with that (aside from the calories perhaps).
>1 year
>novice LP
Trash no matter how well you set it up. Do TM with Nuckols intermediate bench 3x/week med load instead of TM's programming. Replace power cleans with speed deadlifts.
If you want to train for general strength rather than powerlifting you will need more variation, so run Jamie Lewis' destroy the opposition program, since it lets you do rows/pull ups as a primary exercise.
I want to become thicc beefy homobait but I lack the routine for it. 70sBig is neat but has too little volume for me (I tried, and hard), any TM variants I tried gave acceptable gains but seem not too sustainable for the long run, and anything else I found was either WAY too much for a natty, or doable but like 2,5 hour workouts, which ruins my schedule. Halp!
pic unrelated and only for attention
Gluten based recipes like seitan or the likes. Or this youtube.com
Though gluten lacks lysine so you have to eat a lot of veggies to compensate
>There's nothing wrong with doing incline presses inside the power rack. It would be the safest option.
>That being said, please understand two things:
>#1 Failing a rep on the bench press (or incline press) isn't nearly as big of a deal as people make it out to be. It's not like you suddenly get decapitated - you just lower it to your chest and that's that. A while it's not pleasant, you can always get out by doing the "roll of shame". Since you're not heaving around insanely heavy weights yet at this point, this is even more true.
>#2 Failing a rep on the bench press (or incline press) is something that should happen somewhere between never and extremely rarely. Regardless or whether you have a spotter or not, you do NOT attempt a rep that you're not confident you can complete. It's a really, really bad habit, and that potential last rep comes with a fucked up risk/reward ratio. The benefit you get from fighting up that last rep is just not worth it. Even if you do complete the rep, it probably ends up looking like shit, which fucks up motor learning and thus longterm strength gains.
>(Please note that I'm not discouraging pushing yourself, just be realistic)
>On a final note, most serious bench pressers use a spotter mainly for handing them the weight. Not to help getting extra reps
Thanks, man. That was really helpful
who the fuck quotes the whole post just to say thanks
>The omega 3 is in the actual fish. The oil in the can is a cheap vegetable oil usually. Not that there's anything inherently wrong with that (aside from the calories perhaps).
That's good. Thank you for answering.
I had a feeling someone would say that. I wanted him to know it was me and not the fish oil guy. I thought about only quoting a small bit of it, but I didn't want him to think I was only thanking him for that bit of information.
Who the fuck cares what I quote?
Run a hypertrophy block and slightly overbulk. Follow the principles of Mike Israetel, he does a fantastic job of explaining the basics of volume and fatigue management in a retard-proof way. TM is unsustainable for hypertrophy because it accustoms your current mass to heavy weight more than it grows new mass, but works as a strength block.
Thank you user, all i eat ate raw veggies so no worries there
Israetel is the Renaissance Periodization guy iirc? But sounds promising, I aint ponying up for his programs but his free hypertrophy guidelines seem sound. Do you recommend alternating strength and mass phases often (like 6 weeks this 6 weeks that) or can I get away with mainly training for sheer size 2/3rds of the year as it builds strength on the side, and just doing a dedicated 3 month power block of TM once in a while? Sorry for dumb questions but I used to train for raw strength only, now that I want to slay the boipucci I struggle with programming for it, kek
That's the only paid product you need from him. His templates are pretty meh, Blevins' free program templates are very similar and IMO better for strength. As for hypertrophy, your programming will be highly individual so you don't need a template for it, you can split it up however you like. If you want to do your 15 sets of quads by squatting 3 sets a day 5 times a week you can, if you want to do PPLPPLx you can do that too.
It's not a fantastic idea to run hypertrophy phase for 8 months straight, something more like 4 months hypertrophy and 2 months strength + repeat is better. The book will give you a better idea of how to plan your year and what kind of progression scheme to use during hypertrophy phases.
Why do I feel pressure at the back (higher up) of my head when squatting?
I've been losing weight for 3.5 months (started at 226, currently 184.) I intend to drop down to 175 before I start bulking. For the last 2 months, I've been doing chest twice a week (working with a trainer, setting new PR's every week, truly pushing myself.) I know that caloric deficit kills gains, but I have been eating 1x my body weight in protein. When can I expect to start seeing pec gains?
I see, I see, makes sense. Thanks a bunch for replies and especially link, this gon b gud, I shall think of you and your advice when I ravage the boipucci... no wait that came out wrong, lel
>Blevin better for strength
huh? never bothered much, looks like I should then.
I'd say TM is a bit better because you're skipping the peaking aspect of strength and Blevins' programs have monthly progress, so they're something you should run more long term with sustainable, slow progress. I mentioned Blevins because his program layout is similar to the RP templates and features the same monthly progression rate.
Do zumva
How do I improve these stats (all 2x p much)
Deadlift 70kg: 5
Bench: 30 kg
Push-ups: 8
Pull-ups 5kg: 6
Chin-ups 5kg: 7
Pendlay row 25kg: 8
Dips: 4 =[
Shoulder Press: 40kg (?!)
Oh shit, that's 8 for bench and 6 for shoulder press lol. high sry
Ah, now I get it. Ok then, I will see what I can come up with, probably an ugly bastard of TM and RP/Blevin and a PPL by the end of it, but this is coming from someone who used project momentum without mock meet as a strength block for lulz before, I have nothing to lose, kek
thanks again m8!
>high sry
Are you kidding me? Stop focussing so hard on form. Let your dips fly. It's ok to feel it in your shoulders a bit at first.