Why roid when you still look like DYEL?
Why roid when you still look like DYEL?
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Leg size doesn't equate kicking power
Also, the 600lb deadlift
he would kill you and your entire family with only his left pinky, where's your god now OP? you lift day in day out to look good but u're a useless piece of meat and you know it every time u look in the mirror and ask urself for acceptance
In his defense, black tights make your legs appear even thinner.
>600 lbs deadlift
>chicken legs
Good thing I don't waste my time doing deadlifts lol
>ankle, quad or calf size somehow linked to deadlifts
hey pussy
are you still there?
>dyel body overall
>is black
>somehow iimpressive
fucking cheating ass mofo
He would use roids even if he fights a bantamweight.
He's already suspended and fucked up his entire career. Jon Jones is over user just fucking accept it.
Yeah, DC is still there in UFC lmao
Hows it feel your hero's career is over and he'd be lucky if hes a C class fighter when he comes back?
>needing steroids to kill someone
>somehow iimpressive
Didn't imply this, just that the comment on deadlifts was completely uncalled for. If you want to talk about how impressive something is, you have to first describe what you find worth being impressed by? Is a dude with shit genetics who reached his max potential but is still smaller than a dude with godly genetics who's been lifting for 6 months more or less impressive? Born traits vs traits acquired by work. Or is a UFC fighter to be judged by his physique or his achievements in the ring? Does one thing make him more impressive?
Remember he posted that roided transformation image, and all his clueless MMA fanbois leaped to his defence saying he's natural, he just has elite genetics
Welp, looks like bodybuilders were right, again. Since he got busted, again.
lol you're dumb.
Not DYEL but on a bodybuilder's standpoint you can achieve that naturally.
Not saluted.
yeah if you're 5ft tall he's 6'4 dumb fuck.
He's 6'4 and achieved that transformation in less than 3 months, if i remember correctly
how do you get dat dere insane p4p strength ratio
No, he is just gde without roids.
>Jacked upper body
>long reach
>doesnt carry excess mass on his legs, allowing him to fight at lhw and dominate everyone instead of being a potentially mediocre heavyweight
Perfect leg genetics.
>fighters roid in order to get big
>He's 6'4 and achieved that transformation in less than 3 months, if i remember correctly
Yeah in 3 months sure roids but achievable naturally in at least 5+ years of lifting.
He's a 6'4 framelet. He would not put on that mass and be that lean without 20+ years of dedicated training and that would be with good genetics. Top tier bodybuilders are delusional and not a valued perspective on who roids they lose the ability to distinguish nattys when they have twice the lbm of them. I'll admit he's not THAT impressive at first glance but his height,frame and before pics clearly shows that's an amazing transform for any period of time.
Excuses excuses
There are basketball players who are much taller that steroided Jones and have more muscle mass.
Jon Jones do have great genetics for MMA but bad for bodybuilding. Lebron James is 4 inches taller and has more muscle mass than him. But it was said that Lebron only started lifting weights when he was in Miami.
Most NBA players have been training since they were 5 and have gigantic frames and some do roid too. You couldn't be any more clueless and retarded.
he s not trying to get massive he has to make weight. too much mass can also be detrimental in limb striking speed which is his specialty.
Yeah and he's a fucking MMA fighter and not a bodybuilder, you goddamn retard. You're not gonna look like a fucking bodybuilder if you don't train like one even if you are on roids. You think those kenyan marathon runners don't fucking juice? Get the fuck out of here.
>Most NBA players have been training since they were 5
Training as in cardio dumbfuck
>some do roid too
Yes but not a single one caught. Also a steroided Steph Curry is useless.
>he s not trying to get massive he has to make weight.
Jon Jones without steroid is like 200 pounds skinny fat. He needs the roids to give him muscle. Pic related is what Jon Jones real body would look like without roids.
>You think those kenyan marathon runners don't fucking juice?
Yes they need dat dere celltech because of shit genetics. No hardwork as well.
>steroided Steph Curry is useless
oh I'm sure having the endurance to be on the court for longer doesn't matter in a basketball match
No training as in lifting. And posting an extreme outlier makes you look even more retarded. Most NBA players have good definition and mass from years of training.
>No training as in lifting.
Lebron started lifting only on his late 20's.
lol you're retarded he played football in hs he's been lifting his whole life
Retards on this board are so stuck in their bubbles. There are countless amounts of roids and other PED's which all accomplish different things in the body. It doesn't work in the way that you pop a pill and suddenly balloon up into bodybuilder size. You won't look like a bodybuilder without training in order to look like one. More so, the illegal stuff a fighter takes will be different from what someone who just wants big muscles does.
Some reasons why fighters take PED's:
>better strength
>better conditioning
>better recovery
>prevent injuries
>keep muscle during cuts
Getting big is not a priority
the 600 pound sumo stance rack pull on steroids you mean. get a clue, dumb shit.
This stupid nigger can't even roid without being caught when almost every other pro athlete roids "undetected"
Nothing matters when you're so stupid you can't tie your own shoes
Does he even do leg day ever?
>3 months on steroids
>5 years natty
Jesus Christ do steroids really speed up the process this much?
literally doesn't count
Roids and PEDs in general don't always make you massive, it will depend on how you train, how you eat (steroids can't magic calories out of thin air), and what you do.
Jesus christ you people are fucking retarded. A fighter isn't trying to get as big as possible, he's trying to get as strong as possible below a certain weight. Steroids really, really help that.
>he'd be lucky if hes a C class fighter when he comes back
weren't they saying that before he came back and knocked out DC on his return fight
You do realize all UFC fighters are on roids? All elite level athletes are.
Pretty much. They're an amazing invention that are only kept illegal because the elites fear strong goyim.
what steroids can i use to develop specifically toe muscles?
the entire fucking bodybuilding industry is a test bed for drugs for the elites you faggot
it also supplies them with swole men and swole 'women' to molest/get fucked by
also it basically partially destroys their virility and reproductive capability so win win.
You're clearly retarded, I have never in my life seen an influential politician or rich businessman who uses steroids. They are the people who made them illegal because they are fucking afraid of the power gear can grant.
>it also supplies them with swole men and swole 'women' to molest/get fucked by
This is the craziest fantasy I have seen on Veeky Forums in a while. You actually believe pro bodybuilders have to do sexual favors for rich elites? What the fuck lmao
Because he could destroy you and everyone on Veeky Forums.
>You're clearly retarded, I have never in my life seen an influential politician or rich businessman who uses steroids.
oh no, you poor naive child
They're illegal because sports are such a huge part of our society.
They're illegal in sports because steroids became well known in society through doping Olympic Soviets.
my dead grandmother could pull 600 from sumo
I know I can't talk about sources on Veeky Forums but is there somewhere else I can find out about websites that can source talk?
yeah but a bodybuilder doesnt do cardio for 2 hours straight 2 times a day every day on top of donig weights
Then why can't you?
deadlifts don't equal big legs.
You're thinking of squats.
go to reddit
This was taken in the bathroom of the gym I work at.
he's fucking perfectly made for fighting. what a cunt for ruining everything
there won't be anyone like him for a long time. he was special
Him being tossed out was political though.
Plenty of top guys get popped but ignored or conveniently miss their steroid tests.
They wanted his ass gone for some reason.
like seriously. the new turinabol test came out a long time ago. his team should've known about it. Frank Mir popped and ran to Japan because of it ffs
there's a three strike rule for missing tests.
people who pop and don't get harsh sentences get that because of the tainted supplement defense and because its usually their first time popping. Like Yoel Romero. And because they don't get caught with actual anabolics, but maskers, antiestrogens etc. Jon Jones already had his chance and popped before. Popping a second time doubles your previous sentence. He's got a 2 year minimum ban nothing anyone can do about it unless they find a supplement tainted with turinabol
Who knows, maybe he would have without the roids
>claiming no roiders being busted as being related to lack of use as opposed to lack of testing
>muh sport is clean
That is bullshit. The reason is that the UFC has done what you mention one too many times, has too many eyes on them because of their size and industry leading position, and has to take real action against PED's unless they want states to start banning MMA and shit.
It's nothing personal against Jon Jones, the UFC anti-doping program started in 2015 while he was still banned because of the hit-and-run. Jon Jones is Dana White's fucking baby and he would do anything to keep him. However, he has blatantly fucked up one too many times and there is nothing Dana can do to mitigate it
Thats it. Thanks to this thread I'm never coming back to Veeky Forums
>my grandmother could pull 600 sumo
>sumo doesn't count
I'm convinced over half this board doesn't fucking lift. Fucking incels
Sumo doesnt count tho, its piss easy
the range of motion is literally shorter than my dick
All pro athletes use steroids, jesus christ wake up.
sumo is more difficult than conventional, have you ever pulled sumo?
>The range of motion is shorter!
It's a different kind of lift. You're using your legs more than your back on sumo.
Then why is every world record conventional instead of sumo?
because sumobabbys are generally weak lifters with terrible genetics who compensate by cutting the ROM
That isn't a cro cop, it is more of a ceronie ,condit type kick.
Because you are allowed to eye poke, why shouldn't you be allowed to roid?
Daily Reminder: He would be champion without eye pokes.
Yep. He was also allowed to poke every eye he came across and was never seriously penalized.
Would. Not.
Fuck auotcroeet
Of course it's shape of you.
if you get your ass beat so bad you got brain injury
and it turns out the guy cheated
do you get any sort of compensation?
or is it in the contract that you could get beat up by a roided fighter and thats just a regular part of fighting.
God this is the worst timeline.
Cormier reinstated light heavy champion despite Jones beating the fuck out of him twice.
Jones given the sack, bye bye goat in his prime.
Fucks sake lads.
Huge legs are bad for fighting. You want strong lean explosive legs to whip those legs at your opponents head.
So? Jones should have had the belt stripped off him years ago and banned from competing for all those fucking eye pokes.
You idiot if you pull sumo in the offseason it makes your conventional stronger
He's gonna contest it and get off. He passed both his random drug tests on july 6th and 7th. That steroid takes time for it to be effective and he would be retarded to use it in between the random and the official knowing a random could come at any time and that the steroid would not even have enough time to be effective for him in the fight.
Gonna say his water or something was tampered with and he was set up. They will rule in his favor with the UFC's help because he is their biggest star besides Conor and they need him to fight to make money.
The whole stripping of the title was just for show.
Fuck Connor too for doing like Mayweather and ducking fights.
getting the belt back is probably good enough, I would think his buisness oppurtunites, his ego and his brand enough to compensate