Friday Night Veeky Forums Feels

I've opened a bottle of Sam Adams, let's hang out.

How was your workout today?

Got any plans for the weekend?

Got any feels to get off your chest?

Other urls found in this thread:

I feel like shit guy
i just cheated on my gf. being a sick cunts not fun

What lead up to this point?

workout was ok, been chasing a pump lately to change things up a bit from standard pl training. was fun for a bit but now it's getting boring.

she had an asthma attack recently and it got me stressed out.
my friend had a party and i'd thought id unwind but then there were this 10/10 sloot who i told i had a gf and she said she had a bf and my dick though "well if were both being shit heads who care" and i did it with this bitch and now i'm at home thinking about weather i should say anything or not and i kinda want to drink my pain away

Glad I'm not the only one who feels disgusting after sleeping around. Probably can't offer any useful advice though sorry

what worse was i was a virgin and she still is

lifts been okay
started at a new gym

i'm currently torn between working more (build my resume and get a bit more money) or not


Get off this board, you literal child. Can't stand twats like you.

fuck you i can squat what you deadlift
but on a serious note stress does shit to you. when i saw my gf collapse i thought she straight up died

And that's why you cheated on her?

Face it. You're a fucking twat.

You're going to have to fucking tell her you complete and utter mong!

She was the one who had the asthma attack and its stressed YOU out?? Oh poor you, and your wittle fee fees. So after your gf had this asthma attack you decided to be there for her by putting your dick into some unfaithful slut?

YOU'RE GARBAGE. You have no pain, she is the one with pain. Fucking tell her you gigantic bellend.


green text?


I wish there was some way I could contact her to tell her, you absolute nasty person.

guys come on
we always preached about banging bitches left and right and i was the one who tried it and now i feel bad
brb going to liquor store


>that boy who still feels

Workout was good, thanks for asking man! PR'd at 240x4 bench press, which I'm super stoked about. Also got some new track pants, which I am equally stoked about.

Tonight I'm having a few brews, but tomorrow am gonna go ham at this uni-run music festival.

I fucked up by breaking up with my long-term, long-distance relationship before coming here.

couldn't go to gym so i did a body weight routine
dick head

My workout was inexistent today, drove my brother to the bus station, it's a bit far away, and after running some errands I was left with no time to gym, as I work after. I had little sleep so it would have been a shitty workout anyways. Rest of the week pretty good, raising the weights I lift.

Also, I'm done with my gym's tard trainer, going to hop onto ICF5x5 this Monday, can't wait.

As per plans, today one of my neighbors/friends is celebrating his bday with ribs n beer and basically a cheat night.
Tomorrow I'll meet with mother and sister, going to get me a nice suit for my brother's graduation. More drinking at night because Canelo's fight and because Mexican holiday.
Sunday I'll go to the aquarium with my gf, then I'll fuck her while training her asshole with these lovely pink beads she loves so much.

Somewhere in between I'll work on my thesis so I can finally finish college. And think of new products to design for work. All in all, feelin' fine.

Fapped 3 times today and I'm feeling guilty, I don't know what came over me.

What about you, OP?

Nigga you fuck bitches and shit when NOT in a relationship, specially not one where she's as emotionally involved as I feel she is.
You are a bad person, and should make amends asap.

Don't tell you her, you mong. You're only human. Just don't do it AGAIN. That's not an excuse; decent people learn from their mistakes.

There's a reason why
>tfw no gf
is a thing. It's the commitment we can't do

Just took a hit of acid boys, AMA about to go into the next dimension

do you have pot on hand? i cant trip without pot. it makes it so much more fun.

Ran 5k in 26 minutes today which is a huge improvement from 34 minutes when I first started jogging a few months ago
Going to boot camp next year for the Navy since I hate uni so at least I have something to look forward to

Now I just have to find a girl to talk to me

How's your chest looking?

Check'd. Mind giving me an honest opinion on current body as you're tripping balls? 6'1" 195lbs 3 weeks SS. Also, enjoy your trip!

join a church and immediately confess to your gf with complete deliberation user

Men "cheating" on women is completely natural and fine. Women cheating means they are sluts.

And I'm dead serious.

Thread theme

>How was your work
About to hit the gym. ever since going on a cut my squats felt like shit

>plans for the weekend
i got 3 interview lined up this week so at least im making some life gains but still no gf and friends

>Got any feels to get off your chest
i wish i was working back at that grocery store. even though the pay wasnt good the people there were cool. working in a office is boring af

u dont get an ama

what are you going to watch

don't enjoy the dude lmao


what's done is done you'll only cause her pain OP

this is a learning experience for you. that shitty feeling? your burden. stay faithful and never feel it again

>Well if we're both being shit heads who cares
Also, only tell her if there's a chance she will find out. If she wont find out otherwise then you're just hurting her but if she will find out without you telling her then you better be the person she hears it from.

Looking good mate, cut some weight, work arms more and you will be beating the ladies off with a stick.

i was gonna cheat day tomorrow and go to the local diner and get a malt shake and a cheeseburger but tonight i got drunk and just hounded some fajitas and half a pint of halo top.

should i do it anyway?

omg literally just fucking kys

they were both virgins and this asshole just cheats on her because HE was stressed out that SHE fucking collapsed. WHAT THE FUCK

She has a right to know and to save her virginity for some other guy who will treat her right. You see guys like this is what turns girls into complete sluts. She will find out later that he cheated on her, maybe after she gives her virginity to him and then it will become a shitty experience and she will just assume all men are the same and do the same thing all other whores do.

You men are the problem. Gas yourselves.

Probably go for a nature walk with some friends soon.

What is this nu-male crap?

What the fuck has this board turned into? Reddit?

You guys are pathetic white knight nu-male idiots and you should feel ashamed of yourselves.

That guy just fucked a random slut. SO FUCKING WHAT. He is a man. He has the dick, he is the leader of society. He can do whatever he wants to do. Atleast thats what happens on the land where I come from. And guess what. We don't have all that feminazi anti-patriarchy shit you got into your cucksheds called "Western Europe" and "USA"

Whats next? Veeky Forumsizens start supporting womyn rights?

Thanks m8
Popeyemode time

This is why you're a manlet and you'll never make it. You might deny this, and reply about how much of a chad you are. But you have no gf and no life.

Chill out faggot. Telling her is only going to make her feel like shit. She isn't going to come running into your arms and offer herself to you. You are the one who needs to kill himself. Op just needs to dump the prude so he can bang sluts with a clean conscience. Plus there's no point to being with chicks who have asthma. You just end up with kids who are wheezy little faggots.

Gas the kikes! Race war now!

alright cheating user here
got some bacardi here
so apparently there is a divide between telling her or not so i'll just keep it hush hush
she had other boyfriends so i might be stretching by saying i have a pass.
i'll make it up to her by planning a trip to somewhere

Would you cheat on your feeble, asthma-ridden girlfriend? Or would you go over to her house, push her up against the wall and fuck her until she gets better?

Like fucking ass. Chestgap for goddamn days.

Nah dude, you gotta dump her. Definitely don't tell her, but you gotta end it. You will puss out and tell her. I can tell, because you seem like a soppy vagina. Dump her, bang sluts, race war now.

>I just fucked a slut
>Woah I'll get drunk and try to forget

Man I swear..that estrogen in water has pussyfied men

I would stick my dick down her throat while she is gasping for air for ultimate suction.

Acid bro here, can you degenerates cool it for a second reading this shit is harshing my high. ;)

Acid is fun. It's like really strong magic mushrooms without any of the wanting to puke.

if i forget like here thinks then i won't need to worry

just for you user

Cuck/humiliation fetish. I'm already in love with this girl. How do I pull this broad?

>started doing mma club at uni
>started giving eye contact with girls as I walk by
>been getting smiles back
>getting close to my goal body from the beginning
>need more biceps still but I have my routine down

As much as I can get into depression ruts, I think I'm going to make it.

I wish you boys way more than luck and I will always be here when it gets shit. No homo

I can see it from her point of view. If some guy I was with act like how this fucktard acted I would want to fucking know so I could get the fuck out of there. Yeah I might feel like shit for a day but then I'll fucking be so fucking thankful I didn't fuck this arsehole. Are you kidding me. He's going to ruin her if he stays with her.


Thanks dude, thats cool as fuck

But you won't, and she will probably find out anyway. So you can break up with her now, or wait until she breaks up with you. At least if you do it now, when her and her friends find out her friends won't think you're a scumbag for cheating on her, staying with her, and not telling her. You might be able to bang some of them. Plus you won't have to wait as long to try and bang some of them. Let's face it, if this girl really meant anything to you, you wouldn't have fucked some slut while your missus was at home wheezing for air. I'm not saying you shouldn't have done it, but at least be a man and do half the right thing...

I was thinking about the first time I did acid the other night. It really was one of the most magical and eye opening experiences of my life. Sometimes when everything is really still and quiet I can almost put myself back in my friends apartment, smoking cigs non-stop, seeing the world like we were literally children again. To have that kind of amazement and bewilderment of the simplest little things for the first first time all over again, like someone pulled the veil from over your eyes and you were seeing it all fresh. It was a new perspective. It felt like I was falling in love. Just the three of us, tripping balls and drawing pictures for each other, and then walking around on our citys streets at like 4 am, then sitting on the parking garage and watching the world slowly wake up and come to life. Fuck me. It almost makes me sad. I wish I could experience something like that again.

It's never the same as your first time. Thanks for reading my blog post. I'm a little drunk.

sorry bro

Fall out of love. RIGHT NOW! Run as fast as you can.

She will only fuck you up mentally (and maybe literally)

christ mate don't be such a pussy about it. you got some cunt good for you. i cheat on my girlfriends relentlessly. get as much as you can lad cause one day nobodys gonna wanna fuck you and all you'll have left is the highlight reel from your younger days.

This is why men shouldn't take estrogen. Seriously dude, just settle for being a femboy or trap. You don't have to take it all the way...

why is this board full of absolute trash

I remember my first time. I was fucked out of my mind, 13 years old, and the cops showed up while we were drinking and smoking hash joints in a park. We ended up hopping fences and I gouged my leg on a chain link fence. I was bleeding like crazy, but I didn't mind. After we lost the cops we hung out at the edge of a wheat field and watched it sway back and forth. It was a magical evening.

i'll tell her that her attack scared me and how i might not be ready for something this stressful or something



My college's mma club folded after my freshman year. I miss it a lot

>How was your workout today?
Great, think I'm finally breaking through a deadlift plateau

>Got any plans for the weekend?
Going on a 5k run with gf

>Got any feels to get off your chest?
The sound of silence that is living on your own has started to bother me. If there isn't any background noise or music, I start to panic internally

Come on bro. You think I can't handle a little narcissist/psychopath. My mothers a sociopath and look how i turned out

I did acid like 10 times this summer. i always laugh at faggots who think they had an epiphany and "now understand" the universe.
you were on drugs
but the beach is fucking magical when youre tripping desu

Naw don't do that. She will think it's her fault and beg you not to. Tell her you want freedom to do what you like and you just aren't very into her. Let's face it, you don't have the right to make her feel this is her fault. Unless she's Jewish. If she is Jewish, cheat on her a few more times and take her virginity before you tell her about all the girls you fucked.

Just kidding, never fuck a Jew. Or a nigress.

You will do to yourself more harm than good.
Whats even the point of trying to save her?
She is a lost case. She will probably go fuck strangers and tell you about it.

There are literally million girls out there. Try to find a normal one.

>normal one

Found the virgin

Hey you DYEL faggots, post your friday night song.

song always at 1.25 to increase power.

But I'm fucked up too user.

fuck that's brutal

just got a girlfriend
good job you fucking idiot

I don't know why, but it's my favourite song to put on when I start to party. Not even my kind of music.

I am smoking weed and eating butternut squash and playing Eternal / Div: OS2, and trying to keep myself distracted from dwelling on my oneitis while drowning in the misery that is sapience. At least my lifts are going up!

Hey nigger, shut everything off and just listen to this. Pitch black. Good luck.

Broke my arm in a fight i had
will green text of you care
pic is for you

Literally that's not what I said you braindead moron. Go fuck yourself.

Okay then, have fun listening to her how she swallowed some random guy's sperm last night.

Well, all women are stupid, selfish etc, but I doubt all of them have cuckold fantasies

If you feel disgusted because he feels bad, go ahead and greentext.

If you feel disgusted because he cheated, no one wants to hear about you saved some poor maiden from her evil white oppressor boyfriend and didn't get laid...

You win the fight at least?

this is my third week of taking shit serious, been walking for about 45 minutes now, at 3.5 random hill. started slow and built up from 25 minutes to 45 minutes. im gonna keep this up until I lose enough weight where it wont effect my shins, knees from running. started at 238 down to 230.

this weekend? nothing planned. going out with my son to the parks, maybe treating him to chuck e cheese.

feels? wish i had a womans touch desu.

They are all retarded in their own special way, unlike us men who are generally retarded in only 6 or 7 different ways as a group.

you need to go back to your containment board

Enjoy your time at Hogwarts, virgin bitch.

I stopped going to Veeky Forums when people on there stopped cooking.

>girl in the office
>been hanging out for almost a year now
>know about each other
>late night texts
>travel together, sometimes just us, sometimes with her friends
>she's just way too sweet and kind to everyone
>would just ask me to sometimes walk around the office area together
>last week we did just that, when she was about to go up (I was about to leave), I almost confessed
>opened the elevator 3 times
>all I could let out was a sigh
I'm 24, she's 30, she's also never been in a relationship ever. She does charity work and all that fancy shit while I do fuck all and only worry about myself.
Fuck it brehs. Feelings suck dick.

its gonna start increasing exponentially until you see yourself transformed. of course itll level off at some point but youll already be a sexy hunk of many by then. enjoy your lean gainz sir.

I didn't read your story, but one thing is for sure, if you actually regret what you did and vow to never do it again, and if you actually want to stay with your girl, do not tell her about it.
If you tell her about it, that shadow over her doubting anything you do or say will never disappear.

fucking estrogen...