Just a reminder that many thousands of women your age or younger suffer exactly the same body dysmorphia issues as you...

Just a reminder that many thousands of women your age or younger suffer exactly the same body dysmorphia issues as you do, and deal with them in the very same extreme ways.
Chances are your oneitis is just as insecure about herself as you are about yourself.

Yeah my oneitis is skinny and has no boobs but I love her

4 >>>> >>>>>>> 1

Going on a diet and working out is extreme?

idk why but i would annihilate the second from right

They all look in my league, desu.

femanon here

I'm only insecure about my weight because my boyfriend weighs less than me. He's 115 while I'm 135. I've lost 50lbs since November of last year and it still bothers me I'm not as thin as him. would you consider this body dysmorphia or my bf just too skinny?


In practice, that makes no difference.

My oneitis is insecure because she thinks Chad won't like her, I'm insecure because I'm not Chad.

At the end of the day, we're still not fucking the kinds of girls we want to.

Boyfriend it 115lb WTF. He's either a complete manlet or has absolutely no muscle

you don't have to be skinnier than him. It's okay to be heavier than him. 115 sounds a bit low but that's coming from someone that frequents a bodybuilding board so what do I know. So long as he is healthy and you are healthy and are happy with each other, fuck what the scale says.

The difference is that my oneitis has a boyfriend and probably cucks him with like 3 other guys while I haven't had sex in two (2) years now Tbh

Except thin/athletic women don't ever hook up with fat guys, where as most thin/atheletic men will still hook up with fat girls.

So no, women don't have it the same way, we live in a gynocentric world, it is impossible for women to have it harder in any situation. Our society is literally built to ensure women have it easy.

Overpower him during sex.

nah, girls are inundated since childhood with the notion that they're perfect the way they are

it's men who go to extremes such as buying schedule iii drugs made in mexican bathtubs via the dark web in pursuit of bodily perfection

>t. someone who's never talked to an actual woman

He's right though. Women are overly protected from criticism in our liberal democracies.

The only direct criticism women get is from their other women friends lmao

How dare you deconstruct my insecurities on a Vietnamese carp-fishing advice forum.
I take second to right though, I can't escape big tits.

Solid advice.

Your weight isn't nearly as much of a problem as your BF's weight. Put him on GOMAD, straight from the nipple.

what is he, 5'2?

she has gud milkies

My current oneitis is flat, but my god does she have killer fucking thighs and a hot toned core. Plus she has a 9/10 face. Honestly, as long as a girl has a nice face, she's game. I might see her again in a couple weeks. I'm gonna try to tap dat ass. Any advice?

He can't be any taller than 5'4, or he's a spoopy skellington.

>hating on another man

come on

good idea

only decent user

I've been told I am ugly my entire life. I had some beginners luck with my oneitis long ago before highschool. And had a single date with a girl during HS which ended up bad (I am too autistic), so she stopped talking to me.

I am too insecure so I think most people either laugh at me because I am ugly or find me scary.

At my new job one of the girls who seems to be pretty outgoing and confident once looked at me and said "I like you" (as in, I would be your friend in our language) "I think you are a cute" (not as in - you are handsome - but as personality wise"). Naturally this gave me some confidence and now I think I can try to have more presence out there.

So there's this other girl that I kind of like. Naturally I haven't been able to stop thinking about her.

I know nothing about the girl and I am 2 autistic to talk to her since I have zero friends (let alone female friends).

Can ugly fucks get gfs too? I am super skinny, girls like muscles right...?

>If only the blonde one had thicc thighs and a round ass
Her tits are already perfect

Just fuck her you faggot. The only advice you need is to stop being a pussy, be explicit in your interest to her, and then fuck her raw.

I doubt it but okay, what about it ? It's not like women have to do anything except not eat like a pig.

Tell me more user