Why don't more women lift? Don't they want qt gainz? Natty muscular women are hot as fuck

Why don't more women lift? Don't they want qt gainz? Natty muscular women are hot as fuck.


A low bodyfat muscular physique yeah but not girls who have biceps as big as a bodybuilder

Stfu faggot nothing is hotter than a girl with visible abs

got bad news for you buddy

Might as well just download grindr dude, you'll see plenty of abs there for sure

>biceps as big as a bodybuilder
Yeah, of course a girl won't look attractive if her biceps look like that of a man who's both roiding and dehydrated. Until very recently, roiding was basically a prequisite for bodybuilding and guys from the 80s like Schwarzenegger are pretty open about their (former) roid use. Hence me specifying Natty.

>Being strong and healthy is an exclusively masculine trait
This is why women are irredeemably shit nowadays, they think it's "feminine" rather than degenerate.


Guys that are into muscle girls are closet cases.

I don't really get why men want women to be into their hobbies and think it's hot when they are. /k/ is guilty of this, too.

Because so many girls on the fitness social media scene are roided to fuck I think a lot of girls think that if they get into lifting they'll end up as muscular as they are. So they just do cardio and meme exercises.

>I don't really get why men want women to be into their hobbies
>I don't get why people are attracted to potential partners who share certain interests and personality traits

For all the harm they do, at least instagram sluts are kinda changing that perception.

desu all they need to do is to be slim and get some chemicals to wipe with their face to look beautiful and 90% of the men will chase after them

> this is a trained killing machine

There are more women than men lifting at my gym, pretty annoying when they do retarded shit and occupy the squat rack.

I'm into a woman if she's attractive and has a pleasant personality. If anything I'd rather have my own things to do and would rather not have a girl want to tag along with me for everything whether it's the gym or the range.

A girl isn't hotter just because she's brandishing a gun or can sperg out over gym minutiae.

Because women if are healthy or got a nice bone structure like wide hips and a slim waist dont fucking need to lift

For example my sister is unfit as fuck but she looks nice

But before i started lifting i looked like a hunchback skeletal ( still i do )

It's a dream that when you meet someone with your hobby, you'll hit it off instantly. It's quite the opposite, especially if you browse this site. I like anime but so far everyone I've met who liked anime as well has had shit taste. I'm into fitness but any time I've met someone who's also into fitness they're a heaping pile of broscience and straight up misinformation. Same with every hobby. People don't understand that liking the same thing can make you disagree in way more complex ways that could cause worse disagreements. Starting a hobby together or getting your partner into your hobby, is better because you can influence the way they learn to appreciate it and prevent them from forming different opinions than you.

Everyone should do at least some lifting. Sedentary normies are helpless when it comes to activities requiring even moderate strength, especially women. Plus, it improves healthspan.

>A girl isn't hotter just because she's brandishing a gun or can sperg out over gym minutiae.
Yeah, but you're kind of missing the point here. The thing is that strength (or in the case of /k/ the ability to defend oneself) is sexy. It displays certain virtues like strength, assertiveness and/or the willingness to work hard for a worthy end goal. I can't speak much for /k/ because gals with guns don't do much for me, but if you want to sperg on about being gay then attraction to strong women even makes sense evolutionarily speaking. What we deem "attractive" is often purely biological, driven by the desire to find a healthy mate who has favorable traits that can be passed on to your offspring to increase their chances of survival.

>and prevent them from forming different opinions than you
I think that exposes the real problem: not the fact that disagreements are formed, but an inability to deal with said disagreements. You named the subject of anime, and /a/'s anime elitist attitude is the perfect example of this: every anime is either a masterpiece or shit with no middle ground and no space for personal opinion. When you meet someone who thinks an anime you hate is good, or at least fun, you need to trample him into the dirt. "Fun" is a buzzword to justify low quality, after all.

>When you meet someone who thinks an anime you hate is good, or at least fun, you need to trample him into the dirt.
Can't speak for the user you replied to but I have learned doing this from growing up with my father, who would do anything to belittle others to feel some manner of self satisfaction. Not healthy.

>an inability to deal with said disagreements
Pretty much nobody is able to deal with disagreements especially in a relationship. I usually don't confront people or put them down, because of their shitty opinions or objectively false information because people get really mad when you say they're wrong about something and suddenly you're the asshole. I keep my distance from that subject in the future and try not to discuss it anymore with them.

Are you me?

Nah, not everyone, some people are naturally strong despite being fatasses skinnyasses

But exersice wont hurt like you said for better lifespan


Men are defenders, women are child-bearers. The only thing that matters is that they can bear your children. Even strong women are ridiculously weak compared to an average man.

Men into overly muscular women, women with guns, etc. are just weirdos and perverts.

I think it's pretty common for unhappy/unsuccessful men to vent their frustrations on people weaker than them, like wife and kid.

You don't have to do barbell strength training to be strong but nobody is just "naturally" strong. Need some sort of laborous job or prior sports training. Unless you have a myostatin defficiency, but in that case you wouldn't be skinny or fat

fit women bare children easier and with lower rates of complication then your average skinny fat

some people just cant handle the musclefu

OP said natty women.

thats the only webm I have that isnt tits and vagoo!

push hard doggo

Mokou is Veeky Forums

>tits and vagoo!
post tits and vagoo of that natty korean "woman"

this. humans only do as much as they need to do. if girls dont need to do shit to get a chad to fuck them then they wont,

What kind of faggot geeks are making threads like this?

Yeah, I'm a firm believer in "strong women bear strong sons".




women are socialized to be more social creatures in western society. lifting is boring and very basic bitch tier way of getting fit. women in general would prefer to work out where they can be social and in groups, which lifting isn't exactly known for. there's A LOT more ways to exercise that are 100x more exciting and interesting than lifting things up and down

Please post more fit anime girls.

you can do the same exactly thing user. have you seen the trap threads on Veeky Forums? plenty of guys that would be more than willing to chase after you if you'd only slim down and make yourself look like a pretty doll for them.

see user, there's no need to be bitter angry and jealous- you too can be a pretty little princess that wears a cute little dress and gets used and abused as a worthless cumbucket

oh whats that? that doesn't sound like the life of privilege and ecstasy that you had wished for? that's because it isn't. in reality its nothing more than an excuse for you to be a bitter lonely pathetic virgin who blames other people for their shortcomings instead of taking responsibility for themselves and improving as a person.

tldr; KYS


> Even strong women are ridiculously weak compared to an average man.
you're giving the average WAYYYYYYYY too much credit there. sure guys in general and stronger, but there are plenty of strong women out there who can easily beat the average guy. there's been countless threads of skinny ass OPs posting on Veeky Forums, you must be new here or extremely biased and conveniently forgetting these skeletons
>Men into overly muscular women
>overly muscular
well thats a vague as fuck description. some level of muscle is necessary and preferable to keep a woman fit and therefore better able to have and care for children

t. roasty

Because this?

Because women are a meme and are universally garbage, they have no drive no goals no greater purpose and live for the moment. The few women that realize this and decide to lift do it to compensate for having no potential and to larp as a man

Push hard doggo

"Nobpdy is naturaly strong

>assuming there are no genetics freaks benching 200 lbs for reps without any kind training


aww who hurt you user? was it recent? or have you been bitter and forever alone over it for years now? or did mommy dearest just not love you enough?

there are actually lot of different genetic factors that could make one person naturally stronger than another; you seem highly uneducated about the topic, and as such I dont see why you feel obligated to speak about it

I wrote one such example of a "genetic freak". The difference is that such people will not look like ordinary sedentary skinnyfats. They'd be naturally huge or ripped.

Muscle tissue is muscle tissue. People are born with natural variation in their lean mass, in rare cases huge differences, but people aren't born with muscle that's just enormously more powerful per unit weight.

dated a Veeky Forums chick and god damn was the sex good

If you don't want to be called out as the whore you are, stop pretending that a hole in your crotch makes you a gatekeeper of appropriate behavior.

>what is muscle fiber type composition
>what is DHT concentration
>what is neurotransmitter density
>what is GABA responses

They dont have too. Any average girl has a variety of dick to choose from. The average Joe though....

How do I get a beefy gf? I'm charming and 7/10 handsome but skinnyfat af, is that enough?

i swear

so many chubby girls would look a hundred times better if they lifted if only a bit

just minor squats, diddies, some bench and ohp

just that

dude i'm i too am skinnyfat af and scored a OLY chick so yeah it's possible

Motherfucking asians are meme.

Aw rad. I'm guessing the gym would be the best place to look

going to let you in on a secret user
[spoiler]found her on Veeky Forums, no joke[/spoiler]
don't think that talking to random girls while working out will score you something but worth the try i guess

>women are socialized to be more social creatures in western society
Women, in every society on earth, are more social creatures.
It's nature.
Not nurture.
Lastly, basically only tomboyish and masculine women gravitate towards lifting heavy and masculine sports.
And the only people who're trying to socialize women towards that are the queer agenda who doesn't care how unhappy it makes them in the long run

The only way you're going to get women to get Veeky Forums is to hold up instathots, non-slut strippers, girls like samantha wright, and 80's era aerobic fitness girls as what it means to lift and get stronger.

Women like DLB, the average female bodybuilder, and the typical dykey geared up chicks posted in Veeky Forums girl threads make chicks turn 720 degrees and flee the weight room.

Thats gear friendo

Damn dude nice

I've never even set foot in a gym before but the thought of having a buff gf is pretty hot honestly.

[spoiler]i also let her steal my heart gainz so,
eh not too nice i spose[/spoiler]

yeah sure has it's ups, besides the body, she's pretty self confident because lifting = massive ego, so no "am i too fat?" shit

Depends on the perspective. From a male perspective they are pretty much useless. From a biological perspective, they are perfectly adapted to their role. To secure the best genes for her offspring and manipulate emotions to acquire resources

The first only results in moderate changes in performance depending on the context
DHT is important for muscular development, but does not directly affect strength of existing muscle
The third and fourth are important for very early strength gains but has a cap. So yeah, I suppose it's possible you could have someone who shows up to the gym with their noob gains already, but that's hardly benching 2 plate without training. Also, I've never heard of such a condition, but feel free to post evidence otherwise

There is this qt redhead girl I see at my gym from time to time. She is gorgeous and she has a nice athletic body with just the right amount of muscle. Every time I see her she is doing squats, lunges, deadlifts, glute bridges etc. I've only seen her do upper body lifts one time.


i took creatine 2 weeks without even lifting

now what?
inb4 dedd

>I've only seen her do upper body lifts one time.
girls should defo do more upper lifts, even compound ones

Sounds better than my current relationship. With a fat selfish cunt who wont even put out and is depressed all the time. If I don't get fucked tonight I'm breaking up with her and beginning my quest for a beefcake gf

dude, never let someone else drag you down. start lifting yourself, show her the gainz you're getting if she ain't changing, leave

If shes avoiding sex shes fucking someone else


It's not a health concern, but was a waste of money

>reeee why don't you love me unconditionally don't you know we are all perfect queens
>the only way you could possibly think this is if you're a fat forever alone virgin never touched by women
Fuckin roasties man

so i should start lifting?

The reason I haven't left yet is because [spoiler]I'm into fat chicks too and good looking ones are fucking impossible to find and I feel like it'll take forever before I have another gf to fit that criteria[/spoiler]. But honestly I'm over that now because she does nothing but annoy and piss me off now. We're going out to have a good time tonight but after that I'm thinking we're through

good luck my man
[spoiler]i'm going to go on a quest to find another Veeky Forums chick, the one i was with well is no more so yeah[/spoiler]

>is no more

Either that was worded very poorly or I feel really bad for you man

>I throw away my time money and effort on women I don't even like
>because I am so insecure that I put limits on myself and what I can do
>I date women I don't want simply for the sake of having a woman
You're real fucking pathetic man, unironically rethink your life

nah meant that we broke up my good man

women are gatekeepers of appropriate behavior because of differences in brain chemistry, not genitals.

Well that's a lot less morbid. Best of luck my guy

thanks man, you too, may you find you Veeky Forums chick too

You should start lifting no matter what

i'm scared user, 2 months ago i signed up for the gym and haven't been since, haven't gotten my membership card either what do i say
>hey user says here you haven't been to the gym since your signing up

What? That you're a faggot?

No, they think they are because lefties have given them that role within the last 60 years. I'm telling them, and you, to fuck off

Assuming it's a chain gym, nobody but the PTs even lift. Nobody gives a fuck. Just go do fucking do it

t-thanks user it is a chain

No they shouldn't.

why not, works for not having too flabby boobs

Push Hard Doggo

[spoiler] I've also had a lot of fibre today, so my constipation should end [/spoiler]

One more thing, if they talk you into signing up for lessons, make sure they know you want to do free weight barbell lifts so you can learn the proper form. No sense in wasting money having someone baby sit you on the machines or dumbell exercises.

not really
if they wanted non flabby boobs then they shouldn't wear a bra or have worn a bra in their adolescence.

told them when i signed up that i'm only gonna use the free weight section, the guy i was talking to, PT, didn't even know SS or SL

also, flabby breasts can be mitigated with strong chest muscles