Which one is better for muscle size/aesthetics? I don't really care bout strength that much. Coming from Stronglifts 5x5
PPL vs Greyskull LP
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Curious about this as well. Pic related is the iteration of greyskull I'm looking at
Nigger, you can't bump after 15 minutes. That's just bad form.
>don't really care about strength
>coming from stronglifts 5x5
>4 replies and no answers
Who is this slut?
Also bump for you OP
Btw i would say ppl for sure is better for size
Neither. I'd reccommend 3x a week fullbody heavy/volume/light
Focus on ohp and rows
Much more effective than any PPL or greyskull
Thanks, name is swedishkillerxoxo
PPL sucks. 6 days a week in the gym for only 2 times a week protein synthesis. Putting in more work, getting less.
Interesting, what exactly is your routine?
Neck harness?!
protein synthesis is a continuous process you mongoloid, it doesn't only happen on off days
Quick rundown?
Most muscle repair happens during deep sleep retard
t. retard
Lol how about you all actually stop and think for a minute? Protien synthesis lasts 48 hours for naturals. For steroid users its elevated to 7 days, which is why high volume splits like PPL are effective for steroid users, but not naturals.
If total weekly volume for a muscle is the same, a natural lifter will get better results if they spread the volume among more days
lifter A hits his chest twice a week on a PPL split doing a total of 40 sets for the week, 20 sets each workout.
Lifter B hits his chest 4 times a week on a fullbody program, doing 10 sets per workout. Both lifters have the same amount of chest volume, but Lifter B has higher frequency of training and will therefore get better results. Part of this reason is because Lifter B also gets to hit these sets in a fresher state than Lifter A, meaning Lifter B's set quality is better.
Naturals need high frequency to grow and full body is the best bang for your buck for this and works for all exp levels.
We already know that the most effective way of bringing up a weak muscle is to work that muscle with a manageable load every day. For example, doing a set of curls every day leaving 1-2 reps in the tank instead of wasting your energy on a super high volume "arm day"
Why do you think programs like Bulgarian light are so effective? You need high frequency. If you wanna spend 6 days a week in the gym, do Bulgarian light. Its extremely more effective than fucking PPL.
You're too smart for this board, m8.
Haha, definitely a possibility.
thanks for this , helps me a lot.
This looks good to me, some people will tell you you need rows but I wouldn't bother adding them in but that's preference. I'd throw out the neck harness though that's a waste of time
Lol nope.
>Inb4 mobilefag
bulgarian light is so, so far from ideal for hypertrophy, look up max aita's and CWS video on bulgarian method to learn why this is, and then look up greg nuckols' slavic swole template to see how bulgarian has to be adjusted (hint - it's adjusted into a fucking PPL) to make it tenable for hypertrophy
SRA curves vary between muscle groups due to their positioning, exposure to mechancial stress during movements, and size (most significant factor), meaning you cannot have the same number of overloading sessions (which are a major factor for hypertrophy) a week for your quads as for your delts, for example
you have no idea what the fuck you're talking about at all but keep on posting advice anyway lol
I don't see any scientific studies on that blog.
This study examined high frequency vs high volume. 9 sets once a week, vs 3 sets three times a week.
> you cannot have the same number of overloading sessions (which are a major factor for hypertrophy) a week for your quads as for your delts, for example
You can if you manage volume properly. We're not talking about taking a muscle to failure here. We're doing the same volume that would have been lumped into 1-2 days and spacing it out among 3-4 days.
greyskull if you're a beginner imo
would you say that brosplits are better than PPL if you're on the juice?
depends, you can basically get away with anything while juicing. obviously you still want progressive overload.
More importantly, PPL, Greyskull OR PHAT?