How do you reconcile the fact that red meat is carcinogenic but that your fitness fanatic diet encourages eating a ton of it?
How do you reconcile the fact that red meat is carcinogenic but that your fitness fanatic diet encourages eating a ton...
I only eat enough red meat to warn off iron deficiency. I generally avoid it otherwise, having fish and poultry as my main meat sources.
I eat coles extra lean 5 star mince meat once a week.
I think it's 95-5, or maybe 98-2. I forgot.
>red meat it carcinogenic
>human ancestors have been eating it for millions of years
>haven't evolved immunity to red meat
fuck you
It's not carcinogenic, that one famous study from a couple years ago had poor methodology.
it's fucking delicious so who cares
That if a frogposter shiposts about it, then I don't really need to worry, like at all :-)
By eating just as good if not better alternatives like chicken, egg whites, fish, etc
So how do you get paid for doing this shit? Is it hourly or based on how many replies you get or how does it work?
>implying we aren't all going to die of something someday anyway
Next you will tell me I should stop riding motorbikes...
I think they only get shekles for posting on /pol/ or sip threads
>tfw everything besides fasting is carcinogenic
>can't eat without killing yourself
>human ancestors ate it
>proof it's not carcinogenic
By the fact that most fitness fanatics almost only eat chicken. Ever heard of chicken, rice and broccoli? That's the popular staple, now some bodybuilders actually eat a lot of steak and usually talk about it constantly on facebook etc because they think it makes them special. Probably some 35 years old dad with thinning hair.
Anyone really get the urge to fuck vegan guys gfs?
It's not really even cucking, they choose to be limp wristed betas.
>tfw can't cook chicken and it always turns into rubber
>can only eat beef/fish and veggies
>denying evolution
>probably think god created the Earth in 7 days and that man and animals are meant to live in harmony
>thinks gender is a spectrum and that carcinogens give you cancer
>pic related
it's you
Everything that gives you gains is carcinogenic by default. You get thousands of cancer cells every day. Your immune system has specialised cells just to deal with them, specialised cells to deal with those specialised cells and a catch-all system to deal with both of those AND cancer cells as well.
Getting cancer is just you being a weak fuck with a weak immune system and can be remedied by not being a weak fuck or dying.
Alternatively you can forgo all your gains and live your 20s and 30s like you're a 70 year old.
Protip: Gainstrain until you're 40, THEN switch to a maintnence lifestyle, which might end up being vegetarian.
After 60, you naturally forgo meat, since you're not getting any more gains anyway, but you should still be able to deadlift 4pl8.
>blunt trauma is health damaging
>human ancestors have been suffering blunt trauma for milions of years
>haven't evolved immunity to blunt trauma
fuck you
>immune system prevents cancer
>everything that gives you gains gives you cancer
I'm honestly curious, do make shit like this up or do you just read it on facebook?
Basic immunology, m8.
Read up on NK cells and NKT cells.
Also inflamation blood markers are equal to gain blood markers to the point where Omega-6 fatty acids play a vital role in muscle cell growth and regeneration.
Set up your gains-knowledge, sempai.
there are multiple ways to cook chicken
try cutting it into strips to cook it, try baking it, try charcoal-grilling it.
dont just microwave it to defrost, maybe let it thaw naturally
or buy fresh chicken every couple of days
this isn't how the word 'reconcile' is used, dumbass. also meat isn't carcinogenic.
Red meat isn't carcinogenic. The processing additives that companies use are.
This is literally, out of all my years on the internet, the dumbest post I have ever read.
Breathing is carcinogenic.
Two wildly wrong statements in about 10 words. Well done.
Our ancestors were eating meat that was farmed the way it is now you absolute brainlet.
By reminding myself that the OP on these kinds of posts doesn't eat meat.
Even though correlation doesn't imply causation, the risk of becoming such a massive faggot is far too much for me to just ignore the coincidences
i actually have steak every night.
>red meat is carcinogenic
Cancer won't kill me. My congenital heart defect will. IN YOUR FACE CANCER!
That one study funded by Bernard Matthews and Big Veg
it's delicious, why don't you cry about it into your bowl of lettuce
>get rejected
>Human ancestors have been rejected for millions of years
>still havent evolved immunity to it
fuck you
>thinks evolution is real
Good Lord..
>that red meat is carcinogenic
by knowing that's not true
All of your ancestors reproduced, retard.
Jokes on you! I don't eat red meat.
You'll get cancer regardless tbqh friend
I don't eat red meat, that's not even suggested by most fitness fanatics.
I only eat chicken, turkey and fish baby.
You're partly right but simplify it way too much.
First, you don't get thousands of cancer cells a day. Random mutations in proto-onco genes and tumor suppressor genes are extremely rare and mutations by substances that are labeled non carcinogenic are negligible.
Cancer cells in which these specific mutations did happen, do get cleaned up by the immune system, but this happens wheter or not you have an average or below/above average immune system.
Real cancer, which is caused by a large amount of mutations in proto-onco genes and tumor suppressor genes in a large amount of cells in a certain part of the body thanks to long time exposure to carcinogenics, can not be prevented by the immune system. The only way to prevent cancer is to prevent exposure to carcinogenics, excluding the small amount of cancers caused by virusses, bacteria or other means. And I mean actual carcinogenics that increase mutation rates by a substantial amount.
If you die of cancer you are either horribly unlucky, have the immune system of a bubble boy or have been exposed to a substantial amount of mutations caused by carcinogens.
I'm gonna need citations on the last part you wrote, since I'm not sure what you are trying to say.
I suggest you redo that immunology course and sign up for an oncology course while you're at it kid.
If you're still here can you clear up the whole red meat thing?
I welcome death's cold embrace
Red meat is only a type 2a carcinogen, IE, "We have no proof but we wish we did"
Not "processing additives", nitrate and nitrite salts specifically
Those ratings are not to do with how bad a carcinogen it is, but how strong the evidence is. Which means red meat could literally be as bad as sucking exhaust fumes but nobody's proven it yet. I'm gonna stay away from stuff that's a grey area.
Everyone here is like "hurr but it tastes good!" these are the same people that eat broccoli and chicken every day. Fuck you.
By not worrying about everything causing cancer. Do you walk down the road with a gas mask on too?
Fucking hypochondriac millennials.
While it's technically true that strength of evidence for af effect is not the same thing as the strength of the effect itself, a bigger difference is much easier to prove. And for comaprison, nitrate preservatives are a type 1 carcinogen despite only being a relative risk factor for colon cancer of 1.2
Thats a false equivalency. You sound even more retarded than that guy, and he sounds pretty fuckin retarded
>nobody's proven it yet
That's not how it works. Either it's proven or it's not. Even so, it's "proven" by falsiability method long before it's actually proven by a veritable method. Any thing other than that it's just like the user said:
>"We have no proof but we wish we did"
This. Also, meat quality in my country is something that amerifats only dream of and chances are that this would only be relevant for the US anyway.
>i didnt pay attention in school and i dont understand evolution
Thats a Reductio ad absurdum.You sound even more retarded than that guy, and he sounds pretty fucking retarded
nobody had proven smoking caused lung cancer but in the 50s it was suspected that it did. guess what happened to those autists who claimed "YOU CAN'T KNOW!"
better stay away from cellphones too then
man, if only red meat didn't contain some vital nutrients that aren't as easily absorbed with supplements, and when eaten in moderation (like everything else), had some remarkable benefits for your health. BUT NOOOOO THIS IS FIT WHERE EVERYTHING IS BLACK AND WHITE, CUT AND DRY. YOU EITHER EAT ALL RED MEAT OR NONE AT ALL.
I'll take continue to assume that I don't have garbage genetics until proven otherwise
> I'm gonna stay away from stuff that's a grey area.
By the same irrational thinking you could say that staying away from grey areas could also be bad for you and must be avoided thanks to the standard logical rewrite rule of double negation. Propositions don't come with god-given signs. This being said, red meat carcinogenicity is somewhat different as there is at least some data suggesting a net shift in one direction.The quality of evidence demarcation can only be loosened so much before you're left with indefensible woo though.
I'm already on steroids why the fuck would I care about cancer
By the time cancer starts fucking your shit up you've almost certainly already had children, so natural selection doesn't select for or against it.
Lol not even the guy you responded to, but you are dissing him yet he gave no false information