Experimenting in the gym/Anectotal Evidence thread:

Any of you ever try weird shit in the gym and got results? Share it here.
I'll start: I had no biceps despite doing high rep curls every other workout, started doing heavy timed isometrics and arms are getting bigger already.

Other urls found in this thread:


This one time I placed the weights on my bar with the heaviest towards the outside and the lightest towards the inside.

I started using a concept 2 rowing machine to do concentric only facepulls and the pulled muscle in my upper back feels so much better than doing standard facepulls.

Got way nicer legs doing high rep leg stuff, squat, jeffersons, anything.
Also I could swear I got a better ass from explosive work (KB swings, Dimel DLs) than from heavy lifting.

Incline bench works the clavicular head of the chest. Reverse grip bench activates it even more. So I do a slight incline reverse grip bench press for maximum chesticles.

behind the neck pressing is actually not that bad and I doubt anyone can injure themselves doing it (especially if done with a snatch grip), don't know where the idea comes from but yeah.

I tried going to teh gym instead of posting here and increased my squat by 200 pounds

yes because as all dyels know, the gym is a lifestyle and you can't do anything outside of it.

I thought so as well, tried it once and my shoulders hurt for a week. Never again. I kind of trust that athlean-x guy and he advises to never even try it.

They felt like an insane mid delts and traps builder, to be fair. Just not worth the pain and injury.

depends on people. what I'd say people shouldn't rule it out because they saw a scary vid on youtube. I've been doing btn presses (regular and wide grip) for a year and they feel great. Never had any pain. I don't go super heavy on them though, never less than 8 reps.

>Reverse grip bench activates it even more
heard about this, read the EMG studies, but has anyone actually tried it and noticed upper chest gains?

what advantage does behind the neck press offer over the standard press?

She looks pregnant.

According to EMG studies (and personal experience), btn pressing is more of a side delt exercise (though focus is split more evenly on the three heads as opposed to OHP that literally only uses front delt).
On the other hand, the snatch grip btn, is more of a trap exercise imo. Still get some nice side delt action though.
They also feel better than OHP if you can do them, because you actually feel your whole shoulder as opposed to OHP where it sometimes feel as though you're training internal rotation for the purpose of having shitty posture.
I wouldn't go too heavy on them though, just to be sure.

>dont work a muscle
>muscle small
>start working muscle
>muscle gets bigger

Guess who just uploaded a video just in line with this thread

waiting for the manlet to make a vid on the lift.
there are different ways to "work a muscle" and not all of them are equal.

Taking long breaks between sets to pretty much let my energy come back. It builds mass and strength but kinda fucks endurance.

Empirically, when I do incline/bench and finish with weighted dips, my chest feels worked pretty good. When I do reversebench/bench and finish with weighted dips, my shits tore up. I wouldn't do supinated without wrist wraps though. Then again I have plates and pins holding my one wrist together.

>3 chest/triceps compounds in a row
what the fuck

post glutes

nah I don't have a camera and I'm not sure I'd post my ass on here. Plus it's nothing to write home about, but I could swear it got better.

You have a phone that doesn't have a camera? They still make those?

nah I don't have a phone.

what happened?

try using the chest supported lat row, grab the top of the high handle at shoulder width and do facepull with it, best way to do them imo

There are a couple stupid ideas I want to try.
>explosive-movements-only routine
>weighted calisthenics only
>partials only
>heavy isometrics
>incorporating all kinds of shrugs (dip shrug, bent over shrug, pushup shrug, etc)
gonna wait till I can get 1/2/3/4 for at least 3 comfortably (OHP already there, DL getting near, bench and DL will take some time)
and try one of those for 6 weeks. in the end it's all about having a good time.

I notice all the bigger guys in my gym use the smith machine for incline pressing. I just started to do the same and I have never had crazier doms in my chest before.

Spotted the phoneposter

do people actually do that?

I add 2.5s as spacers to move the plates all the way to the outside when I want to make benching a little more interesting.

Take a cable with one of those single hand handles, let it rest on the first or second knuckle from your palm, close your hand and then wrist curl it.

Tried it last time I went to the gym and it felt great, very specific to grip training and it should help you keep the bar from slipping out of your hand during deadlifts or rows, pump was great too.

I also found that I was able to activate my rear delts way more by taking a cable, setting it at shoulder height and doing a sort of a standing rear delt fly just along the natural path or my arm from straight out in front of me to as far back as I could.

You and everyone else who does this are pieces of shit

No user, not a chance

>I also found that I was able to activate my rear delts way more by taking a cable, setting it at shoulder height and doing a sort of a standing rear delt fly just along the natural path or my arm from straight out in front of me to as far back as I could.
so a facepull then?

I thought it was a meme, but if you do high weight low reps, deloading and doing a few sessions with lots of reps really does help break plateaus

heres a protip senpai: anything that you never do/have never done or that you blatantly suck at/really dont enjoy - doing all of these things will make you a better lifter/help break plateaus/set new PR's pretty much guaranteed, if you focus on siginificantly improving them

I think that's a general life lesson too or something.
Get you of your comfort zone and stuff.

whoa shit dude. you started trying to lift heavier weights and work your muscles harder and they got BIGGER?

what. the. fuck. Does anyone else know about this?

Elbow and forearm pain receded when I clicked my hands backwards when doing barbell curls.

Watch out with shrugs as I've pulled my neck muscle. Don't think about raising the shoulders but activating the traps. This plus powershrugs made my traps grow pretty well.

>gee what is periodization