How orderly is your gym?
I'm living in Asia ATM and while my gym has good facilities and lots of weights, it's a complete mess all the time
Why do non-Protestant countries have such a shit gym culture?
Clean gyms
that mess offends my sensibilities
It's awful when I want to find a specific weight
Or am looking for 20k plates and have to hunt everywhere for some since 90% of them are being used by the Gym platehog
Our gym forbids chalk, with as a result encourages people to sneak some chalk in. And since you wanna be discrete you need to get the fugg out of here before anyone notices so they never clean their mess.
Meanwhile I'm using liquid chalk and get blamed every time there is a mess.
Looks like a typical american gym you neckbeard
I used to clean up after myself, then I realized no one does so I stopped that shit
That's depressing if American gyms are like that
Mine back home would crucify you if you left weights laying around
Worse is people will try to sneak off with my plates when I'm in-between sets and they think I can't see them
Literal gains gremlins
My uni has two gyms. One was built just this summer and is packed with freshmen and fuckboys who hog weights and leave it all over the place. The other one is much older, but is also much less packed and has more racks. For whatever reason it's a lot cleaner too so I'm there most of the time.
generally it isnt so bad, everything is generally where it needs to be, other than the odd times that the chains for weighted pullups are hidden
other times its kinda like this
>warming up squats
>bar to 95, 135, 185, 225 etc
>put the 25s at the sides of the cage/rack
>few minutes between uses tops
>old lady 'trainer' feels the need to try to move it to a weight tree
>acting as if nothing that isnt bolted down should ever touch the floor
lady fuck off
>pic related sort of people she trains
my gym is immaculate but it's incredibly bourgie so people are neurotic about that sort of thing, plus they have several hired mexicans scurrying around picking up everything
It's pretty good during the day time, you get the occasional dumbbell left some place, and the plates are never in the right order anywhere, but it's not messy per se. The goddamn Brazilians trash the place at night, though. I hate them so much.
Buttmad Asian detected
Dumbbells are sometimes out of order, but only by a place or two.
Plates are fucking everywhere though, always having to hunt down the 1.25kg hidden behind 4 25s :/
this is not bad
I always try to re-rack but the entire freeweight section is such a mess that its often impossible for me to rack them properly without re-organizing the entire thing
but the gym itself is very nice and clean, its got great equipment and lots of space
but the people just don't give a shit and leave things all over the floor or do really goofy "workouts" that get in everyone's way
I go to an LA fitness in a relatively nice neighborhood in western Washington. The staff cleans up completely at closing but otherwise it's fucked. Chalk is literally everywhere, on all the bars, on the 5lbs dumbells, even on the footrest of the calf raise machines. The 45lbs by the squat rack are literally just thrown up against the wall (which has shattered the mirror before), and there's an area set up for deadlifts but there's not a bar for it so there's always one bar from the benches missing, and sometimes I see couples hack a second bar from the squat racks so they can do these creepy ass face to face rows (even though the woman is always using less than 100lbs which there are ample ezgrip bars for.)
People leave paper towels and water bottles everywhere. Lotta fucking starbucks cups too. The worst is the people who leave dumbells at the bench so not only is everyone unsure if the bench is open or if the guy's taking a piss, the next person to use it might leave their dumbells there too so eventually half the dbs off the rack are at one fucking bench. Also there's always a sink in the bathroom that's clogged and overflowing with soapy water.
is this Bangkok?
I never realized how good I have it at my small gym. I go to Blink in North Jersey, it's only $15 a month so I don't expect much. There's only two racks with a bunch of machines, luckily everyone else prefers the Smith machine over the actual racks. 99% of everyone is dyel but when they see someone lifting heavy they mire. There's a shit ton of 2.5 plates too.
I tried out 24 hour fitness ($44 a month is too much for me but they have a free trial) was much bigger and there were 6 racks but holy shit, dumbbells were everywhere on the floor, plates were completely disorganized, and everyone tried socializing instead of focusing on their workout.
>american gym
almost got me
>gym has different brand benches and squatrack
>plates are also different
>should be very easy not to mix the plates up
>still get mixed up
My gym is a cess pit of laziness. Can't wait until I have the space for a homegym
My gym is pretty much in order, most outrageos things like putting a curlbar on the flat bench are made by PTs.
>go to gym at noon
>just finished about 20 minutes ago (1:50 ish)
two guys where there nearly as long as me and I swear did nothing but odd stretches (windmills and other lame shit) and curl empty bars
Why do people even bother?
What part of Asia exactly?
I live in Taiwan, which is heavily Japanese influenced, and my gym is perfectly neat and clean.
Been to Taiwan and its great, very clean and orderly
you're just seeing your old mess
I notice a strange correlation. At my gym only ego-lifters do not put the weights where they belong, whereas humble regulars clean up everytime. Sometimes my autism kicks in so hard, I clean up after others, but I do it in an obnoxious way, e.g. I would take a barbell lying in the middle of nowhere and rack it loudly while saying "fucking cunts will never learn to clean up after themselves", but my gym is kind of special. In the toilets we have a sign asking to flush the toilet and another sign on the door asking to close yeah, this place is full of inbreds, fortunately I have only 2 more weeks on my monthly pass and I can go somewhere else.