So I creampied this sloot I have been seeing, and im only 20 defs dont want a baby, she refused to get off of me when i was trying to pull out and it happened. I ask her to take the morning after pill, but she refuses, even when i threaten to never see her again. Im genuinely thinking of slipping her the Plan B in some food or drink. any tips how i should go about it Veeky Forums ?
Slipping a girl the morning after pill?
you're fucked.
never not be on top when you gotta pull out
start preparing to move. not even joking
now shes claiming, that she cant have children and shes very sensitive about it. wtf should i do, might still slip it to her just to be sure.
that pill you're talking about causes a violent reaction on their bodies. you're not going to get away with it, even if you manage to slip her the pill. she will have cramps and pain and know something's up. just keep your figures crossed. and don't cum in their pussies, that's how you make a baby. trust me, i accidentally made one.
im in thailand, nothing will happen even if she realizes i slipped it to her, shes too obsessed with me
>my dad pullout game is weak
>my dad pullout game
>my dad
>not my dad's
I hate nigger grammar so much. Do you know what that shirt says? That implies that "dad pullout" is a skill and this person's dad pullout is weak. What it should say is "My Dad's pullout game is weak", since that would be referring to his father who can't pullout.
Although I guess it does make sense that a nigger's father skill is weak, so there's that.
You couldn't throw a woman off you, manlet?
This isn't fit related, but I will say this:
You're a fucking idiot.
>im in thailand
oh don't worry then. that "girl" is XY
Why the fuck would you be on the bottom if you knew You have to pull out
Hit it with backshots
Pretty sure the morning after pill induces a period so she may figure it out. Also, how much does she weight? I've read the morning after pill only works (well) on girls weighing up to 160 lbs? I can't remember. Good luck man!
>he can't bench lmao1woman
serves you right to end up as a beta provider, dyel faggot
Yeah, that had me confused for a while.
shes only 45kg but i just found out shes 40!! haha told me she was 30, i might be allgood in that case
two possible options:
1.pray that she didn't get pregnant, never ever fuck her again.
2. she was already pregnant and want you to deal with the other guy problem, IF she get pregnant do some DNA test ASAP when you can.
she is a bitch user, you can't blame anyone else if you continue with this after what you describe in the OP.
thanks mate, gunna talk to her tommorow, tell her to take a hike, what shes doing is not ok.
if she didnt get off you when you asked her to, you were raped. That is literally the definition of criminal sexual conduct, person A says do NOT do X and person B does X anyways.
Threated that bitch with legal action, but not before you talk to her in person about it and record her response when you say "I cant believe i told you i wanted to stop, but you wouldnt listen"
yeah and afterward she lectured me saying that she had to keep going because she was going to cum as well and that sex not just about man blah blah blah
This. File report now.
>having sex with someone you don't trust
>being so weak you can't get a GIRL off of you
Enjoy the kid, if you get a son I hope to god he grows up stronger than you
thought i did trust her, thats why its fucked up, gunna spike her gook ass, ill be outta there before she realizes what ive done
Chink trying to anchor baby your western fucking ass
Its funny how /pol/ can bring the blacks into every thread.
Or you'll end up with a down syndrome baby. Most women don't go through menopause till mid 50s. And are still fertile at 40, but are just at more risk for birth defects
is her name paige
Join the French foreign legion to get a new identity
Pull-out game strong like King Arthur.
Pulling out doesn't fucking work anyway dipshit, wear a condom or suffer the consequences.
>what is pre-ejaculate
She literally and legally raped you if she refused to stop when you said stop.
If it were me I would force her to take it.
>guys have been warned so fucking many times that women are going to """""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""forget""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""" birth control
>so many guys are forced to pay custody for children they are never allowed to see
>there are still guys who fuck sluts without protection
You deserve everything that happens now.
Read these 3 posts. It's a dude my man.
You have 72 hours after the incident to slip plan b. You should also file a lawsuit for rape ASAP. Barring that, it's time for you to move far, far away where she can't follow. Don't tell her you're moving. Just be there one day, and then be gone the next like you were never there to begin with. It's Thailand so I doubt she has the money to find you
Morning after pill does not do that.
Why are we all pretending that we believe ops hilarious story.
You couldn't get a 40kg girl off of you?
I think you have bigger problems than the pregnancy to worry about. Do you have muscular dystrophy?
just cut her throat lol
Follow her around town without her noticing. Push her off the stairs when it's crowded then get away. At least that's what saved my ass.
Godspeed user.
>Trusting ANY woman
go to the police, tell them you wanted to pull out but she force herself on you. that is rape and she should be charged accordingly.
> mfw when my pull out game is weak so I leave a creamy load in dad
It's funny how niggers always run to le /pol/ boogymang as their first defense.