Lifting for several years at same gym

>lifting for several years at same gym
>notice somebody new every time they join
>notice a qt doing bent over rows
>tight, firm ass bobbing up and down with each rep
>side eying it between sets

>they get done
>it's a guy but with completely feminine features
>realize I'm thinking they're absolutely qt
>feel sick and suddenly leave

I'm not gay at all.
What the fuck? Is it the zinc?

its only gay if ur dicks touch


Say please.


Then go look yourself. Took me literally less than a minute to find.

Lol its probable a tranny or a trap idk

But well, traps are nice because they wont trixk you like bitches do and some are incredible qt

Also its a plus you can play with their salami

>Also its a plus you can play with their salami
user that's like 12 kinds of gay.

So it's not gay

Ik its ultra gay, but one of my fetishes is to cuddle a very qt femenine trap, kiss eachother and so, dominating an indefense strogenized boy on my 18 inch arms would be godlike

Is Big Lenny gay? No?

Its only gay if you dont say no homo


traps are not gay. I repeat, traps ARE NOT GAY. How idiotic do you have to be to think that they are? traps are probably even less gay than some women.

I understand why some people MIGHT consider traps to be gay, but once thinking about it i don't know why people wouldn't change their mind. traps look like women. WOMEN ARE NOT GAY. IF YOU FUCK SOMEONE WHO LOOKS LIKE A WOMEN, HOW IS THAT EVEN SLIGHTLY FUCKING GAY?

I can kinda see why people think having a dick makes it gay, but the dick only makes up about 0.2% of the human body. if the rest of the body is feminine, that's 99.8% straight. let me repeat, 99.8% STRAIGHT, THAT'S EXTREMELY FUCKING STRAIGHT. THERE ARE WOMEN WHO ARE LESS THAN 99.8% FEMININE, YET PEOPLE DON'T CALL THEM GAY. If you wanna fuck a woman who looks manly as fuck, I'm not gonna call you gay, but you shouldnt call me gay for fucking traps either.

It makes no sense why people let a single penis ruin an entire sexual encounter, it's easy enough to ignore. Traps still have fuckable assholes, you don't need to fuck the pussy specifically. And if it's that much of a problem, just look away. He isn't gonna rub his dick on you or anything.

There are plenty of nice traps out there, and Im sure you'd get along well with them, but you choose not to because of something on them which takes up 0.2% of their body. It's nonsensical and stupid how worked up people get over something so small but completely ignore the rest of the body.

If you're worried about your friends knowing that you're fucking someone 0.2% masculine and 99.8% feminine, they don't need to find out. Believe it or not, traps can wear clothes too. They don't walk around with their dicks hanging out, they cover their dick with pants or skirts. Nobody has to find out that you're in a perfectly heterosexual relationship.

user my fucking sides


I had a coworker that had really feminine features and slightly fem mannerisms. He eye fucked me occasionally but he never said anything besides the casual conversation since he was my worker and I never gave out gay vibes.

Should have cuddled with him desu.

Being this delusional. They still look like men, they still grow hair like men, they still give off male scents, they still sound like men, they still need to undertake male related hygiene practices, theystill have thought patterns of a biological male. I don't need to continue.

Yeah nah, .2% male, right.

With this level of delusion you're so fucking in denial it baffling.

Heres the facts you vapid mongrel, you can say you're attracted to the feminine features all you want but at the end of the day if you were attracted to those same features instead of STRICTLY the PENIS you'd watch lesbian porn.

You enjoy traps because they have PENISES which makes them MALES, simple as that. Theres no mental gymnastics or anything that can try to contort this argument

>I'm not gay at all
Better fuck him once
Just to be sure

I want to suck the tongue out of his face and pound his by hole while he spurts all over his stomach.

See, you problem is you see sexuality from the modern Judeo-Christian perspective rather than the Roman one. To the Romans sexuality wasn't who you fucked but rather how. It wasn't about gay or straight it was dominant or submissive. Establishing dominance over another was seen as masculine, regardless of who you dominated where being submissive, even to a woman, was feminine and wimpy.
So be manly, be dominant, as long as you are the fucker and not the fucked you're the masculine one.

so anyone know who this is or what

Penis fencing is not gay at all. Balls touching is.

Your instincts are gay and so is ur nature

How does one acquire tongue length gains?

I get the feeling whoever this girl is has a ton of issues.

Why would you respond in a serious manner to ancient copypasta?



so a trap's dick pounding your prostate to ecstasy = not gay
got it
good to know
gooooooood to know

Only newfags say newfag, faggot.

>fucking traps is 99.8% straight
yeah no.

>I'm not gay at all.
Dude your on Veeky Forums.

>all the perks of having a gf with none of the downsides of dealing with a woman
>having a bro to bro out with all the time except you can also fuck him

How are traps not the saviors of man?

it only gay if u push back

rly okay with arm trails? not OP btw


there's only so many passable ones to go around.

its one of the greatest tragedies in the modern world.

They're rare and they fall apart after like 25, both physically and mentally

you're attracted to what society tells you to be attracted to, the sex is irrelevant- as you've proven. women think other women are sexy all the time, and a great majority of those women are actually straight. why are guys so overly-emotional and irrational?